Which books about Xcode can you recommend? [closed] - xcode

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm looking for a book about Xcode. I wonder which one might be good for me. I'm looking for a book which goes as deep into Xcode IDE as possible. I want to read everything about it, why they did things the way they did. Like this Groups & Files. It should be as much about Xcode as possible. Almost all Cocoa books talk a little bit about Xcode, but I have like 10 Cocoa books here and basically they all talk about the same little basics. So I still feel "dump" after all and Xcode seems to have a lot more stuff in it than I know about. For example symbolic breakpoints, and other stuff like this. Or the option to split windows. A very good eBook would do the trick as well.

XCode 3 Unleashed seems to have more of a focus on the tool itself rather than Cocoa.


Where does Xcode 8 download the developer documentation to? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I know that Xcode downloads a lot of developer documentation for everything from Objective-C to Swift on to your mac hard drive if you choose to download the developer documentation.
I've navigated to the directory before, but I didn't note down its location, and now I am having trouble finding it. It had PDF versions of a lot of documentation which is available on the Apple website.
Any idea what the location is ? This question is posted on stackoverflow.com, because the people who will know the answer are programmers who visit this site, as opposed to superuser.
EDIT: Applications/Xcode/Contents/Developer/Documentation/DocSets/com.apple.adc.documentation.docset is not what I am looking for. While it has some documentation, it is not the treasure trove that contains documentation on Objective-C, Swift, Memory management and much much more....that is all stored in some other location... how to find it ?
It is found here:

How do I start with writing Windows minifilter drivers ? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want to use windows miniFilter in my project.
I have seen the Microsoft documentation, but it seemed very hard to understand.
I have also read the GitHub examples for miniFilters, but they don't provide explanation for everything, as I want to understand what I write and not just copy and paste. Is there any beginner friendly site that can help me learn more ?
There are not a lot of great resources for getting started on this - no real tutorials or anything. The best sources are the Windows driver samples. Start with a simple one like filesys\miniFilter\nullFilter and then move up to filesys\miniFilter\passThrough to get you started. OSROnline is also a really great resource. And (shameless plug here) I have written a short, 4-part blog post on writing a register filter driver that starts pretty basic.

Open source text editor for Mac [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Does anybody know about any living open source text programming (mainly html/css) editor for Mac? There does not seem to be one.
Kod - dead
Fraise - dead
Smultron - not open source anymore
Coda - not open source
I would like to extend it with CSS live preview tab, but in order to do that it has to be open source, and I would prefer working on a project that has some perspective. Everything seems to be on the Mac App Store now... :\
TextMate 2 is now open-sourced on github.
Honestly, learn Vim. It'll take you a while at first, but you won't regret it.

Any good tutorials / resources to learn Win32 GDI? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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So far i have been searching on google and haven't fount a single good tutorial which is comprehensive. Does any one know of any good site or book which teaches Win32 GDI?
Petzold (Programming Windows, now in its >=5th edition) has good coverage.
GDI has been replaced by Direct2D and DirectWrite, which are available down to Vista, and substantially more performant and flexible. You might want to double-check that you really need to support XP, which is already past end-of-life.
I found bobobobo's blog to be quite helpful for getting started with Win32 and related concepts.

How do I draw music notes on a staff in an iOS or Mac app? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to write a program that will generate random notes and draw them on the screen on a staff. I want to use Cocoa or Cocoa Touch. What's the best way to go about displaying the notes? Should I somehow use a music font, or pngs of each note, or what? Are there any good tutorials or sources of info out there on this topic?
I would be very tempted to use a custom music font and render it using the new ability in iOS4 to import custom fonts (I'm pretty sure it's iOS4 in general, and not just the iPad). I also assume that the entirety of CoreText is available on the mac too, but even if not, I'm sure the code wouldn't be vastly different.
Anyway, you can read about loading custom fonts here;
Or the slightly more hardcore way here;
