Where can I find documentation on Skype Desktop API? [closed] - macos

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Closed 4 years ago.
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The Skype desktop API was being closed, but they've reversed that decision. I'm now not able to register as a developer (http://developer.skype.com/) as they're 'not accepting new registrations'.
I need to start looking into this as I want to develop a call recording component for Mac (and Windows, but most importantly Mac).
So is there a mirror for the documentation somewhere so that I know how this works? And is there any example code for this?
A comment in this question seems to imply that they provide both tracks of audio readily so I believe that once I can get this info, it should be quite a simple task!

Turns out the Wayback Machine has my answer:
Who would have thought it? ;)


How to monitor complete website [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Can any one suggest me a that monitors websites(.net,php),mobile apps(ios,android).I googled but i'm not able to find best solution.
Use http://newrelic.com/
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Please find the demo for your references.

Sharing visual studio with remote developer [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am looking for a software/plugin to allow two users share working session in vs.net 2010 w/o using SVN or similar software. Is there anything (commercial or free)?
the product VSAnywhere works great and likely does exactly what you want!
Are you looking to do pair programming on this one session? If so try using some implementation of VNC to share the screen and Skype for communication.

Understanding the linux audio subsystem (alsa). any recommended book? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
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I am trying to fiddle with linux audio sub-system. Basically, I am trying to understand how audio input/ouput flows (use of audio encoders etc) when running a linux image on Vbox. Anyone know a good place to start or a good book to refer to.
Your best bet is to follow the Linux Audio User Group. They have a number of resources on their website and their mailing list is also quite active.
This should act as a good starter guide: http://lau.linuxaudio.org/Sound-HOWTO.html

Looking for a cocotron example [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have been having a lot of trouble getting cocotron to create a simple window app that can be compiled on the mac and will produce an that will run on the pc. Does anyone have a link to a simple example that I could download where all the setting are correct? This would really help me look and see what the differences are and help me see what I am doing wrong. Anyone out there have anything like this?
try the TextEditor example from the Cocotron site:

IVR development [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I need to build an IVR application (possibly 10 Phone lines). I am entirely new to this domain and am familiar with some concepts, Can someone please provide me with some links/advice on how I can go about building the IVR system?
Also, I need to know the exact process, whats involved, if I need to rent phone lines? etc., If I want to provide a hosted IVR service to my clients, what do I need.
any advice is much appreciated.
Many Thanks
Is this programming related?
