In bash2, how do I find the name of a script being sourced? - bash

Here's my situation:
I have multiple versions of a script in source code control where the name differs by a path name component (ex: scc/project/1.0/script and scc/project/1.1/script). In another directory, there is a symlink to one of these scripts. The symlink name is not related to the script name, and in some cases may change periodically. That symlink, in turn, is sourced by bash using the '.' command.
What I need to know: how do I determine the directory of the referenced script, on a 10 year-old system with Bash 2 and Perl 5.5? For various reasons, the system must be used, and it cannot be upgraded.
In Bash 3 or above, I use this:
dir=`perl -MCwd=realpath -MFile::Basename 'print dirname(realpath($ARGV[0]))' ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} $0`
Apologies for the Perl one-liner - this was originally a pure-Perl project with a very small amount of shell script glue.
I've been able to work around the fact that the ancient Perl I am using doesn't export "realpath" from Cwd, but unfortunately, Bash 2.03.01 doesn't provide BASH_SOURCE, or anything like it that I've been able to find. As a workaround, I'm providing the path information in a text file that I change manually when I switch branches, but I'd really like to make this figure out which branch I'm using on its own.
I apologize - apparently, the question as asked is not clear. I don't know in every case what the name of the symlink will be - that's what I'm trying to find out at run time. The script is occasionally executed via the symlink directly, but most often the link is the argument to a "." command running in another script.
Also, $0 is not set appropriately when the script is sourced via ".", which is the entire problem I'm trying to solve. I apologize for bluntness, but no solution that depends entirely upon $0 being set is correct. In the Perl one-liner, I use both BASH_SOURCE and $0 (BASH_SOURCE is only set when the script is sourced via ".", so the one-liner only uses $0 when it's not sourced).

Try using $0 instead of ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}. (No promises; I don't have a bash 2 around.)

$0 has the name of the program/script you are executing.

Is stat ok? something like
stat -c %N $file

bash's cd and pwd builtins have a -P option to resolve symlinks, so:
dir=$(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$0")" && pwd -P)
works with bash 2.03

I managed to get information about the porcess sourcing my script using this command:
ps -ef | grep $$
This is not perfect but tells your which is the to process invoking your script. It migth be possible with some formating to determine the exact source.


Iteration in bash is not working

I am trying to run the next code on bash. It is suppose to work but it does not.
Can you help me to fix it? I am starting with programming.
The code is this:
for i in {1:5}
cd path-to-folder-number/"$i"0/
echo path-to-folder-number/"$i"0/
I want to iterate over folders which have numbers (10,20..50), and so it changes directory from "path-to-folder-number/10/" to "path-to-folder-number/20/" ..etc
I replace : with .. but it is not working yet. When the script is applied i get:
can't cd to path-to-folder-number/{1..5}0/
I think there are three problems here: you're using the wrong shell, the wrong syntax for a range, and if you solved those problems you may also have trouble with successive cds not doing what you want.
The shell problem is that you're running the script with sh instead of bash. On some systems sh is actually bash (but running in POSIX compatibility mode, with some advanced features turned off), but I think on your system it's a more basic shell that doesn't have any of the bash extensions.
The best way to control which shell a script runs with is to add a "shebang" line at the beginning that says what interpreter to run it with. For bash, that'd be either #!/bin/bash or #!/usr/bin/env bash. Then run the script by either placing it in a directory that's in your $PATH, or explicitly giving the path to the script (e.g. with ./scriptname if you're in the same directory it's in). Do not run it with sh scriptname, because that'll override the shebang and use the basic shell, and it won't work.
(BTW, the name "shebang" comes from the "#!" characters the line starts with -- the "#" character is sometimes called "sharp", and "!" is sometimes called "bang", so it's "sharp-bang", which gets abbreviated to "shebang".)
In bash, the correct syntax for a range in a brace expansion is {1..5}, not {1:5}. Note that brace expansions are a bash extension, which is why getting the right shell matters.
Finally, a problem you haven't actually run into yet, but may when you get the first two problems fixed: you cd to path-to-folder-number/10/, and then path-to-folder-number/20/, etc. You are not cding back to the original directory in between, so if the path-to-folder-number is relative (i.e. doesn't start with "/"), it's going to try to cd to path-to-folder-number/10/path-to-folder-number/20/path-to-folder-number/30/path-to-folder-number/40/path-to-folder-number/50/.
IMO using cd in scripts is generally a bad idea, because there are a number of things that can go wrong. It's easy to lose track of where the script is going to be at which point. If any cd fails for any reason, then the rest of the script will be running in the wrong place. And if you have any files specified by relative paths, those paths become invalid as soon as you cd someplace other than the original directory.
It's much less fragile to just use explicit paths to refer to file locations within the script. So, for example, instead of cd "path-to-folder-number/${i}0/"; ls, use ls "path-to-folder-number/${i}0/".
For up ranges the syntax is:
for i in {1..5}
cd path-to-folder-number/"$i"0/
echo $i
So replace the : with ..
To get exactly what you want you can use this:
for i in 10 {20..50}
echo $i
You can also use seq :
for i in $(seq 10 10 50); do
cd path-to-folder-number/$i/
echo path-to-folder-number/$i/

running a shell script from another script

I have a script in unix that looks like this:
gcc -osign sign.c
./sign < /usr/share/dict/words | sort | squash > out
Whenever I try to run this script it gives me an error saying that squash is not a valid command. squash is a shell script stored in the same directory as this script and looks like this:
awk -f squash.awk
I have execute permissions set correctly but for some reason it doesn't run. Is there something else I have to do to make it able to run like shown? I am rather new to scripting so any help would be greatly appreciated!
As mentioned in #Biffen's comment, unless . is in your $PATH variable, you need to specify ./squash for the same reason you need to specify ./sign.
When parsing a bare word on the command line, bash checks all the directories listed in $PATH to see if said word is an executable file living inside any of them. Unless . is in $PATH, bash won't find squash.
To avoid this problem, you can tell bash not to go looking for squash by giving bash the complete path to it, namely ./squash.

