Move the whole joomla site to a different directoy/subdomain - joomla

I am currently developing a joomla 1.5 based site in a temp subdomain (which points to a subfolder on ther sever where all joomla stuff is installed). Currently I am using plugins joomgallery an kunene 1.0.9 (legacy mode).
Once the development is done I would like to move the whole site into the root directory and delete the whole subdomain. How would this ideally be done? Can I just move the files or is there more to it? Any common pitfalls to watch out for? E.g. Are there absolute paths referenced somehwere?

In your configuration.php file, the base path might be defined, something like this:
var $live_site = '';
...though I think by default now, it automatically detects this value for you.
Check in the configuration of your custom components to see if they have got the paths "hardcoded" in there too.
Another thing you could do is set up a .htaccess file with some RewriteRules so that any call to gets redirected to

There is a free Joomla! extension for this called Joomlapack. Just make a backup with Joomlapack, move the backup files that was created to the new site/folder and run the script that also was created in the backup. Done!
Joomlapack makes a complete backup on both the DB and site files so you can move your site anywhere if you wanted. Joomlapack can be found here:

Make sure to edit your configuration.php file as per these instructions.


Transfer Joomla subdirectory subdomain to Root without changing database

I have a Joomla 2.5 development website It is ready to migrate and replace the old site in root folder. Someone suggested to zip the entire subdirectory, delete the root joomla files, extract subdirectory files to root then edit the configuration php.
But how about the database? Do I need to change anything? If not, does that mean both dev and live will be linking to the same database? Will that cause a problem?
The physical location of the files in your web space is independent from the connection to the database so you can move the files to another folder and Joomla will usually work just fine.
It's possible that the development and live website point to the same database but this would not be the best way to create a new development website unless they use different prefixes. You can see which database Joomla is connecting to in Global Configuration > Server or in the configuration.php file.
You will also need to update the paths to the tmp and logs folders in Global Configuration.
You may need to update the $live_site parameter in the configuration.php file if it has been specified.
You may also need to update the .htaccess file in case any absolute or relative paths are specified in there.
When I make a development website live, I usually copy all the files and folders in the root of the website (except the /dev folder) to /old and then move everything from /dev to the root folder. You then have the old website available if needed for a while.
If you move your site from the /dev/ folder to the root folder, you don't have to change the settings for your database. The database connection will still work just fine.
I would, however, suggest to remove the files from the /dev/ folder once you're done to avoid a penalty for duplicate content. :)

What is robots.txt.dist used for?

In Joomla (CMS) the installation comes with a file called "robots.txt.dist". I know what robots.txt is used for, but don't know why a .dist version would exist. The install comes with a normal robots.txt which to me seems that makes the other file not needed.
.dist files are usually just an example file to get you going but aren't intended to be used as the real thing.
.dist means distribution. It's just sample of robots.txt. Normally, you should do mv robots.txt.dist robots.txt to set default robots.txt file, to make your website more search engines friendly. But text dist were added to not overwrite your current robots.txt.

Move source code files to CodeIgniter folders

I am starting to work on some incomplete stuff in codeigniter. I had to install codeigniter on my machine. I have the source code files from the previous work, however I am confused how to move these files to CodeIgniter folder to access them as usual and start working on them.
I am not sure which files go to which folder in the CodeIgniter Folders available when downloaded.
Download and install Codeigniter on your machine first. Check out in which folders the controllers/models/views/configs reside.
Then you will have an idea which files reside where, if you still have some problems take a peek in the documentation.
CodeIgniter have and system a application folder.
I'd recommend a new download.
I doubt some change was made on system folder, so I think you can ignore it from your project and use the new downloaded one
The project is on the application and there you have some folders, as mentioned by gopi1410, that you need to take care, maybe there are libraries, models, controllers, configurations files, autoload, etc.
And tell us what it the version of you application. If it is a old version, there will be some problem using the new version system folder.

codeigniter installation - location of the system and application folders

fellow codeigniters, I’m moving my local ci site onto a media temple server and I’m having a problem with the location of the system and application folders.
the structure of the server is as follows:
html is the root of my domain. i.e this is where i’d go when i access
I placed the ci system folder (ci_system) under domains.
since the html folder is being used by a few ‘under construction’ files, I created a subfolder called ‘mysiteapp’ under html and placed my application folder, idex.php, css, js folders there.
so it looks like this:
I edited the index.php file so that $system_folder = “../../../ci_system”;
the problem is, when I access the site, i get a php error:
Warning: require(../../../ci_system/application/config/constants.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /nfs/c08/h04/mnt/xxxxxx/domains/ci_system/codeigniter/CodeIgniter.php on line 52
so it looks like the ci_system folder is being located however CI is still trying to locate the application folder off of the ci_system folder.
I have tried specifying the full path the the application folder but it still tries to concatenate the 2 together.
I have not done many ci installations and my local one was done months ago and i don’t remember it being a pain. so I’m not sure where to look to fix this problem.
hope someone can help.
Ok So the index.php file does have the $application_folder var which can be set and pointed towards the application dir. Could you be kind enough to share the index.php file? You may have to set both up .. i.e the system folder path and the application folder path.
And the only problem I noticed with your system path is that its relative when the CI doc states that you have to use full server paths...
It is possible to move your application folder to a different location
on your server than your system folder. To do so open your main
index.php and set a full server path in the $application_folder
$application_folder = "/Path/to/your/application";
If you do want a quick fix, and have shell access, create a sym link, that should fix it quickly, but its just cutting around the corner.
What is inside your ci_system directory? Do you see directories like core, database, libraries etc.?
According to your warning message, you have codeigniter in /domains/ci_system/codeigniter, or you have wrong settings in your index.php.

Linking files one solution to another solution is not working-- MVC3

I am working on ASP.MVC3 project. I created a base project where I will have all common files / pages like Master Page, Global.asax, Web.Config, Script files, CSS files, and images. And I have another solution which will contain module related stuff and I am linking common files / pages from first solution with “Add As Link” (Add  Existing Item  Add As Link ) option (I am working with 2010 IDE).
After linking all the files are coming into second solution and looking fine.
But when I run, the application is not running. Getting the message enable debut which already there.
when i clilck OK i am getting the error “the operation could not be completed. Unexpected error” (i think its expecting the physical file in the second solution location only).
After some R & D I placed the web config and global.asax directly (which is normal) in the second solution then the application started running. The same case for images / css / script files.
Please let us know the issue what we are doing wrong or is there any other way to share/link files from another solution.
Thanks in Advance.
You're probably better off doing it the other way around - create a website project and link your libraries / base classes to your project by adding a reference to them. This way you add all your images, css files etc direct into the website.
That's the more usual way of doing it in my experience, hope it helps.
The reason it doesn't work is because the linked files aren't copied to your working directory. To make your solution work you simply publish it to some other folder and it would re-create the site with copies of all linked files. There's no need to re-organize your solution as it would deploy all linked files once you publish it.
