Convert Webspell CMS site to Joomla CMS site - joomla

I have a Webspell CMS gaming site and would like to convert it to use the Joomla CMS system. My main sites is done in Joomla and I love it. The only reason I'm using the Webspell CMS is because of the "TEAM" features it has for our teams. is the site I want to convert to a Joomla backend with all the functions of Webspell.

It's quite a big job, and Joomla has it's seperate way of doing things which won't interact with Webspell. Personally, i'd stick with the CMS that works, unless you want functionality that only Joomla has to offer.


Could i use k2 instead of joomla core articles?

I use joomla for my websites but there is not a good commenting component for joomla ( i used jcomment but i don't like it). my last website is a blogging site for an ecommerce site, so i decide to use k2 for its blog section but last release of k2 is for last year.
my 2 reasons for using k2 over joomla's core articles are 1: built-in commenting system, 2: overriding layouts in k2 is simpler than joomla.
now i sould use joomla's core articles for blogging or k2? or even i should switch to wordpress (i didn't use wp before)?
If the sole purpose of your website is blogging, then you should move to wordpress. Wordpress is easy so you should not have any major problem. Watch a few youtube videos and you will be able to get started.
Make sure you enable akismet spam protection for wordpress.

Can I have a Joomla! section on my site

I have built my website using HTML, CSS and JQuery. All pages are .php and everything works the way I want it to. My business is expanding now and I need to add a log in section for my clients where I can manage all of the work I produce (photography).
Because a custom CMS is out of my knowledge of web design I have decided to learn / use Joomla! My question is will I be able to keep my existing website and have a section that is Joomla!? So the main site remains untouched but when a client goes to the login page that page and the CMS area are joomla!
I am on an Apache server and am basically not sure if I can have just part of my site Joomla! Or does it have to be 100% Joomla!?
If I cannot have just part of my the site built in Joomla! Then there is no point in me learning it. I will have to outsource the design of the CMS. Just don't want to waste my time learning Joomla for no reason.
Joomla will happily coexist with your existing website but will likely need to be installed into a folder to avoid same file name conflicts (e.g. index.php).

Add static javascript to every page of joomla

Im completely new to Joomla development. I need to develop Joomla plugin that adds static javascript to the footer of all the pages of a Joomla site. Also, the plugin would need to save 2 fields in database, and access these fields on per page basis. Also, Admin panel is needed.
Now, my questoion is, where do i start? Joomla plugin development is a big task, so if I can get some pointers as to where to start, it would be very supporting.
Im not asking for direct code, but just the right direction to start.
Thanx in advance....
Joomla has three types of extensions (what you refered to as plugin): components, modules and plugins, where each has a different purpose.
If you need to add javascript to all pages, the best place is your template. If you don't have access to template, just building an extension, then you have to create a content plugin.
If you need to create extension with admin panel which also works with database, you need to create a component. The best place to get started is tutorial Developing a MVC component for Joomla 2.5

How can I make an independent static landing page for a joomla website

For, I need to make a landing page with the purpose of organizing a contest.
I need this page to be static and completely independent from the Joomla admin. When a visitor provides his/her name and e-mail adress, he will be taken to the sites HOMEPAGE.
Is there a fast and safe way of doing this?
Thank you.
There are several plugins to do this on the JED website here

CMS for existing CI 2 site

I have a site build with CI 2 and I wonder if there is a CI2 based CMS out there which I can use for content management. I've written a very basic CMS myself but I have no time to develop it further.
Thanks in advance.
we have some options here .
Lightweight, themeable and dynamic. PyroCMS is perfect for CodeIgniter
developers to kickstart your projects.
An easy, flexible, empowering Content Management System for rapid
development that transforms your CodeIgniter projects into client
manageable brilliance.
