For office365 DNS entries, which one should I use as DNS controller between windows server vs Registrar - windows

I have some trouble to get access from web-based office 365 portals.
When I click any portal except outlook under IE and Firefox(Chrome works fine)
The url keep redirecting and not getting any authorisation.
From what I saw from Chrome development tool network tap, accessing procedure was like getting default.aspx and then authorisation then finally get sharepoint.aspx.
However, I get below on IE 11 and then says as working with blank page.
And same situdation under Firefox.
URL Protocol Method Result Type Received Taken Initiator Wait‎‎ Start‎‎ Request‎‎ Response‎‎ Cache read‎‎ Gap‎‎
/01db4c00-52ae-4bea-878b-ca6011d3195b/oauth2/authorize?client_id=00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000&response_mode=form_post&response_type=code%20id_token&scope=openid&nonce=8A00A8A550646CD9D40114D2F06DA8890DC231BD4956F58F-1BFD836E494F805CD760C6174DB810E59C6F664B05007D9037C290FA9DDAA629& (Pending...) POST (Pending...) (Pending...) 0 B (Pending...) click 717 0 0 0 0 0
So I checked up DNS server from office365 admin console.
And it looked like the picture in the link.
DNS check up from office 365
For general environment in our office, the main dc is in a virtual machine and windows server 2003. IE version in there is 7.
Accessing through IE and Firefox is fine externally but not locally.
Can anyone give me some hint to fix this trouble?


TFS 2018 (on-prem) unable to load static content

Using Chrome or MS EDGE we notice some resources are not being loaded when various pages on TFS are requested by browser such as seen below:
Impact of this:
We notice missing icons on the UI most often like this:
Our version of TFS
We have seen this post and tried to reach out to the contact for the hotfix, however have not had a response back.
Any assistance for this issue would be appreciated!
Found a post on the internet (I can't find the link now) that we implemented.
i.e. Add the TFS service account the Group Policy rights for "Impersonate a client after authentication" (seen under Local policies > User Rights Assignment)
A restart of the server or services is required, afterward.

There is a problem with this website’s security certificate

I've a problem in my browser !,
I watched many solutions on youtube to fix this problem.
I did everything, I changed date and time of my computer.
I think this error occurs as a result of a browser that does not recognize the authority of the certificate.
I can browse all sites like "Google, Youtube, Gmail, stackoverflow, etc .." "except for this site" "
I use windows 7 home premium 64 bit,
Google chrome -> last version,
IE -> 11
Please try to browse this site ""
"Problem with this website's security certificate" is a generic error message that Internet Explorer gives you when there is a problem establishing a secure connection (https://) to a website using the site's SSL certificate.
This error message can be caused by any number of issues. For example, here are some of the causes:
Your computer and the website's server could not agree on cryptographic algorithms to use for the secure connection. This can sometimes happen for older versions of Internet Explorer.
The authenticity of a website's SSL certificate could not be verified by a Certificate Authority (CA).
You did not provide enough detail in your question to figure out the exact cause of the issue. But, in this case, updating your web browser may help fix the issue.
I think it is just a common browser error that is not letting you visit that website with HTTPS.
I tested that website and it working fine in my browser. (Tested through Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and IE). So I think the issue is with your system.
Try clearing the cache and cookies for that particular website
Clear the SSL State from Internet Options
Disable QUIC Protocol of Google Chrome
Try this:
Download de certificate:
Right click on this file.
Install Cerficate
Click on second opticn. (my windows on pt-br -"colocar todos os cerficiados no repositorio a seguir") Browser
Select = Autoridade de certificação Raiz confiável.

CORS request did not succeed while trying Github pages hosted static website with Facebook graph API

I am trying to host a static website via Github pages. I am using HTML, CSS and JS to connect to Graph API from Facebook and then display the name of connected user via a button press.
I tested the functionality using Firefox browser on two different machines - a desktop PC and a laptop.
While the hosted website works in Firefox browser on one machine (laptop), it fails to display the connected user while using Firefox browser on the desktop machine.
I tried to debug the problem by inspecting the console in browser. Then I see the following error message -
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at
I have seen other COR related questions but they did not use Facebook Graph API.
Any hints on where I could be going wrong considering the hosted website works perfectly on a different machine using Firefox browser ?

Localhost and 403 Forbidden

I'm using Windows 7 64-bit and Mozilla Firefox. Today I was going to buy products from one webshop. After when I told my credit card details on a secured SSL page, I always got an error message "403 Forbidden". In other words, I was forwarded to URL which started with http://localhost:44117/... The webshop owner said that the error was because of my computer, but how is that possible? I have not modified the hosts file of Windows 7.
I encountered a similar address in server log, in Referer field, after a Paytrail transaction.
It's possibly related to a version of F-Secure Internet Security. See and
I don't seem to find any definitive information, though.

logged in username on a web app incorrect when site live

I've got a web app that runs on a machine and should only be used if a particular user is logged on to that machine. so in page_load I have the following code:
dim sName as string = System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.UserName
if sName <> 'sstation' then
end if
this works perfectly when I am in Visual Studio debugging, if I am logged on to the computer as sstation, the page loads up, if not it loads the NoAccess page. However, if I open the page in a web browser, it always takes me to the NoAccess page and I can't figure out why! Any ideas
I've added a text box to the page and added this code:
lblErrorMessage.Text = "You are logged in as " + sADname
and the name comes up as Administrator even though I am logged on to the machine as sstation, so where does System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.UserName come from when the page is on a server?
This code is running on the web server, NOT the machine that the user is logged in to. It will return the user account that IIS is running as. The reason it works on your local machine when debugging is that the web server is running on your local machine in that case. This account can be configured in the App Pool that the IIS site is set to use. See this link for more information on configuring it.
In order to get the user account of the client machine in IIS, IIS will have to be configured for Windows authentication, and both the client and server will most likely need to be part of a Domain. If that isn't possible you will need to use some other kind of authentication, the easiest being Forms authentication, or ASP.NET Identity.
Here are some links to get you started.
ASP.NET Identity
Forms Authentication
Windows Authentication
