Hikashop Add a shoping cart icon on navbar - joomla

I'm working on website using Hikashop on Joomla.
how can i display a cart icon in main navbar, with notification of products added in it?

You can use the hikashop cart module and use the mini cart option. After that make a new position inside your joomla template file next to your navbar. If this doesn't work you can use css to position it next to the navbar.


How to Hide the add to cart button on all product pages in magento frontend

I am looking to hide the button "add to cart" on the product pages within the magento store. My products just hold information. You cannot purchase them.
You can comment out the code that calls the button in the view.phtml file in the following location.
app/design/frontend/default/your theme/template/catalog/product/
If you search for 'button' you should find the section of code pretty quickly.
This will remove it from the product page. If you need to remove it from the catalog list page, do the same thing in list.phtml (don't forget both list and grid versions)

Magento : How to implement a menu created with jquery to magento?

I am using magento I create a simple navigation (top navigation) menu for categories and sub-categories with jquery and css for my website and i wish to implement it in my magento.
How can i do that and it's possible ?
if You want to remove existing add your new menu than go to \app\design\frontend\base\default\template\catalog\navigation\top.phtml line 46 and comment <?php echo $_menu ?> to remove menu and add your code here as per your requirement.
if you want to override complete navigation code than copy “app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/block/Navigation.php” to “app/code/local/Mage/Catalog/block/Navigation.php”. Create the needed directories if they do not exist. This will override Magento’s core version and will allow your changes to survive an update.
Next, open the file you just created. Find the the function _renderCategoryMenuItemHtml to make any change in it

Magento New Product Page Layout

I want to design/test a new product page layout/template in magento. What would be the best way of doing this? Copy/paste the product view.phtml and rename it or is there a better way?
You need to change the layout or just the template
If layout you have to update the handle
If template create a new theme and add view.phtml in the theme in catalog/product/ folder respectively
Assign the theme to be default theme.
Do some investigation to get some more idea about theme and layout
It is fairly simple as there is already a built-in widget in Magento which display your newly products.
So create a new CMS page then go to content tab, click on insert widget, find "catalog new product list widget" under widget list and insert into page.

Magento ajax add to cart result in popup box when we click on add to cart button

I have a task like; In magento, when we click on add to cart button, a popup
box has to be displayed and in that it has to display a text like
'has been added to cart' and also with two buttons like
continue shopping and proceed to checkout. So for this I have taken VS-Ajax
add to cart extension, but popup is not displaying. This everything has to
be done by Ajax functionality..
So how can I achieve this??
Try this
Its works for me.But in this you'll get "Alert" like product is added.

How to customize the layout of login page in joomla

Just want change the layout of the login page same as other pages, I want to remove the left sidebar bar and show the main menu, few images and text. You can see the current layout.
Visit http://www.egovtsolutions.net/index.php/component/users/?view=login
You can make the menu module display on all pages rather than on selected pages...then the menu will be displayed on all pages.
You have to choose display option from that module. If you want to enable some modules in that position just check the menus names from that module.
If you don't want any module in login page just unselect all modules from that page. Then only you have better look for login prompt as your wish.
Try this....
I dont know which version of joomla are you working on. But this link covers from joomla 1.5 to 1.7.
You should try to give the "extra2" or "position-29" to your log in module.
The key is just the position you are assigning.
