Magento New Product Page Layout - magento

I want to design/test a new product page layout/template in magento. What would be the best way of doing this? Copy/paste the product view.phtml and rename it or is there a better way?

You need to change the layout or just the template
If layout you have to update the handle
If template create a new theme and add view.phtml in the theme in catalog/product/ folder respectively
Assign the theme to be default theme.
Do some investigation to get some more idea about theme and layout

It is fairly simple as there is already a built-in widget in Magento which display your newly products.
So create a new CMS page then go to content tab, click on insert widget, find "catalog new product list widget" under widget list and insert into page.


How to change the product page design with my new theme

I installed a new theme in my magento store, and everything it's working fine, but the products page has remained with the older theme. I have more than 1000 products in my store, and how can I change the product page view with the new theme?
You'll have to style the product page template file:
Time ago I accidentally set an override of Product Design.
Fixed deselecting the option.

How to edit Magento product page template?

I have just installed custom options for grouped products plugin. It currently generates the template in the product page below the add-to-cart button. Now if I need to position it above the add-to-cart button, what procedure should I need to follow?
Thanks :)
Get familiar with how "getChildHtml" works. The block is added in layout yet (because you see it), so you just need to edit your catalog/product/view.phtml and change the positioning of the actual getChildHtml('block_name_in_layout_xml_you_want_to_move').

How to remove link from magento site top navigation subcategories?

How to remove link from magento site top navigation subcategories. I want subcategories should be there but it should not be click able.
Help will be appreciated.
There is no "fast way" to do it.You need to create a new module, to override the existing one and change the way that categories are printed through magento.

Product image not displaying in product page(view.phtml)

Product image not displaying in product page of magento. Where as its showing in list and grid. It is due to an extension which i installed and uninstalled, since that the product image is not showing up, Even the view.phtml is not calling the media.phtml. Please any suggestions ...
You could replace view.phtml with your original file, which could could copy from the base template into your custom template
You may also need to delete any layout xml files installed by the module, incase it has made changes to the layout of the view page

Is it possible to use a different navigation menu on some cms pages in magento

Is it possible to use a different navigation menu on some cms pages in magento?
And how to do this?
If you are a developer you can create (duplicating the which one is in use) one theme that does not show top menu but show your custom menu.
Then when you create a new CMS page in the tab design you can choose your new theme for that specific CMS page.
