VS - how to set a general setting to all app's instances? - visual-studio

I'm trying to set a general password to my app, which means every user will have the same password to enter.
I've tried using the Project's settings - [Application.Current.Setting.Default.settingName] for the password - but then each user [in his own installed app on his PC] would have his own password, and that's not what I'm looking for.
Is there a way to set a 'general' setting to all app's instances? My project uses VSTS as well, if there's an option from there.
(I see there's a service called 'Web settings', is that it? If so, would you give me an usage example?)

The good way is that you can store password (can be encrypted) in the configuration file, such as app.config, web.config, then read it from configuration file before use it.
You may replace the password before deploy your app through Replace Token step (VSTS build/release)


Setting Projects to Private by Default

I have my SQ server running in Kubernetes (via Tectonic) and all is going well. We need to tighten the security of our SQ installation, so we have LDAP up and working. We are trying to get all of the projects to be Private by default (which we can do Via the GUI for each project).
However, trying to flip the switch in the GUI to make all new projects Private works, until you refresh the page, then it reverts back to Public.
I have been searching for a way to set this up via the sonar.properties file or sonar-project.properties file (first if the preferred). The server.properties file we use is encrypted as a secret (because the LDAP settings exposes a service account password) and I would like to keep settings there.
I have combed through documentation, posts, discussions and all that, but have not been able to find out what the value=key combination is.
Has anyone seen what this is or if we can even accomplish that? Is it a setting stored in the database? I'm kind of at a loss on this one.
In SonarQube 7.x you can find the public/private setting when you browse to Administration - Projects - Management. This only works for new projects. For existing projects you can use the "Edit the permissions" option on the same page and switch between public and private.
You can also use the web_api to achieve the same results. You can find the documentation when you add "/web_api/api/projects" after the sonarqube URL:
Example of the POST request body: project=MyProject&visibility=private

aspnetboilerplate Shared cookie invalid with services.AddDataProtection()

I have the following scenario:
Server A:abpWeb;
Server B:abpWeb;
A and B are based on MyCompanyName.AbpZero template, abp. Net core version 3.1.1;aspnetboilerplate
Browser access A:abpWeb and B:abpWeb. But after logging in, cookie shared is invalid.
A:User.Identity?.IsAuthenticated equals true after Browser access A:Login;
But refresh B:/index on the browser,B:User.Identity?.IsAuthenticated equals false;
The same browser domain for A and B is the same.
I created two new ASP.NET Core 2.0 MVC apps with ASP.NET Core Identity, using AddDataProtection for the normal shared cookie is ok.
I referred to:
I am searching for a long time on net. But no use. Please help or try to give some ideas how to achieve this.
Thanks in advance.
The keys that encrypt/decrypt your cookies are probably trying to be written to an invalid folder.
By default AddDataProtection tries to write these keys to:
As long as there is an environment variable being used to create the keys path, you will need to set the following config file setting to true.
Please also see my other answer here:
IIS - AddDataProtection PersistKeysToFileSystem not creating
Fix: Within %WINDIR%\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config set setProfileEnvironment=true. I think you have to restart IIS as well.

How to hide TeamCity configuration for selected users?

I have one TeamCity project Dac.Test that contains 3 configurations: DEV, QA, PROD.
Also I have some users associated with their Roles. Is this possible to hide / show certains configurations for selected users or groups?
For example: Users associated with group: Testers can see QA configuration, but not PROD and DEV.
There is no way of managing user permissions per-build, this is available on a project level only. You could create a sub-project in the Dac.Test project to cater for this
If you're looking for a way of stopping people from mistakenly running this build, the following approach will work.
This method uses a prompt box that will pop up after you click the run button, it also needs input from the user confirming that they mean to run the build.
No one can run this build by accident
Go to your build configuration in the TeamCity UI
From here, go to Edit Configuration Settings --> Parameters --> Add new parameter
Enter something like 'Confirmation' as the parameter name
Then beside 'Spec:', click the 'Edit...' button
Set up the parameter as shown in the following screenshot:
You will now be prompted and asked for confirmation when you click the run button. The user will have to enter 'YES' in the prompt box that appears, any other value will stop the user from building:
This is best accomplished by using TeamCity's built-in role management. Roles allow you to set fine-grained permissions for users and groups. One potential issue, however, is that roles are scoped to projects (not build configurations). You'll need to create a separate Dac.Test QA project+configuration and provide your Testers the necessary privileges there. You'll also need to make sure that they are stripped of all privileges for the Dac.Test project.

Webdeploy Publish Profile password saving

I saved a publish profile into an .xml along wit all the login info. But when i import this XML to another computer and try to publish, it'll say that my password is incorrect.
What can I do to have the password correctly saved into the publish profile and compatible with other computer?
My guess is that the program purposely obfuscates the passwords using the current PC's "salt" and generates a unique hash. Thus, preventing the passwords from being stolen via the profile publish function.
As mentioned by user1785999, you can save the password in plain text, just add the password element to your .pubxml file:
If you want the publishing profile to work across different computers, you need to save the password in plain text.
Just to add an additional answer, this may be version specific for .pubxml, but you can add these line to ensure visual studio save the password.
Make sure to use the ".\" prefix for a local account, and "domain\" prefix for an Active Directory account.

ajaxplorer set default language

I use Ajaxplorer as explorater for file on the server I works very fine, but the thing is that I can not, or I do not know how to change default configuration.
In the documentation it s written:
Browse to conf and open the file conf.php. Use your favorite text editor to open and modify this document. We’ll customize settings in this file for your unique server configuration and security purposes. Make the mandatory changes listed in section 2.4 Required Settings.
2.4 Required Settings
$dft_langue="en": Set the default language to be used (modify bold portion).
define("ADMIN_PASSWORD", "admin"): Set the administrator password which is granted most permissions (access) on your file server (modify bold portion).
I've been looking for the conf.php file since 1 hours but I did not find it.
So I do not know when I do it directly on the interface everytime it says 'your peferences has been saved' but when I close and reopen the window, there is no mora savec configuration.
Of course I've clean the cache after each modification.
Thank you very much in advance for your help.
Kind regards.
It is referring to the bootstrap_context.php file that you can find under system_path/ajaxplorer/conf/ folder. If you run into trouble try looking here http://ajaxplorer.info/f/topic/bug-share-center-5-0/
