Remove Qt libraries on Mac - macos

I want to remove the installed Qt 4.8 libraries and install Qt 4.6 libraries on my mac.
But when I try to install them I get:
"Qt libraries cannot be installed on this disk. A newer version of
this software already exists on this disk"
I removed the /usr/local/Qt4.8.x folder from the disk but the message is still here.
How can I remove the old libraries?

You shouldn't manually delete a folder unless there is no other option. You should try running the uninstall script first:
sudo python /Developer/Tools/
The path to this script will be different if you are running the latest Xcode app bundle and not the default Snow Leopard/Lion Xcode.

I installed qt via homebrew. To remove I simply wrote the following in the terminal: brew uninstall qt#4


Why is `qmake -v` version not changing after installing later version?

I'm updating my version of Qt for development purposes on my mac.
So I downloaded and installed the opens-source .dmg from the Qt website (
During installation, I specifically checked the box to install version 5.0.2.
But afterwards, when running qmake -v, it still says the version is 4.8.7.
Make version 2.01a
Using Qt version 4.8.7 in /Users/my_dir/anaconda/lib
(Note: it also points to /lib directory in /anaconda, even though I'm setting this up for Rails purposes. Not sure if this has any impact.)
Can anyone advise how I can change the version that is being pointed to?
Below is what worked for me, incase anyone else has this issue.
Check which version of qmake is being used. which qmake.
Remove anaconda from mac $PATH.
Force homebrew to symlink binaries. brew link --force qt55.
Re-check which version of qmake is being used. which qmake.
When you check the version of qmake the second time, it should point to the new version of qmake that you have installed.
Note: You will have to redo this for every terminal session where you want to use the newer version of qmake.

CMake 2.8.10 installation for mac os x fails creating symlinks

I am updating Cmake in my Mac Book pro with OS X Lion 10.7.5. The old version of Cmake is 2.8.8 and the new one is 2.8.10. When I run almost to the end of the installation process, the installer prompts
for creating a Symlink to /usr/bin of several tools. After click on continue, the installer throws an exception telling that couldn't create symlinks. Previously of the process, I've moved to trash the old version of Cmake and then using finder I got nothing more files of Cmake on the machine. Any idea how Can I complete the installation succesfully?
In my case, attempting to install cmake 2.8.12 on OSX 10.8.5 failed. The cmake- installer downloaded directly from would hang while running the post install scripts. I found and removed all the symlinks described by willyMon, but it still would hang, requiring me to resort to ps + kill to unhang the installer.
For me, installing via brew did the trick:
brew install cmake
It installed in /usr/local/bin without a hitch.
Opening the Applications folder in a terminal
cd /
cd Applications/
then doing:
sudo bash
Then run from the CMake GUI:
"Tools->Install For Command Line Use"
works OK for me.
Ok, after looking in deep for this error, I found that I missed some simple detail and this was the key to solve the problem. The Cpack installer of Cmake try to create symbolic links to this files:
So, from a terminal I've removed all the previous Symlinks that the older version created, then I ran the installer again and the installation was done succesfully without any errors or warnings.

How should I upgrade Xcode after upgrading to OS X Lion?

I've just found out, that my homebrew doesn't work anymore after I upgraded to OS X Lion.
$ brew install clojure
Warning: Xcode is not installed! Builds may fail!
Error: No such file or directory - /usr/bin/cc
$ brew doctor
We couldn't detect gcc 4.2.x. Some formulae require this compiler.
We couldn't detect gcc 4.0.x. Some formulae require this compiler.
You have no /usr/bin/cc. This will cause numerous build issues. Please
reinstall Xcode.
Setting DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH can break dynamic linking.
You should probably unset it.
after some googling, I found out that I should upgrade Xcode to version 4.1. The problem is, I have version 3.2.5 installed and I can't find any way of uninstalling it.
When I look at App Store, it looks like I don't have Xcode installed at all. I'm afraid that if I install it via App Store, it will somehow conflict with the version I have currently installed. However I can't find it in Applications, and I can't find any update function either.
Software Update doesn't prompt me to update Xcode, and I also don't see it in Installed Software.
What should I do?
Thanks to the readme found at /Developer, I found a way to uninstall Xcode via
$ sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all
edit: I just ran the installer for Xcode 4, and it detected old version of Xcode, offering me to move it to /Developer-old.
I fixed it by
In theory this should work if you have Xcode4.3 installed (in /Applications):
$ sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/

