How do i install xcode on my ubuntu machine? - xcode

I have Lenovo Ideapad310 laptop with Ubuntu OS. But for iOS development I want to install Xcode in my machine, so how can i install Xcode in my machine?
please anyone help me??

First: You can't install Xcode on Ubuntu it's restricted only for Mac OS.
Second: I assume you want Swift, which you can install it over terminal using this command
sudo apt-get install clang
If you installed the Swift toolchain on Linux to a directory other than the system root, you will need to run the following command, using the actual path of your Swift installation:
export PATH=/path/to/Swift/usr/bin:"${PATH}"
You can verify that you are running the expected version of Swift by entering the swift command and passing the --version flag:
swift --version
for IDE you might use Visual Studio Code and install Swift plugin.
Good Luck


The chromium binary is not available for arm64

I am using rush and trying to run rush install in a project I cloned from one of my company's repositories. But, it fails by throwing the following error:
The chromium binary is not available for arm64:
If you are on Ubuntu, you can install with:
apt-get install chromium-browser
Note: I'm using iTerm2 terminal for all this running on an Apple Macbook Pro having Monterey as the OS, powered by the Apple M1 Pro chip.
PS I tried to look for answers o'er the web and found this post but the answer doesn't seem to work for me.
As mentioned previously, this is due to the new M1 chips. I've been able to resolve the issue by using node v15. Could try nvm use 15 from the command line in your project directory.

How to install everything natively without rosetta 2 in M1 macs?

I have been using M1 macbook for almost half a year and initially, I installed many packages under rosetta 2 and many natively (I assume). I run my terminal under rosetta 2 but whenever I install any package using brew, I do it using arch -arm64 brew install <pkg-name>. Now, I have no clue if all this time, I had been installing the packages under rosetta 2 or natively.
Anyways, now I want to install the native versions of all the packages and software since now, most of them are available natively. Please help me to figure out how can I do this. All I want to do is remove everything and then install then natively without rosetta 2.
Some of the things which I want to reinstall are:-
Mini conda and the python libraries.
gcc and g++
Node and npm
Also, in future, if I want to install anything natively then how should I do it?
If you used Homebrew to install all of the packages, try to uninstall them as you where using brew. Then uninstall the x86 version of Homebrew
And for the native versions, install the new Homebrew with the ARM terminal. And reinstall everything.

Can we run xcowsay on mac OSX? If yes, how?

I have currently switched to mac from linux and am missing xcowsay
xcoway requires X, for linux that is x11 for mac you will ned toinstall Xquartz.
According to, xcowsay is suported in mac since 2008.
Download and install XQuartz from Then download and compile xcowsay from
I had to install XQuartz on Mac OS X and build from source.
I used homebrew to install the dependencies and cloned from the source at I ran into an issue with autoreconf finding the autopoint command from gettext. Adding the gettext bin folder to my path solved it.
See steps below
brew install autoconf gettext gdk-pixbuf gtk+
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/gettext/bin:$PATH"
make install
You should look at Homebrew for OSX.
cowsay is available via the homebrew package manager. I do not see the X-Server version of cowsay.

Fail install compass in Mac OS X 10.10

I am trying to install compass via terminal from Mac OS X 10.10, but I didn't do this, I saw many article that people have problem during the instal in this OS, anybody help me to install compass ? Below this comment will be the link from pastebin with the content for return command gem install compass.
t looks like maybe your Mac doesn't have xcode command line tools installed. Try this in the terminal then try installing again:
xcode-select --install
You will also need to accept the license agreement. I think it asks you automatically now.
In case your development log states:
"You have to install development tools first."
Install xcode by running the following command:
`xcode-select --install`

Remove Qt libraries on Mac

I want to remove the installed Qt 4.8 libraries and install Qt 4.6 libraries on my mac.
But when I try to install them I get:
"Qt libraries cannot be installed on this disk. A newer version of
this software already exists on this disk"
I removed the /usr/local/Qt4.8.x folder from the disk but the message is still here.
How can I remove the old libraries?
You shouldn't manually delete a folder unless there is no other option. You should try running the uninstall script first:
sudo python /Developer/Tools/
The path to this script will be different if you are running the latest Xcode app bundle and not the default Snow Leopard/Lion Xcode.
I installed qt via homebrew. To remove I simply wrote the following in the terminal: brew uninstall qt#4
