Magento : How to implement a menu created with jquery to magento? - magento

I am using magento I create a simple navigation (top navigation) menu for categories and sub-categories with jquery and css for my website and i wish to implement it in my magento.
How can i do that and it's possible ?

if You want to remove existing add your new menu than go to \app\design\frontend\base\default\template\catalog\navigation\top.phtml line 46 and comment <?php echo $_menu ?> to remove menu and add your code here as per your requirement.
if you want to override complete navigation code than copy “app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/block/Navigation.php” to “app/code/local/Mage/Catalog/block/Navigation.php”. Create the needed directories if they do not exist. This will override Magento’s core version and will allow your changes to survive an update.
Next, open the file you just created. Find the the function _renderCategoryMenuItemHtml to make any change in it


Display custom menu in header

I am new in magento and using magento 2.0.7 version and trying to add custom menu in header. I created a menu with name Horizontal Menus and added item in it from Menus Management in admin panel. Now i am stuck to call this menu in header. I searched around but did not find out the way to do this. Also it tried to do this by static block and added html to it. But i need to make it manageable from Menu Management of admin panel. Can anyone suggest me the way.
The code i tried by using static block is
<?php echo $block->getLayout()->createBlock('Magento\Cms\Block\Block')->setBlockId('megamenu-horizontal')->toHtml();?>
But in static block i can manage it by adding html code but i want it manageable from Menus Management.

How can I add PHP to a Joomla menu item?

Here's what I'm trying to do:
In Joomla 3.1, I'm using the K2 component to build a full content-driven news website.
All is well, but I just don't like the K2 Login module, and therein lies the rub. That module automatically generates two key links:
• Add Item
• My Page
I want to unpublish the login module and add both of these links to a standard Joomla menu. It's easy to add the "add item" link because it's essentially static.
But the "My Page" link is dynamic. I've found the PHP code that generates it:
<?php echo JText::_('My Page'); ?>
But I don't know how to make a plain old Joomla menu item -- as in, one that I add through the menu manager -- to generate that code.
Note: It's important that I be able to use the Joomla menu structure because I'm also using Joomla's access control to hide or show these buttons. Meaning, I've added a "contributor" usergroup, and I only want them to see these links.
Any bright ideas would be much appreciated! Thank you!
You should go to the template you are currently using, in their you create a html folder.
In that folder you create a mod_menu folder.
Than you got your Joomla root > modules > mod_menu.
And copy files which are inside and drop them in the html > mod_menu folder.
Now you can edit the mod_menu to your favors with a rewrite.!_core
Hope this helps you.

How to edit Magento product page template?

I have just installed custom options for grouped products plugin. It currently generates the template in the product page below the add-to-cart button. Now if I need to position it above the add-to-cart button, what procedure should I need to follow?
Thanks :)
Get familiar with how "getChildHtml" works. The block is added in layout yet (because you see it), so you just need to edit your catalog/product/view.phtml and change the positioning of the actual getChildHtml('block_name_in_layout_xml_you_want_to_move').

Magento New Product Page Layout

I want to design/test a new product page layout/template in magento. What would be the best way of doing this? Copy/paste the product view.phtml and rename it or is there a better way?
You need to change the layout or just the template
If layout you have to update the handle
If template create a new theme and add view.phtml in the theme in catalog/product/ folder respectively
Assign the theme to be default theme.
Do some investigation to get some more idea about theme and layout
It is fairly simple as there is already a built-in widget in Magento which display your newly products.
So create a new CMS page then go to content tab, click on insert widget, find "catalog new product list widget" under widget list and insert into page.

how to add fishpig "blog" link to main navigation in magento

I'm using Magento WordPress Integration I'm wondering how to add fishpig "blog" link to main navigation in magento ? Currently it's only adding a link to my top header navigation.
The above answer correctly shows how to add a link to your toplinks, however this is included in the extension by default. If you want to do this, you can enable/disable this from the extension's configuration area.
If you are referring to the Topmenu (the Category menu), it is now possible to create a custom Menu in the WordPress Admin and have this automatically added to your Magento Topmenu.
To do this, create a menu in WordPress. If you only want a single link to your blog, create a menu with this just this link in. Next, login to the Magento Admin and go to the configuration area for WordPress Integration. Under the fieldset labelled 'Menu', you can enable menu integration and select your newly created menu.
This will only work if your theme uses the Magento Topmenu block, which is the default menu block for Magento 1.7. Some custom themes use a custom menu extension for this menu and it is highly unlikely that this custom extension will call the necessary event.
As always, ensure you are using the latest version of WordPress Integration as this feature is quite new and has only recently been added.
