Iteration in bash is not working - bash

I am trying to run the next code on bash. It is suppose to work but it does not.
Can you help me to fix it? I am starting with programming.
The code is this:
for i in {1:5}
cd path-to-folder-number/"$i"0/
echo path-to-folder-number/"$i"0/
I want to iterate over folders which have numbers (10,20..50), and so it changes directory from "path-to-folder-number/10/" to "path-to-folder-number/20/" ..etc
I replace : with .. but it is not working yet. When the script is applied i get:
can't cd to path-to-folder-number/{1..5}0/

I think there are three problems here: you're using the wrong shell, the wrong syntax for a range, and if you solved those problems you may also have trouble with successive cds not doing what you want.
The shell problem is that you're running the script with sh instead of bash. On some systems sh is actually bash (but running in POSIX compatibility mode, with some advanced features turned off), but I think on your system it's a more basic shell that doesn't have any of the bash extensions.
The best way to control which shell a script runs with is to add a "shebang" line at the beginning that says what interpreter to run it with. For bash, that'd be either #!/bin/bash or #!/usr/bin/env bash. Then run the script by either placing it in a directory that's in your $PATH, or explicitly giving the path to the script (e.g. with ./scriptname if you're in the same directory it's in). Do not run it with sh scriptname, because that'll override the shebang and use the basic shell, and it won't work.
(BTW, the name "shebang" comes from the "#!" characters the line starts with -- the "#" character is sometimes called "sharp", and "!" is sometimes called "bang", so it's "sharp-bang", which gets abbreviated to "shebang".)
In bash, the correct syntax for a range in a brace expansion is {1..5}, not {1:5}. Note that brace expansions are a bash extension, which is why getting the right shell matters.
Finally, a problem you haven't actually run into yet, but may when you get the first two problems fixed: you cd to path-to-folder-number/10/, and then path-to-folder-number/20/, etc. You are not cding back to the original directory in between, so if the path-to-folder-number is relative (i.e. doesn't start with "/"), it's going to try to cd to path-to-folder-number/10/path-to-folder-number/20/path-to-folder-number/30/path-to-folder-number/40/path-to-folder-number/50/.
IMO using cd in scripts is generally a bad idea, because there are a number of things that can go wrong. It's easy to lose track of where the script is going to be at which point. If any cd fails for any reason, then the rest of the script will be running in the wrong place. And if you have any files specified by relative paths, those paths become invalid as soon as you cd someplace other than the original directory.
It's much less fragile to just use explicit paths to refer to file locations within the script. So, for example, instead of cd "path-to-folder-number/${i}0/"; ls, use ls "path-to-folder-number/${i}0/".

For up ranges the syntax is:
for i in {1..5}
cd path-to-folder-number/"$i"0/
echo $i
So replace the : with ..

To get exactly what you want you can use this:
for i in 10 {20..50}
echo $i

You can also use seq :
for i in $(seq 10 10 50); do
cd path-to-folder-number/$i/
echo path-to-folder-number/$i/


