Fail install compass in Mac OS X 10.10 - ruby

I am trying to install compass via terminal from Mac OS X 10.10, but I didn't do this, I saw many article that people have problem during the instal in this OS, anybody help me to install compass ? Below this comment will be the link from pastebin with the content for return command gem install compass.

t looks like maybe your Mac doesn't have xcode command line tools installed. Try this in the terminal then try installing again:
xcode-select --install
You will also need to accept the license agreement. I think it asks you automatically now.

In case your development log states:
"You have to install development tools first."
Install xcode by running the following command:
`xcode-select --install`


Skip installation of Command Line Tools when installing Homebrew on macos

I am installing homebrew on macOS High Sierra 10.13. I have already installed the Command Line Tools for Xcode which is a requirement for homebrew. When installation of homebrew starts I am forced to install command line tools (or abort). When I do this the installation process hangs. I don't understand why this hangs but more importantly I don't understand why it is trying to install CLT when I can show that they are already available on my machine.
Right click the link below and save it as
Open with a text editor and change the definition of the method should_install_command_line_tools to return 1
Make executable (by running chmod u+x and then run ./
In my case the xcode command line tools can be installed.
My environment is mac os.
In the terminal please enter
xcode-select --install
And it takes a little time to install
Check out macOS requirements in this article []
good luck.

Brew install on Mojave

I did these steps:
Updated to Mojave
Installed Xcode 10 beta3
Ran this command: sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/
Now I'm trying to install node8:
brew install node#8
And it gives me this error:
Error: The Command Line Tools header package must be installed on Mojave.
The installer is located at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg
Still, doing
install -pkg /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg
does nothing, since there's no such file in my system. Where could I get it?
Go to /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg location and install package manually. And brew will start working.
I want to try and answer this question and also for those that come later that installed Mojave and had an older Xcode version installed. The process is the same minus that if you have Xcode 10, you don't need to install it again from my understanding.
The folder is hidden and was not accessible even with a sudo find command, however, I figured out that copying the absolute path and then pasting it in your browser address bar will give you the download and access to the folder that you need to fix brew install.
I posted a video here- that walks you thru part of my steps above. After you do the SDK headers download, its likely that unless you already are running Xcode 9.4, you will need to visit, and look for Xcode 9.4 to install. Also grab the 10.14 command line tools as well. The lesson that should be learned here is that Apple calls it "Beta" for a reason and if you are a developer that knows the pains of setup, it is a bad idea. I hope that I was helpful! The last thing is, INSTALL XCODE THEN COMMAND LINE TOOLS-IN THAT ORDER OR IT ERRORS OUT! and then we do this all over again. Cheers!
It appears as though Apple has released a patch for the bug and it is available through the system preferences. 14 July 2018
Broken command line tools:
Xcode Location on the Apple developers website:
Location of command line tools:
Do not install Xcode from the Mac App Store because a different version is required!
Command line tools 10.14 update:
As of October 2018, the solution for making brew and brew install succeed is to:
install latest Xcode fom AppStore
run Xcode and install command line tools
add the line before to your profile or somethign similar
export CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -I$(brew --prefix openssl)/include -I$(xcrun --show-sdk-path)/usr/include"
No need to download Xcode manually, but you may want to remove the beta version if you installed it.
The magic part is at the end, where xcrun obtains the correct location of the SDK.
In terminal, you should first input the commands below
cd /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages
open .
you will open the directory on desktop,
then double click the pkg file to install it.

Xcode installing on mac

I am new to mac and I want to install Xcode. I have macOS Sierra Version 10.12.2. I found online that I have to run in terminal:
xcode-select --install
I did that but I get this:
xcode-select: error: command line tools are already installed, use "Software Update" to install updates
However, I can't find it in Application folder or with Spotlight Search and there is no Software Update to be done. Also, I found online that I have to download it from App Store and I am a bit confused. I can install it from terminal (and if so, why is it not working) or I have to download it from App Store?
Thank you!
xcode-select: error: command line tools are already installed, use
"Software Update" to install updates
It shows that your operating system has already installed xcode-select.
Finding your xcode-select. Go to Terminal and type
xcode-select --print-path
It shall return the location of your xcode-select to you:
Xcode: develop an app for Apple products
xcode-select: command-line tool
Depending on what you want to do with Xcode, xcode-select is way smaller than it, 8.1GB vs. nothing.
2018 and I had the same issue. Installing XCODE from the App Store did not resolve this.
I Had to download the command line tools for my XCODE and Apple Version.
Searched for XCODE on that page above and picked the right version for me.
After installation of the DMG I could continue with Brew Installation.
You don't install Xcode from terminal, you have to go to in order to download the latest versions. Here's the link to save you some time:
Link to Xcode
Plus the version available depends on what Mac Osx version you have.
Was having the same issue after some system update, cannot even run things like make install.
verify your path by xcode-select --print-path, which might be /Applications/ to be updated at last)
go to apple develper site, login, search command line tools, download the latest dmg, install. (better option than the 10+GB Xcode)
now update the path in step 1 by running sudo xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools.
verify again by running the xcode-select --print-path.
Now it should be good to go.

Installing command line tools Xcode 5

I have tried and tried (looked at many headings for this) and I still don't have an answer to my problem. I am trying to install the Pebble SDK 1.12 and install command line tools of Xcode 5.
Everytime I try xcode-select --install in terminal I get "Can't install software because it is not currently available in the Software Update server"
I have tried to reinstall Xcode and that didn't work.
When I got to Xcode-preferences-downloads there isn't a section for the command line tools.
I have also tried installing them from the Developer site but to no avail. The download looks correct and then I go to Xcode to see the preferences and the command line tools aren't listed.
Anything you all can suggest?
Using xcode-select --install in Terminal and choose install tools
On OS X 10.9, the Command Line Tools component no longer appears in the Preferences pane for Xcode 5, unlike on OS X 10.8. Also, the not currently available message appears to be a bug in OS X 10.9 when the currently installed Command Line Tools are already up-to-date. If you have a populated /usr/include directory and /usr/bin/cc --version gives you something, you're probably fine.

How to install command line tools on OSX Mavericks

I am running OSX Mavericks (10.9) and while trying to update a bundle in rails, I get the following error message:
"You have to install development tools first."
I have Xcode already installed and there seems to be no option to install the tools from within the Xcode 4.6. How can I download and install command line tools via terminal?
Incase, while trying to update a bundle, you get an error "You have to install development tools first." on OSX Mavericks (OSX 10.9), but you already have Xcode installed, you can still manually install the dev tools via terminal:
xcode-select --install
Do that and follow on-screen instructions. Your problem will be solved.
I summarized the steps in this blog entry "How to install command line tools on OSX Mavericks"
Installing command line tools in OSX 10.9 Mavericks changes slightly compared to previous versions of MAC OSX. Now you don’t need to install Xcode. You can install the Command Line Tools as stand alone.
Open Terminal
Type “xcode-select --install” in terminal (without quotes)
A pop-up windows will appears asking you about install tools
choose install tools
wait install to finish it will take 30 minutes
I summarized the steps in this blog entry "How to install command line tools on OSX Mavericks"
open terminal
and type
xcode-select --install
or open finder navigate to
and open Install Command Line Developer
