Maven: Is it posible to prompt for proxy passwords instead? - maven

I know that there is the Maven Proxy settings according to its guide : .
However, in my company, the password is for personal use and I wouldn't like to expose it in plain text inside a file for a number of reasons.
Is there a way to prompt the user for the password? Or maybe any other solution for this?
Thanks in advance!


OS X custom login authentication

My Requirement
I need to authenticate the users at login with my own logic like, For eg: calling an external authentication server and using OpenDirectory in case if the server is not reachable.
What I know
I know that i need to create an authorization plugin like the apple's sample NullAuthPlugin and add an entry in authorizationdb at 'system.login.console' right to invoke my plugin to achieve this.
What I need
Can I able to achieve my requirement without replacing the loginwindow GUI ie the mechanism <string>loginwindow:login</string>??
ie,Can i able to achieve this by keeping the existing mac's login screen as such and obtain the credentials to perform my own authentication ?? If possbile where should i place my mechanism at 'system.login.console' ?
My idea
I think of replacing the <string>builtin:authenticate,privileged</string> with my own plugin to achieve my requirement ? Is it OK to replace the buitin login mechanism ?
Is my approach correct ? Can anyone help me to clarify regarding this ?
From what I understood you can create an authorizationplugin and put it after <string> loginwindow: login </ string>.
It will not replace the macOS auth but it will add a layer, I'm not sure what it will look like if you remove <string> builtin: authenticate, privileged </ string>, but I think I remember that I tried something like that and it was crashing.
Otherwise you can also write a PAM module, the PAM stack is just invoked on it: <string> builtin: authenticate, privileged </ string>
If you add a module with sufficient control flag on /etc/pam.d/authorization file it will do the job.

VS - how to set a general setting to all app's instances?

I'm trying to set a general password to my app, which means every user will have the same password to enter.
I've tried using the Project's settings - [Application.Current.Setting.Default.settingName] for the password - but then each user [in his own installed app on his PC] would have his own password, and that's not what I'm looking for.
Is there a way to set a 'general' setting to all app's instances? My project uses VSTS as well, if there's an option from there.
(I see there's a service called 'Web settings', is that it? If so, would you give me an usage example?)
The good way is that you can store password (can be encrypted) in the configuration file, such as app.config, web.config, then read it from configuration file before use it.
You may replace the password before deploy your app through Replace Token step (VSTS build/release)

How to retrieve a saved ftp password from phpStorm?

I know that technically, this question should be asked on phpStorm's forums, but being a popular IDE (I bet an eventual solution would also work for other popular IDEs from JetBrains), I'm thinking:
someone on SO might know and share the answer (faster than I'd get it from vendor)
the question answer might be useful and valuable to other coders (for that matter, even if I shall need to go on the vendor's forum I will get back with the answer here, when I find it)
If there is any need of context: I accidentally switched the connection type of a saved connection from ftp to local folder and when I switched back, the saved credentials were gone.
The question: Can I retrieve the saved password...
Angle 1: ...from this computer?
Angle 2: ...from another computer that has the same credentials saved, which I could access via TeamViewer, but has the password ●●●●●●(hidden)?
Edit: This method can only be used in the version of 2016.1 or before. For newer version (probably 2016.2), they changed the encode method. There is no clue for me to decode it.
Open C:\Users\.WebIde100\config\options\webServers.xml
Find your FTP and get the encrypted password from the password attribute.
Decrypt the password. I have written a PHP script to decrypt the string:
$pwd = "Your encrypted password here.";
$decrypted = '';
while (strlen($pwd) > 0) {
$decrypted .= chr(hexdec(substr($pwd, 0, 4)) ^ hexdec('dfaa'));
$pwd = substr($pwd, 4, strlen($pwd) - 1);
echo $decrypted;
If you trust my tools, you can use
If you use KeePass database file to store passwords, you can easely set password for that file, save and then open in KeePass manager, or migrate to other PHPStorm.
Go to Settings/Preferences | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings
| Passwords, enter new master password and save.
Open /.PhpStorm2017.1/config/c.kdbx (in "Keepass 2" or "Keeweb") with saved master password.
Here it is!
See answer here
Retrieve saved (hidden) SSH password from PhpStorm 2017.1
One way that just worked for me was to install Wireshark.
Use a capture filter of 'ftp', and do a "Test connection" inside PHPStorm.
Now stop the capture and examine what you've sniffed. The password will be in there.
I know this is a 1 year old question, but for everyone else, you can try to copy the selected (hidden) password with CTRL+C, and paste it in a text document (tested with 2016.3 on Debian).
For OSX users
Open keychain -> select the System Roots keychain (on the left side) -> search for IntelliJ.
If you click it you will see the ftp-username in the "Account" field. You can also use right click on the records to copy the password.

Webdeploy Publish Profile password saving

I saved a publish profile into an .xml along wit all the login info. But when i import this XML to another computer and try to publish, it'll say that my password is incorrect.
What can I do to have the password correctly saved into the publish profile and compatible with other computer?
My guess is that the program purposely obfuscates the passwords using the current PC's "salt" and generates a unique hash. Thus, preventing the passwords from being stolen via the profile publish function.
As mentioned by user1785999, you can save the password in plain text, just add the password element to your .pubxml file:
If you want the publishing profile to work across different computers, you need to save the password in plain text.
Just to add an additional answer, this may be version specific for .pubxml, but you can add these line to ensure visual studio save the password.
Make sure to use the ".\" prefix for a local account, and "domain\" prefix for an Active Directory account.

ajaxplorer set default language

I use Ajaxplorer as explorater for file on the server I works very fine, but the thing is that I can not, or I do not know how to change default configuration.
In the documentation it s written:
Browse to conf and open the file conf.php. Use your favorite text editor to open and modify this document. We’ll customize settings in this file for your unique server configuration and security purposes. Make the mandatory changes listed in section 2.4 Required Settings.
2.4 Required Settings
$dft_langue="en": Set the default language to be used (modify bold portion).
define("ADMIN_PASSWORD", "admin"): Set the administrator password which is granted most permissions (access) on your file server (modify bold portion).
I've been looking for the conf.php file since 1 hours but I did not find it.
So I do not know when I do it directly on the interface everytime it says 'your peferences has been saved' but when I close and reopen the window, there is no mora savec configuration.
Of course I've clean the cache after each modification.
Thank you very much in advance for your help.
Kind regards.
It is referring to the bootstrap_context.php file that you can find under system_path/ajaxplorer/conf/ folder. If you run into trouble try looking here