Bash script ignores positional arguments after first time used

I noticed that my script was ignoring my positional arguments in old terminal tabs, but working on recently created ones, so I decided to reduce it to the following:
while getopts 't:' c
case $c in
echo $TAG
And running the script I have:
~ source my_script
~ source my_script -t "test2"
~ source my_script -t "test2"
I thought it could be that c was an special used variable elsewhere but after changing it to other names I had the exact same problem. I also tried adding a .sh extension to the file to see it that was a problem, but nothing worked.
Am I doing something wrong ? And why does it work the first time, but not the subsequent attempts ?
I am on MacOS and I use zsh.
Thank you very much.
The problem is that you're using source to run the script (the . command does the same thing). This makes it run in your current (interactive) shell (rather than a subprocess, like scripts normally do). This means it uses the same variables as the current shell, which is necessary if you want it to change those variables, but it can also have weird effects if you're not careful.
In this case, the problem is that getopts uses the variable OPTIND to keep track of where it is in the argument list (so it doesn't process the same argument twice). The first time you run the script with -t test2, getopts processes those arguments, and leaves OPTIND set to 3 (meaning that it's already done the first two arguments, "-t" and "test2". The second time you run it with options, it sees that OPTIND is set to 3, so it thinks it's already processed both arguments and just exits the loop.
One option is to add unset OPTIND before the while getopts loop, to reset the count and make it start from the beginning each time.
But unless there's some reason for this script to run in the current shell, it'd be better to make it a standard shell script and have it run as a subprocess. To do this:
Add a "shebang" line as the first line of the script. To make the script run in bash, that'd be either #!/bin/bash or #!/usr/bin/env bash. For zsh, use #!/bin/zsh or #!/usr/bin/env zsh. Since the script runs in a separate shell process, the you can run bash scripts from zsh or zsh scripts from bash, or whatever.
Add execute permission to the script file with chmod -x my_script (or whatever the file's actual name is).
Run the script with ./my_script (note the lack of a space between . and /), or by giving the full path to the script, or by putting the script in some directory in your PATH (the directories that're automatically searched for commands) and just running my_script. Do NOT run it with the bash, sh, zsh etc commands; these override the shebang and therefore can cause confusion.
Note: adding ".sh" to the filename is not recommended; it does nothing useful, and makes the script less convenient to run since you have to type in the extension every time you run it.
Also, a couple of recommendations: there are a bunch of all-caps variable names with special meanings (like PATH and OPTIND), so unless you want one of those special meanings, it's best to use lower- or mixed-case variable names (e.g. tag instead of TAG). Also, double-quoting variable references (e.g. echo "$tag" instead of echo $tag) avoids a lot of weird parsing headaches. Run your scripts through; it's good at spotting common mistakes like this.

Change vim's working directory with DIRSTACK

I make heavy use of the DIRSTACK environment array in bash and often change directories with builtins like cd ~2 or cd ~4
How can I configure vim to utilize this functionality? I'd like to be able to change vim's working directory like I do in bash. I see that commands are ran in a subshell so just using !cd doesn't work.
Part of the problem is that bash does not actually export DIRSTACK. A second problem is that I cannot find any way to export array shell variables. A third problem is that Vim does not seem to know the array variable syntax.
However, I just found a way to get around all this using a shell alias. This is not an elegant solution, but I tested it and it successfully exposes DIRSTACK to the Vim instance called via the alias:
alias dirsvim='env D0=${DIRSTACK[0]} D1=${DIRSTACK[1]} D2=${DIRSTACK[2]} D3=${DIRSTACK[3]} vim'
You can extend this to the number of directories you want to support from DIRSTACK.
In Vim, you can then do :cd $D1 to cd to the second directory in DIRSTACK.
If DIRSTACK has two directories, $D2 and $D3 are empty strings. This is not super friendly, because cd $D3 will give you an error message, but it's not too bad since it just stays in the directory where it was.

Why does this script work in the current directory but fail when placed in the path?

I wish to replace my failing memory with a very small shell script.
if ! [ –a $1.sav ]; then
mv $1 $1.sav
cp $1.sav $1
nano $1
is intended to save the original version of a script. If the original has been preserved before, it skips the move-and-copy-back (and I use move-and-copy-back to preserve the original timestamp).
This works as intended if, after I make it executable with chmod I launch it from within the directory where I am editing, e.g. with
./ filename
However, when I move it into /usr/bin and then I try to run it in a different directory (without the leading ./) it fails with:
*-bash: /usr/bin/ /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Text file busy*
My question is, when I move this script into the path (verified by echo $PATH) why does it then fail?
D'oh? Inquiring minds want to know how to make this work.
The . command is not normally used to run standalone scripts, and that seems to be what is confusing you. . is more typically used interactively to add new bindings to your environment (e.g. defining shell functions). It is also used to similar effect within scripts (e.g. to load a script "library").
Once you mark the script executable (per the comments on your question), you should be able to run it equally well from the current directory (e.g. ./ filename) or from wherever it is in the path (e.g. filename).
You may want to remove .sh from the name, to fit with the usual conventions of command names.
BTW: I note that you mistakenly capitalize If in the script.
The error bad interpreter: Text file busy occurs if the script is open for write (see this SE question and this SF question). Make sure you don't have it open (e.g. in a editor) when attempting to run it.