Bash script: referencing a folder path from the script folder, and not from where I run it

I just bumped into a bug in redis install_server script
it has a hardcoded :
so when running this script not from its own folder (such as ./utils/
the script fails to find the conf file.
I'm looking for a way to reference the scripts folder without a dependency on where the script is called from.
I looked into this answer which seems to be the canonical on SO but something is failing for me:
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
echo $DIR
and I get:
./utils/ 100: ./utils/ Bad substitution
/home/myusername/binaries/redis-2.8.3 #where I run the script from..not the folder I need
So I guess I'm doing something wrong, or this isn't the correct answer for me
I know I can add a check if the file exists and a clearer error message to the redis install script, but I rather just make this work.
I'll be glad for ideas, and I'll make a PR to redis to fix this for everyone..
I do something very similar to what you have posted:
SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd $(dirname $0) && pwd)"
It seems that in your case, something is wrong with BASH_SOURCE. In my approach, I use $0 which always evaluates to the full pathname used to launch the script.
I'm not sure what the problem with BASH_SOURCE is in your script as what you posted works for me. Thus I am just offering an alternate approach.
Are you running this with bash (i.e. start the script with #!/bin/bash or run it with bash /path/to/script), or plain sh (#!/bin/sh or sh /path/to/script)? Both BASH_SOURCE and arrays ([0]) are bash extensions, and may not be available in a generic shell. In particular, the "Bad substitution" error is one I've seen from trying to use arrays in a shell that doesn't support them.

Find file's own path

I'm trying to find what the unix equivalent of the Windows/DOS variable %cd% is. What I'm looking for is an environmental variable or a workaround that will let me set a variable to the path of the file currently running.
For example, if the program is in /home/chris/Desktop but the working directory is /home/chris, what would be the command to get ~/Desktop as opposed to pwd which will give me /home/chris.
In BASH, you can look at the $PWDvariable. That'll show your Present Working Directory. Getting the relationship between the $PWD and where the program is located is a bit trickier. You can look at the $0 variable which should give you the name of the file I ran the following script:
#! /bin/bash
echo "PWD = $PWD"
echo "\$0 = $0"
And got the following result:
PWD = /Users/david
$0 = /Users/david/bin/
The $0 gives you the name of the file from the root of the OS. Taking the dirname will give you the file name. Somehow, if you can filter out the PWD from the $0, you might get what you're looking for. I had some luck with the following:
curPath=$(dirname "${0#$PWD/}")
Didn't thoroughly test it, from what I can see, it seems to do what you want. What it can't do is do something like this:
PWD = /Users/david/someSubDir
$0 = /Users/david/bin/
The current path is /Users/david/bin/
It would have been nice if it could do this:
The current path is ../bin/
Although the former is correct.
The readlink command doesn't work on non-Linux systems.
How about dirname $(readlink -f $0)
readlink -f $0 returns the canonicalized path to the running script.
dirname removes everything after and including the final \.
This way works, but isn't 100% reliable:
The way that works is that it reads $0 (the program name), and strips off everything from the final slash onwards. It's not reliable because if your script is invoked via a symlink, you will get the directory containing the symlink, not the directory containing the real script.
Also, it's possible to pass in a "fake" value for $0, for example by using exec -a. So even if you aren't using symlinks, it's still not a 100% solution. In fact, such a solution doesn't exist.
Working with what Chris suggested, you could use the which command. According to the man page, which reports the full path of the executable that would have been executed if its argument had been entered at the shell prompt. Since we know $0 was entered at the shell prompt, we can use `which $0` to report exactly the path that was used to execute. Unfortunately, this still suffers from the symlink issue, as which does not provide options to avoid symlinks.

How to run my own programm using command in Shell?

I just learned that I could use chmod make executable and the run it as $ ./ But how can I attach a custom command to it, like $ connectme [options] ?
You need to do two things:
Give the name you want to use. Either just rename it, or establish a link (hard or symbolic). Make sure the correctly named object has the right permissions.
Make sure it is in you path. But putting "." in you PATH is a bad idea (tm), so copy it to $HOME/bin, and put that in you path.
A completely different approach. Most shells support aliases. You could define one to run your script.
Note: The environment variable PATH tells the shell where to look for programs to run (unless you specify a fully qualified path like /home/jdoe/scripts/ or ./, it consists of a ":" seperated list of directories to examine. You can check yours with:
$ printenv PATH
resulting for me in
which are the usual directories for binaries. You can add a new path element with (in /bin/sh and derivatives):
$ export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin
in csh and derivatives use
$ setenv PATH $PATH:$HOME/bin
either of which which will result in the shell also searching ~/bin for things to run. Then move your script into that directory (giving ta new name if you want). Check that you execute permissions for the script, and just type its name like any other command.
Fianlly, the use of a ".sh" extension to denote a shell script is for human consumption only. Unix does not care about how you name your script: it is the so-called "shebang" ("#!") on the first line of the script that the OS uses to find the interpreter.
You need to learn about arguments in BASH PROGRAMMING. Here is a good tutorial on them. Check section #4 out.
Basically, you need to use special variables $1, $2, $3 to refer to first, second and third command line arguments respectively.
$ ./ A-Rod
With being:
echo "Hello $1"
Will print:
Hello A-Rod
