Where does Xcode 8 download the developer documentation to? [closed] - xcode

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I know that Xcode downloads a lot of developer documentation for everything from Objective-C to Swift on to your mac hard drive if you choose to download the developer documentation.
I've navigated to the directory before, but I didn't note down its location, and now I am having trouble finding it. It had PDF versions of a lot of documentation which is available on the Apple website.
Any idea what the location is ? This question is posted on stackoverflow.com, because the people who will know the answer are programmers who visit this site, as opposed to superuser.
EDIT: Applications/Xcode/Contents/Developer/Documentation/DocSets/com.apple.adc.documentation.docset is not what I am looking for. While it has some documentation, it is not the treasure trove that contains documentation on Objective-C, Swift, Memory management and much much more....that is all stored in some other location... how to find it ?

It is found here:


Is there documentation for configuring and using terminal? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I just want to use my computer from the terminal. I have read through the Apple Terminal Help documentation, but am looking for more instruction.
i found this 2003 pdf doc. it is pretty comprehensive and still relevant to this day. i suggest setting up a developer account if you are keen to learn more.
As for the things you intend to do on terminal,
man is your great dictionary assistant
cd, ls and pwd are your great buddies in navigating around the files and folders
curl is your great bestie for browsing web pages
.bash_profile is where your configuration lies
Hope this helps!

Where can I find documentation on Skype Desktop API? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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The Skype desktop API was being closed, but they've reversed that decision. I'm now not able to register as a developer (http://developer.skype.com/) as they're 'not accepting new registrations'.
I need to start looking into this as I want to develop a call recording component for Mac (and Windows, but most importantly Mac).
So is there a mirror for the documentation somewhere so that I know how this works? And is there any example code for this?
A comment in this question seems to imply that they provide both tracks of audio readily so I believe that once I can get this info, it should be quite a simple task!
Turns out the Wayback Machine has my answer:
Who would have thought it? ;)

ScadaBR or Mango(a scada software) [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Mango is a scada software.And now I want to develop its graphic views and have a breakthrough in it.I am really confused what to do next. So could somebody gives me ideas? I will be appreciated..
Thank you for any help provided!
Best regards
ScadaBR is a branch from Mango M2M when it was formerly an Open Source Project. Since version 1.12 Mango has changed its license.
Both SCADAs are great, fully functional with lots of protocols and easy to modify (forum and documentation available). But ScadaBR will always be an OS project. It has a SOAP API and recently a REST API. ScadaBR is a Brazilian project and does not yet has a English translation for its website or wiki. Only a forum for english speakers. I suggest the use of Chrome with auto translate, it should do the trick =]
Mango M2M

Offline Mac OS X Developer Documentation [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I would like to get all the developer documentation for offline use.
I'm using xcode mostly on my commute and mobile inet is not good enough in my area.
There were a number of questions regarding docs in general answered more or less, but I have a more specific requirement.
At the moment I only have class reference, but i would like to have documents mentioned in "Companion guides" as well. I tried to "Subscribe" to 10.5 Core Library but it doesn't seem to add anything beside the stuff that was installed with XCode. I'm using XCode 3.1.2 if that makes any difference.
What options do i have? Downloading officially/wget'ing everything/finding some obvious button in preferences?
Dash.app is a great documentation viewer that has all of Apple's docs for offline viewing (as well as tons of other frameworks/languages).
It looks as though XCode should be downloading it if setup as per this question:
Download of Cocoa API documentation

Which books about Xcode can you recommend? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm looking for a book about Xcode. I wonder which one might be good for me. I'm looking for a book which goes as deep into Xcode IDE as possible. I want to read everything about it, why they did things the way they did. Like this Groups & Files. It should be as much about Xcode as possible. Almost all Cocoa books talk a little bit about Xcode, but I have like 10 Cocoa books here and basically they all talk about the same little basics. So I still feel "dump" after all and Xcode seems to have a lot more stuff in it than I know about. For example symbolic breakpoints, and other stuff like this. Or the option to split windows. A very good eBook would do the trick as well.
XCode 3 Unleashed seems to have more of a focus on the tool itself rather than Cocoa.