Understanding script language

I'm a newbie to scripting languages trying to learn bash programming.
I have very basic question. Suppose I want to create three folders like $HOME/folder/
with two child folders folder1 and folder2.
If I execute command in shell like
mkdir -p $HOME/folder/{folder1,folder2}
folder will be created along with child folder.
If the same thing is executed through script I'm not able get expected result. If contains
mkdir -p $HOME/folder/{folder1,folder2}
and I execute sh ./, the first folder will be created then in that a single {folder1,folder2} directory is created. The separate child folders are not created.
My query is
How the script file works when we compared to as terminal command? i.e., why is it not the same?
How to make it work?
bash behaves differently when invoked as sh, to more closely mimic the POSIX standard. One of the things that changes is that brace expansion (which is absent from POSIX) is no longer recognized. You have several options:
Run your script using bash ./ This ignores the hashbang and explicitly uses bash to run the script.
Change the hashbang to read #!/bin/bash, which allows you to run the script by itself (assuming you set its execute bit with chmod +x
Note that running it as sh ./ would still fail, since the hashbang is only used when running the file itself as the executable.
Don't use brace expansion in your script. You could still use as a longer method for avoiding duplicate code:
for d in folder1 folder2; do
mkdir -p "$HOME/folder/$d"
Brace expansion doesn't happen in sh.
In sh:
$ echo {1,2}
In bash:
$ echo {1,2}
1 2
Execute your script using bash instead of using sh and you should see expected results.
This is probably happening because while your tags indicate you think you are using Bash, you may not be. This is because of the very first line:
That says "use the system default shell." That may not be bash. Try this instead:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
Oh, and note that you were missing the ! after #. I'm not sure if that's just a copy-paste error here, but you need the !.

In bash2, how do I find the name of a script being sourced?

Here's my situation:
I have multiple versions of a script in source code control where the name differs by a path name component (ex: scc/project/1.0/script and scc/project/1.1/script). In another directory, there is a symlink to one of these scripts. The symlink name is not related to the script name, and in some cases may change periodically. That symlink, in turn, is sourced by bash using the '.' command.
What I need to know: how do I determine the directory of the referenced script, on a 10 year-old system with Bash 2 and Perl 5.5? For various reasons, the system must be used, and it cannot be upgraded.
In Bash 3 or above, I use this:
dir=`perl -MCwd=realpath -MFile::Basename 'print dirname(realpath($ARGV[0]))' ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} $0`
Apologies for the Perl one-liner - this was originally a pure-Perl project with a very small amount of shell script glue.
I've been able to work around the fact that the ancient Perl I am using doesn't export "realpath" from Cwd, but unfortunately, Bash 2.03.01 doesn't provide BASH_SOURCE, or anything like it that I've been able to find. As a workaround, I'm providing the path information in a text file that I change manually when I switch branches, but I'd really like to make this figure out which branch I'm using on its own.
I apologize - apparently, the question as asked is not clear. I don't know in every case what the name of the symlink will be - that's what I'm trying to find out at run time. The script is occasionally executed via the symlink directly, but most often the link is the argument to a "." command running in another script.
Also, $0 is not set appropriately when the script is sourced via ".", which is the entire problem I'm trying to solve. I apologize for bluntness, but no solution that depends entirely upon $0 being set is correct. In the Perl one-liner, I use both BASH_SOURCE and $0 (BASH_SOURCE is only set when the script is sourced via ".", so the one-liner only uses $0 when it's not sourced).
Try using $0 instead of ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}. (No promises; I don't have a bash 2 around.)
$0 has the name of the program/script you are executing.
Is stat ok? something like
stat -c %N $file
bash's cd and pwd builtins have a -P option to resolve symlinks, so:
dir=$(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$0")" && pwd -P)
works with bash 2.03
I managed to get information about the porcess sourcing my script using this command:
ps -ef | grep $$
This is not perfect but tells your which is the to process invoking your script. It migth be possible with some formating to determine the exact source.
