Could i use k2 instead of joomla core articles? - joomla

I use joomla for my websites but there is not a good commenting component for joomla ( i used jcomment but i don't like it). my last website is a blogging site for an ecommerce site, so i decide to use k2 for its blog section but last release of k2 is for last year.
my 2 reasons for using k2 over joomla's core articles are 1: built-in commenting system, 2: overriding layouts in k2 is simpler than joomla.
now i sould use joomla's core articles for blogging or k2? or even i should switch to wordpress (i didn't use wp before)?

If the sole purpose of your website is blogging, then you should move to wordpress. Wordpress is easy so you should not have any major problem. Watch a few youtube videos and you will be able to get started.
Make sure you enable akismet spam protection for wordpress.


Can I have a Joomla! section on my site

I have built my website using HTML, CSS and JQuery. All pages are .php and everything works the way I want it to. My business is expanding now and I need to add a log in section for my clients where I can manage all of the work I produce (photography).
Because a custom CMS is out of my knowledge of web design I have decided to learn / use Joomla! My question is will I be able to keep my existing website and have a section that is Joomla!? So the main site remains untouched but when a client goes to the login page that page and the CMS area are joomla!
I am on an Apache server and am basically not sure if I can have just part of my site Joomla! Or does it have to be 100% Joomla!?
If I cannot have just part of my the site built in Joomla! Then there is no point in me learning it. I will have to outsource the design of the CMS. Just don't want to waste my time learning Joomla for no reason.
Joomla will happily coexist with your existing website but will likely need to be installed into a folder to avoid same file name conflicts (e.g. index.php).

Joomla - Blog Builder Site

Does anybody know if it's possible to create a Blog builder site with Joomla CMS?
There is a lot of extensions to create a personal blog with personal articles. But I wanted to try to make a site like but in simple version. So that users can register and add their own blogs and create their articles inside the blogs.
Are there any extensions with this functionality?
I guess the simpliest multiuser blog will be if the site allows registering and creating articles. And then these articles will be moved to one blog page or sorted by categories. But I need to divide the users activity to separate categories (named "blogs").
Try Zoo or k2, both of these allow for blogging functionality.

How do I transfer items from K2 to Joomla articles or wordpress ? What is the most wise choice?

I feel fed up with the Joomla K2 extension. This is the most crappy extension I've ever used and I am tired of correcting mistakes and bugs all the time. Even in the K2 forums, most of the threads suddenly and strangely disappeared, leading google results to 404 pages.
I did the most foolish thing on joomla: I installed their extension in joomla 1.6 because I wanted to set featured images in every article and joomla didn't have something like that (and then upgraded to 2.5) . So I created a news portal that publishes about 6 articles (or K2 items) every day for a year. So far there are 10 categories, 1000 articles and 200 tags (and 4 users only). There is nothing complicated on the website and all components are used "as they are". I haven't even used K2 extra fields etc.
I desperately want to transfer all items, categories, tags and images from K2 to Joomla articles. Then I will upgrade to the new Joomla 3.0. If I had a choice, I would transfer all data to wordpress. I have no money to hire an experienced developer and I have advanced programming knowledge but I am not an expert. I can try to copy data from one column to another but I would really appreciate the opinion of a developer with a "strong" knowledge.
On Joomla's forums it says that:
K2 articles are stored in the table jos_k2_items. Use a sql query to
copy them to jos_content.
INSERT INTO ###_content (title, alias, catid, published, introtext, fulltext)
SELECT title, alias, catid, published, introtext, fulltext
FROM ###_k2_items ;
This was posted about Joomla 1.5 Check the new table structure and make the necessary changes.
I'm not sure are you still looking for the answer, but maybe others do.
In case you want to move your K2 to WordPress, there's a plugin at the WordPress plugin directory for an automated migration. It supports the import of different type of content including categories, tags, menus and other, so it might answer your request.
The quick guide to the process includes the following steps -
You install the plugin on your WP website
Create the account at the service
Download the extension and install it at your K2 website
Choose the entities you want to migrate
Try the trial migration (it migrates 10 posts)
If you like it you can try the full migration (it's not free)
You may refer to this for more info, plus, this service is also represented in WordPress Codex.
Hope it helps.

Convert Webspell CMS site to Joomla CMS site

I have a Webspell CMS gaming site and would like to convert it to use the Joomla CMS system. My main sites is done in Joomla and I love it. The only reason I'm using the Webspell CMS is because of the "TEAM" features it has for our teams. is the site I want to convert to a Joomla backend with all the functions of Webspell.
It's quite a big job, and Joomla has it's seperate way of doing things which won't interact with Webspell. Personally, i'd stick with the CMS that works, unless you want functionality that only Joomla has to offer.

Joomla administration user level

In my website project, three people are assigned to write new articles for the website. They write their own articleS and cannot view their fellows' articles. We have one supervisor who is supposed to view, edit, and manage all articles.
Can Joomla! or any free extension make this possible?
The core Joomla install does NOT do what you have requested but by adding a component called JUGA, you can easily configure exactly what you want.
