Why does this script work in the current directory but fail when placed in the path? - bash

I wish to replace my failing memory with a very small shell script.
if ! [ –a $1.sav ]; then
mv $1 $1.sav
cp $1.sav $1
nano $1
is intended to save the original version of a script. If the original has been preserved before, it skips the move-and-copy-back (and I use move-and-copy-back to preserve the original timestamp).
This works as intended if, after I make it executable with chmod I launch it from within the directory where I am editing, e.g. with
./safe.sh filename
However, when I move it into /usr/bin and then I try to run it in a different directory (without the leading ./) it fails with:
*-bash: /usr/bin/safe.sh: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Text file busy*
My question is, when I move this script into the path (verified by echo $PATH) why does it then fail?
D'oh? Inquiring minds want to know how to make this work.

The . command is not normally used to run standalone scripts, and that seems to be what is confusing you. . is more typically used interactively to add new bindings to your environment (e.g. defining shell functions). It is also used to similar effect within scripts (e.g. to load a script "library").
Once you mark the script executable (per the comments on your question), you should be able to run it equally well from the current directory (e.g. ./safe.sh filename) or from wherever it is in the path (e.g. safe.sh filename).
You may want to remove .sh from the name, to fit with the usual conventions of command names.
BTW: I note that you mistakenly capitalize If in the script.

The error bad interpreter: Text file busy occurs if the script is open for write (see this SE question and this SF question). Make sure you don't have it open (e.g. in a editor) when attempting to run it.


How to make a bash command executable from any directory in Windows?

I have made a few bash scripts that I have saved to individual folders. I have Windows 10. The scripts have functions that executes commands in bash. I am now able to execute these .sh scripts from any directory, since I have added the folders they are saved in to the path variable. But I want to make it even easier for me, and be able to only have to type the function in the bash console to execute the command.
This is an example of one of the scripts. It is saved as file_lister.sh. I am able to run this by typing "file_lister.sh" but I want to run it by only typing the function name in the script, which is "list_files". How do I do this? Thanks in advance.
function list_files(){
cp C:/Users/jmell/OneDrive/projects/file_lister/file_lister.py file_lister.py
python file_lister.py
if [ $cwd != "/c/Users/jmell/OneDrive/projects/file_lister" ]
rm file_lister.py
Unless you source all of your scripts (e.g. in your .bashrc file), the functions won't be defined. However, your function is doing a lot of extra work that it really shouldn't be. The example script can be reduced to
python C:/Users/jmell/OneDrive/projects/file_lister/file_lister.py
Better, yet, keep in mind that the shebang line is read and stripped off by the shell. It specifies the interpreter to use. Instead of creating a wrapper script, add the following line to file_lister.py:
At that point, I'd also recommend renaming file_lister.py to just file_lister.

Running executables without ./ or bash or source

I am learning the basics of bash and linux. To execute a script, I could type...
bash script1
source script1
The first two will run without chmod u+x and the last one requires it.
From my understanding, bash tries to run things in a subshell so it doesn't mess things up. When I add bash before the filename, it's executed in a subshell. source is just a way of telling the computer to run it in the current shell. I'm not sure why these don't require the execute permission though.
./ is pretty straightforward. However, I've seen people run scripts without the ./. One told me I could do this by doing something with PATH. I completely don't understand this PATH thing.
Can someone explain in the easiest way possible?
bash script1
you are executing bash (the one that needs execution permission) to read and process script1 (which needs read permission).
source script1
you are telling the current bash to read the file and process it as if it were typed on the current shell, so the current bash reads the script (read permission) and executes every line.
Finally, on
you are telling bash to try to run a file called ./script1, so it checks if it is executable (execute permission on ./script1) and passes this file to the kernel to be executed. The kernel opens the file and acts as needed (if it have a shebang line, it uses whatever is given, if it finds it is an ELF object, it prepares the binary in memory...).
Regarding PATH, check some documentation and come back with specific doubts, if any.
PATH is environmental variable. It is a list containing all directories that will be searched when you issue a command. So if your PATH is defined as PATH=/bin:/usr/bin these two dirs will be searched, if you redefine it as export PATH=./:$PATH it will also add current directory to search list.