Uninstall python 3.2 on mac os x 10.6.7

According to the documentation from, python 3.2 install on mac os requires an upgrade to tcl/tk 8.5.9 (for use of IDLE). In my haste, I have done both. Now my friend told me that python 3 is not recommended yet because only the built-ins and a few modules have been released for 3. The stable one so far is 2.7 (especially if one wants to make extensive use of a variety of modules). My machine has both 2.6.1 and 3.2 (because some OS services make use of 2.6.1 that comes as default with the OS).
1. How do i remove 3.2 completely to avoid any compatibility issues?
tcl/tk 8.5.9 was also installed and this is not the default. There was no verbose mode during installation, so I don't know whether it replaced the default one. If it did how bad can it be for the OS? and hence
2. If the above is really bad, how do i downgrade to the old version of tcl/tk?
In short, how do i bring my machine back to its original state? If anyone knows all the paths to the directories and files I can do it manually.
Since Python installs using a package manager, you can use Suspicious Package to look at the install script and where everything is installed.
Be aware this is for demonstration purposes only. My environment is OSX 10.6.8 and am uninstalling python-3.2.2-macosx10.6.dmg.
sudo rm -Rfv /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/ /Applications/Python\ 3.2/
cd /usr/local/bin/
sudo rm -fv 2to3 2to3-3.2 idle3 idle3.2 pydoc3 pydoc3.2 python3 python3-32 python3-config python3.2 python3.2-32 python3.2-config python3.2m python3.2m-config pythonw3 pythonw3-32 pythonw3.2 pythonw3.2-32 /Developer/Documentation/Python/Reference\ Documentation\ 3.2
I did the same (3.2 on a mac 10.6) and:
-Moved both the Python 3.2 folder and the ActiveState ActiveTcl folder from the Applications Folder to the Trash.
-Moved the Python.framework folder from the Library/Frameworks folder to the Trash.
Running System profiler shows only the 2.6 version of Python.
just uninstall 3x version of python if you have already installed it. Eclipse has that option when you click "see whats already installed".
Install later 2.7 version. It works for me on my OS X 10.9.2 with Eclipse Juno.

cvs for Mac OSX

is there a place I can get just the cvs executable for OSX as a standalone binary?
I don't want to go through the whole rigamarole of having to download XCode just to get cvs, which I don't use, except the source for flickrj is only published via a cvs repository.
Using Homebrew:
brew tap homebrew/dupes # cvs is on the homebrew-dupes repository.
brew install cvs
See also:
Edit: I don't have it installed here (unfortunately I'm in a Windows machine) but yes, CVS is actually part of Homebrew core, so no need for the dupes repo, for both macOS and Linux versions of Homebrew. brew install cvs should be enough.
All links below dead, and the below instructions only appear to work pre OS X Mavericks.
This answer on appears to solve the issue using 3rd party package managers.
Not sure what happened to the other posts:
Version Control with CVS on Mac OSX
Xcode is on the DVD that came with your mac.
Boot into a partition with Mac OS X v10.5 (Leopard) installed.
Insert the Mac OS X v10.5 (Leopard) Install DVD.
Double-click the file XcodeTools.mpkg, located inside the directory Optional
Installs/Xcode Tools.
ref Apple Xcode Installation Guide
You could install Fink then use Fink to install CVS for you, this would be the easiest way.
Alternatively, you could try a BSD binary from from the CVS project website, that might work. The CVS project is now at
I just learned nowadays installing xcode is a breeze.
Start installation of xcode from App Store
Have lunch
Type xcrun cvs at the command prompt and - well - enjoy cvs...
If you have xcode installed, the cvs command-line binary is in /Developer/usr/bin, so putting it your path is:
export PATH=/Developer/usr/bin:$PATH
once Xcode is installed with commandline Utillities
export PATH=/Applications/$PATH
for newer versions of Xcode.
no moving xcode from place to place! =)
