Can we run xcowsay on mac OSX? If yes, how? - macos

I have currently switched to mac from linux and am missing xcowsay

xcoway requires X, for linux that is x11 for mac you will ned toinstall Xquartz.
According to, xcowsay is suported in mac since 2008.
Download and install XQuartz from Then download and compile xcowsay from

I had to install XQuartz on Mac OS X and build from source.
I used homebrew to install the dependencies and cloned from the source at I ran into an issue with autoreconf finding the autopoint command from gettext. Adding the gettext bin folder to my path solved it.
See steps below
brew install autoconf gettext gdk-pixbuf gtk+
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/gettext/bin:$PATH"
make install

You should look at Homebrew for OSX.
cowsay is available via the homebrew package manager. I do not see the X-Server version of cowsay.


glibtool on MacBook

I am building a project on Mac. It ends with
glibtoolize: command not found.
I don't find any instructions for installing glibtool and glibtoolize. All search results talks about installing libtool, which I already installed on my Mac.
Anyone know how this works? (I already installed the lated xcode, but no glibtool in my system.)
Install Homebrew ( And then I guess brew install libtool.

How to install openCV library on Mac OS X 10.6.8

I am new to openCV. How do I install this library on Mac OS X 10.6.8 and how do I include it in Xcode?
Start with one thing at a time:
Install OpenCV
Setup an XCode project
The easiest way is to install OpenCV is via MacPorts.
Make sure you've installed XCode's Command Line Tools first!
sudo port install opencv
note that you can also use ports variants (to add extra features e.g. python and QT support)
sudo port install opencv +qt4 +python27
As of very recently there should also be OpenNI support in MacPorts.
The other option is to build from source using Terminal. You'd also need CMake on top of XCode Command Line Tools
Regarding using OpenCV in XCode, it's a matter of making a c++ project and setting up the header and library search paths for the projects. If you use Macports those would be /opt/local/include/ and /opt/local/lib

Remove Qt libraries on Mac

I want to remove the installed Qt 4.8 libraries and install Qt 4.6 libraries on my mac.
But when I try to install them I get:
"Qt libraries cannot be installed on this disk. A newer version of
this software already exists on this disk"
I removed the /usr/local/Qt4.8.x folder from the disk but the message is still here.
How can I remove the old libraries?
You shouldn't manually delete a folder unless there is no other option. You should try running the uninstall script first:
sudo python /Developer/Tools/
The path to this script will be different if you are running the latest Xcode app bundle and not the default Snow Leopard/Lion Xcode.
I installed qt via homebrew. To remove I simply wrote the following in the terminal: brew uninstall qt#4

Porting a GTK+ App to Mac OSX

I have a GTK+ Application (ready with Autotools) which i have developed on my Linux box. Now I need to port this one to OSX.
I have successfully installed jhbuild, which in turn installed GTK+ and stuff on the Mac (10.5.8)
I just don't know what to do next. Trying to ./configure && make && make install (on my app copied to the Mac) fails since pkg-config is not installed on the Mac.
Do I really need to write a jhbuild moduleset in order to compile this app?
I need two libraries as well: libxml2 and libsoup-2.4. Will jhbuild tae care for integrating them...?!
My question now is: What is the simplest way to port a GTK+ Application to OSX and is there a tutorial or how-to on it?
I recommend installing Homebrew which is a command line package manager for mac. Once installed open terminal and run brew install pkg-config to install pkg-config then brew install gtk+ and/or brew install gtk+3 to install gtk+ 2 or 3 respectively.
After that is done you should be able to compile with your makefiles.
Are you sure that jhbuild installed GTK? Did you do
jhbuild bootstrap
jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-bootstrap
jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-core
as instructed on the "GTK OSX Building" page? If you did this, then pkg-config is definitely installed, because those packages wouldn't have built without it.
Are you building your application from within the jhbuild environment? i.e. did you do
jhbuild shell
before trying to build your application?
Isn't using jhbuild a bit overkill ? Wouldn't a Mac OS X GTK bundle from be enough ? I think it provides pkg-config as the Win32 version provides it. Jhbuild is interesting if you have tons of dependencies to build, or want to build GTK yourself, but from what I understand, you just want to port a GTK application...

cvs for Mac OSX

is there a place I can get just the cvs executable for OSX as a standalone binary?
I don't want to go through the whole rigamarole of having to download XCode just to get cvs, which I don't use, except the source for flickrj is only published via a cvs repository.
Using Homebrew:
brew tap homebrew/dupes # cvs is on the homebrew-dupes repository.
brew install cvs
See also:
Edit: I don't have it installed here (unfortunately I'm in a Windows machine) but yes, CVS is actually part of Homebrew core, so no need for the dupes repo, for both macOS and Linux versions of Homebrew. brew install cvs should be enough.
All links below dead, and the below instructions only appear to work pre OS X Mavericks.
This answer on appears to solve the issue using 3rd party package managers.
Not sure what happened to the other posts:
Version Control with CVS on Mac OSX
Xcode is on the DVD that came with your mac.
Boot into a partition with Mac OS X v10.5 (Leopard) installed.
Insert the Mac OS X v10.5 (Leopard) Install DVD.
Double-click the file XcodeTools.mpkg, located inside the directory Optional
Installs/Xcode Tools.
ref Apple Xcode Installation Guide
You could install Fink then use Fink to install CVS for you, this would be the easiest way.
Alternatively, you could try a BSD binary from from the CVS project website, that might work. The CVS project is now at
I just learned nowadays installing xcode is a breeze.
Start installation of xcode from App Store
Have lunch
Type xcrun cvs at the command prompt and - well - enjoy cvs...
If you have xcode installed, the cvs command-line binary is in /Developer/usr/bin, so putting it your path is:
export PATH=/Developer/usr/bin:$PATH
once Xcode is installed with commandline Utillities
export PATH=/Applications/$PATH
for newer versions of Xcode.
no moving xcode from place to place! =)
