How do I transfer items from K2 to Joomla articles or wordpress ? What is the most wise choice? - joomla

I feel fed up with the Joomla K2 extension. This is the most crappy extension I've ever used and I am tired of correcting mistakes and bugs all the time. Even in the K2 forums, most of the threads suddenly and strangely disappeared, leading google results to 404 pages.
I did the most foolish thing on joomla: I installed their extension in joomla 1.6 because I wanted to set featured images in every article and joomla didn't have something like that (and then upgraded to 2.5) . So I created a news portal that publishes about 6 articles (or K2 items) every day for a year. So far there are 10 categories, 1000 articles and 200 tags (and 4 users only). There is nothing complicated on the website and all components are used "as they are". I haven't even used K2 extra fields etc.
I desperately want to transfer all items, categories, tags and images from K2 to Joomla articles. Then I will upgrade to the new Joomla 3.0. If I had a choice, I would transfer all data to wordpress. I have no money to hire an experienced developer and I have advanced programming knowledge but I am not an expert. I can try to copy data from one column to another but I would really appreciate the opinion of a developer with a "strong" knowledge.

On Joomla's forums it says that:
K2 articles are stored in the table jos_k2_items. Use a sql query to
copy them to jos_content.
INSERT INTO ###_content (title, alias, catid, published, introtext, fulltext)
SELECT title, alias, catid, published, introtext, fulltext
FROM ###_k2_items ;
This was posted about Joomla 1.5 Check the new table structure and make the necessary changes.

I'm not sure are you still looking for the answer, but maybe others do.
In case you want to move your K2 to WordPress, there's a plugin at the WordPress plugin directory for an automated migration. It supports the import of different type of content including categories, tags, menus and other, so it might answer your request.
The quick guide to the process includes the following steps -
You install the plugin on your WP website
Create the account at the service
Download the extension and install it at your K2 website
Choose the entities you want to migrate
Try the trial migration (it migrates 10 posts)
If you like it you can try the full migration (it's not free)
You may refer to this for more info, plus, this service is also represented in WordPress Codex.
Hope it helps.


How to load content from another Joomla database

I have two Joomla websites of related organisations: J1 and J2.
How can I load the content and title of an article which is stored in J2 to show in J1?
I can access configuration.php of J2 and get its database connection details or type it myself.
Also this probably would have to be some kind of plug-in where one just type:
{getExternalArticle=id} within the body of any content in J1.
Any suggestions for the best approach?
See this for reference:
Creating a content plugin:
This is specific to the old Joomla 1.5 and there are a few differences in 2.5 and the above is the use of JFields instead of JParameters in xml declaration and in the name of the events.
You can see more details on this here:
This might be useful too:
How to get article text by article ID in Joomla?
You might want considered writing a program (perhaps in PHP) that could run as a CRON job and with authorization credentials to access the MySQL TABLE(s) needed from the other site to pull in those Joomla articles and have it populate the website so it could be displayed properly. I am making an assumption that one website has updates and you want them display on the other website, so I would look as a method for one site to feed another.

Can Magento be used as a CMS to build a product catalog(not a store currently but maybe in the future)

