How to Hide the add to cart button on all product pages in magento frontend - magento

I am looking to hide the button "add to cart" on the product pages within the magento store. My products just hold information. You cannot purchase them.

You can comment out the code that calls the button in the view.phtml file in the following location.
app/design/frontend/default/your theme/template/catalog/product/
If you search for 'button' you should find the section of code pretty quickly.
This will remove it from the product page. If you need to remove it from the catalog list page, do the same thing in list.phtml (don't forget both list and grid versions)


Remove "add to cart" button with Category Design Layout XML?

I'd like to be able to put a snippet of XML within the "Layout Update XML" input and have it pull the "add to cart" button from all the products underneath that category?
Category Design Tab
EDIT: I have tried the following code within the custom layout XML input with no success.
<reference name="content">
<remove name=""/>
Now this is specific to the project I am working on, but is an interesting way to manage cart options.
I was able to pull the "Add to cart" button by using the Out of Stock feature. I simply have to make the products I don't wish to show out of stock and poof the add to cart button is gone. This gives me the ability to mark certain products to show them off yet not let someone buy them as they need to contact us for said products.

How to edit Magento product page template?

I have just installed custom options for grouped products plugin. It currently generates the template in the product page below the add-to-cart button. Now if I need to position it above the add-to-cart button, what procedure should I need to follow?
Thanks :)
Get familiar with how "getChildHtml" works. The block is added in layout yet (because you see it), so you just need to edit your catalog/product/view.phtml and change the positioning of the actual getChildHtml('block_name_in_layout_xml_you_want_to_move').

How to remove link from magento site top navigation subcategories?

How to remove link from magento site top navigation subcategories. I want subcategories should be there but it should not be click able.
Help will be appreciated.
There is no "fast way" to do it.You need to create a new module, to override the existing one and change the way that categories are printed through magento.

"Add to Cart" in Lightbox – Shopify

Here's the URL to my store:
(PASSWORD IS nibblesofnirvana)
What I want to do is present people with two options when they click "add to cart." If you get to "add to cart" on the website now, you'll see that I already have a lightbox that comes up.
I want one option that points to the regular checkout page, then another option that points to a new checkout page that I haven't made yet.
But I haven't been able to get the shopping cart to work. I'd like "BUY NOW" to add the item the person is viewing to the cart, and the other option I display simply link to another page.
I'm assuming this has something to do with the Ajax API, but shopify's documentation hasn't proven to be all that helpful... would be very helpful if someone could point me in the right direction!
you can do this:
click add to cart --> pop up small window of highslide js and in this popup, you can place your two options.. am i following your thought?

How to remove VirtueMart Featured Products from category browsing page

I have used joomla and virtuemart to build a shopping cart in the following link enter link description here
My problems are:
How to remove feature products in that category browsing page?
How to show feature products in a separate page in a separate menu item?
Or you can just go to the VirtueMart component Products>Special products (which will show you a check on the products that are placed as "featured".Click on those products,go to their Product Status tab and just uncheck the box which says "On Special"
1) Featured products can be removed from your browse (category) page by commenting out the line
//echo $ps_product->featuredProducts(true,10,true);
in the following files (which file depends on which layout you're using)
2) I suggest making use of the VirtueMart Featured Products module (mod_virtuemart_featureprod) and loading the module into an article.