Shell Command For File To Delete Itself

I want to make a file that runs a script, then deletes itself. I know that its root would most likely be "~/Library/Downloads/filename.app". How would I go about having it self destruct? I'm working in script editor.
I'm not sure if I understand correctly as shell script would traditionally have .sh suffix instead of .app one (if any) and I'm not familiar with anything that I'd call "script editor", but alas here's my solution.
If you are in bash environment, you can make use of the BASH_SOURCE array. Provided that you didn't change the current working directory, you can directly call
rm "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"
(or just rm "$BASH_SOURCE").
If you are using cd or make larger script, it might be advisable to save fully resolved path to the script at the beginning and remove that file at the end (not somewhere in the middle as running bash scripts are NOT independent on their source files*) like so:
self=$(realpath "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")
# code so ugly I want to delete it when I'm done
rm "$self"
*Edit shell script while it's running

How to run shell script by including "cd" command in ubuntu?

I am trying to execute a shell script for automating the process rather than manually running the python script. But i am getting the error folder not found.
cd /home/gaurav/AndroPyTool
export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/android-sdk-linux/
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
source ~/.bashrc
source droidbox_env/bin/activate
alias mycd='cd /home/gaurav/AndroPyTool/test'
python androPyTool.py -all -csv EXPORTCSV.csv -s mycd
>>>> AndroPyTool -- STEP 1: Filtering apks
Folder not found!
This is the error i am getting because the script is not able to find the path that i have provided above.
The part after "-s" in the code represents the folder path where the file stored.
The issue here is that you are not passing the path to the python program. The python program is not aware of bash aliases and bash will only expand aliases when it is interpreting the token as a command.
When bash reads python androPyTool.py -all -csv EXPORTCSV.csv -s mycd It interprets python as the command and all other space separated tokens are arguments that will be passed into python. Python then invokes androPyTool.py and passes the subsequent arguments to that script. So the program is receiving literally mycd as the argument for -s.
Moreover, even if mycd is expanded, it wouldn't be the correct argument for -s. androPyTool.py is expecting just the /path/to/apks, not cd /path/to/apks/.
I don't really think that using the alias in this script makes much sense. It actually makes the script harder to read and understand. If you want to wrap a command, I recommend defining a function, and occasionally you can use variable expansion (but that mixes code and data which can lead to issues). EDIT: As has been pointed out in the comments, aliases are disabled for scripts.
Finally there are some other suspicious issues with your script. Mainly, why are you sourcing .bashrc? If this script is run by you in your user's environment, .bashrc will already be sourced and there is no need to re-source it. On the other hand, if this is not intended to be run in your environment, and there is something in the .bashrc file that you need in your script, I recommend pulling just that out and nothing else.
But the most immediate issue that I can see is that sourcing .bashrc after you modify path runs the risk of overwriting the changes to PATH you just made. Depending on the contents of the .bashrc file, sourcing it may not be idempotent, meaning that running it more than once could have side effects. Finally, anything could get thrown in that .bashrc file down the road since that's what its for. So now your script may depend on something that likely will be changing. This opens up the possibility that bugs will creep in to your script unexpectedly.

How can I store and execute the command "export PATH=$PREFIX/bin" from a script?

I would like to write a script that has several commands of the kind
> export PATH=$PREFIX/bin
> $PREFIX = /home/usr
or something else. Instead of typing it into the the Shell (/bin/bash) I would run the script to execute the commands.
Tried it with sh and then with a .py script having the line,
> commands.getstatusoutput('export PATH=$PREFIX/bin')
but these result into the error "bad variable name".
Would be thankful for some ideas!
If you need to adjust PATH (or any other environment variable) via a script after your .profile and equivalents have been run, you need to 'dot' or 'source' the file containing the script:
. file_setting_path
source file_setting_path
The . notation applies to all Bourne shell derivatives, and is standardized by POSIX. The source notation is used in C shell and has infected Bash completely unnecessarily.
Note that the file (file_setting_path) can be specified as a pathname, or if it lives in a directory listed on $PATH, it will be found. It only needs to be readable; it does not have to be executable.
The way the dot command works is that it reads the named file as part of the current shell environment, rather than executing it in a sub-shell like a normal script would be executed. Normally, the sub-shell sets its environment happily, but that doesn't affect the calling script.
The bad variable name is probably just a complaint that $PREFIX is undefined.
Usually a setting of PATH would look something like
export PATH=$PATH:/new/path/to/programs
so that you retain the old PATH but add something onto the end.
You are best off putting such things in your .bashrc so that they get run every time you log in.