I have to build a website for a mobile store. They want to list their products but don't want to start selling yet. I have done a lot of website with Joomla and Virtuemart.
This time I want to use Magento as they use Lightspeed a POS that offers integration with Magento community edition.
My question is can I simply use Magento as a CMS to only display products and a few static pages like about us etc. I went through stackoverflow and found that some members have recommended some good blog integrations for magento so that part is solved(Thanks :-) ).
I know I can use wordpress as a blog with magento.
I rephrase....Can I use it to simply display products!
If Yes then please let me know if I am doing it for the right reason.
the reason are:
Adding products and product information becomes very easy in a
shopping cart(But in a CMS like Joomla each page has to be literally "designed" or I will have to use CCK editor. It still
becomes difficult for the client to update products IMO)
It comes with built in plugins to show related/featured products
etc. with a click on a button or options in the backend while client
simply puts the appropriate tags(With a CMS have to use a plugin or
module in Joomla that has to be set to show in the particular pages)
Automatic display of images etc is easier in Magento in comparison
to a CMS like Joomla where I will have to use a plugin or a gallery
that is set to show inside an article
The buy/add to cart button can easily be disabled and a "more info"
button can be added that will send an email to the client. They get
the exact product code the customer is asking for(Doing that in
Joomla would require a lot of extra stuff like adding codes or use
an advanced contact form with a tag to be entered for each page)
Last but not the least when client is ready to go online it can
easily be converted
Does Magento have two display? One is simply a catalog and the other a store. I have seen that in some stores online(not necessarily using magento) I am assuming either they created a website with the products pages first and then added a store later.
But in many cases it looks like a part of the Shopping application.(i just can't seem to remember which one they were using now).
If Magento allows that then I think my problem is solved. I simply use the "catalog option" and when the client is ready for the store I simply pull the products using a extension from their POS software.
Thank you for taking the time to read/answer.
Using Magento as a catalog only without selling the items is pretty straightforward. The easiest thing to do is just to use the catalog category lists to list the products and just make sure the "order" button is not visible.
You can do this simply by removing it from the product detail template (and the list/grid template in case they have it).
Or you could (I think) set all products to 'out of stock' this will automatically remove the 'order' button.
If you want to be thorough you should edit the cartControllers's addAction to disable adding products to the cart.
If you are going to combine Magento with Wordpress, Fishpig has developed a plugin with which you can use shortcode within Wordpress blogposts or/and pages to display products.
More info about that can be found here:
System > Configuration > Advanced > Advanced
Disable the modules you don't want to use.
For example, if you wanted to use Magento as catalog only then disable sales module.
Hope this works for you!

Joomla extension for people posts with categories

Are there any type of extensions that let people post what they want with categories. So they need to sign-up and sign-in, and then create a new post, then select the relative category that the post will be shown in to other people.
I may need to show posts by geo-localisation restriction, for example, posts appears in just US or UK.
I'm a PHP developer. I can achieve this system, but I wondered if it does already exist some CMS like Joomla doing what I need, to save time. I may also be able to develop such Joomla modules if it's allowed. Please need a push around these requirements since I don't have too much experience with Joomla.
I would recommend you use the article section of joomla which is a built in one. I think the things available in joomla package will suit your category, post and signin and signup requirements.
For geo-localisation restrictions I think your php knowledge is more than enough to change or modify few parts of the code in the joomla. I think this way will help you save some time. I have done these before.They have worked fine for me. Hope this helps you.

joomla - how can I create new content types in joomla

I'm new to joomla. I have been using Drupal for quite some time.
I would like to created new content types for news and announcements. How may I accomplish creating new content type in Joomla without installing a new module.
You're coming from Drupal so I am thinking that what you're looking for and cannot find in Joomla is something like CCK (Content Construction Kit)
Unfortunately this is not available by default in Joomla. You have to use extensions to create new types of content that contain specific fields.
Best free CCKs available for Joomla :
Form2Content (my favorite)
K2 (most popular, highly recommended)
You can find more in Joomla Extension Directory
I would say the same, for me i always use k2 as it integrates with many plugins and modules also featuring rich content forms
As per the answer from #Ahmad, install a CCK to add new content types.
In your case however, the built in Joomla functionality may suffice such as creating content categories for news and announcements and choosing menu options or modules to suit.
While K2 is a great CCK, there is a table named "jos_content_types", which makes me think, that joomla can handle content-types as well.
With different views, form-xml files and so one.
I found it while looking on this page:
But i didn't find any doc about creating new content-types easily by now. Does someone have more infos, how to create a new content-Type? Or is it just a new component, we have to create?

Joomla administration user level

In my website project, three people are assigned to write new articles for the website. They write their own articleS and cannot view their fellows' articles. We have one supervisor who is supposed to view, edit, and manage all articles.
Can Joomla! or any free extension make this possible?
The core Joomla install does NOT do what you have requested but by adding a component called JUGA, you can easily configure exactly what you want.
