ajaxplorer set default language - ajax

I use Ajaxplorer as explorater for file on the server I works very fine, but the thing is that I can not, or I do not know how to change default configuration.
In the documentation it s written:
Browse to conf and open the file conf.php. Use your favorite text editor to open and modify this document. We’ll customize settings in this file for your unique server configuration and security purposes. Make the mandatory changes listed in section 2.4 Required Settings.
2.4 Required Settings
$dft_langue="en": Set the default language to be used (modify bold portion).
define("ADMIN_PASSWORD", "admin"): Set the administrator password which is granted most permissions (access) on your file server (modify bold portion).
I've been looking for the conf.php file since 1 hours but I did not find it.
So I do not know when I do it directly on the interface everytime it says 'your peferences has been saved' but when I close and reopen the window, there is no mora savec configuration.
Of course I've clean the cache after each modification.
Thank you very much in advance for your help.
Kind regards.

It is referring to the bootstrap_context.php file that you can find under system_path/ajaxplorer/conf/ folder. If you run into trouble try looking here http://ajaxplorer.info/f/topic/bug-share-center-5-0/


Setting Projects to Private by Default

I have my SQ server running in Kubernetes (via Tectonic) and all is going well. We need to tighten the security of our SQ installation, so we have LDAP up and working. We are trying to get all of the projects to be Private by default (which we can do Via the GUI for each project).
However, trying to flip the switch in the GUI to make all new projects Private works, until you refresh the page, then it reverts back to Public.
I have been searching for a way to set this up via the sonar.properties file or sonar-project.properties file (first if the preferred). The server.properties file we use is encrypted as a secret (because the LDAP settings exposes a service account password) and I would like to keep settings there.
I have combed through documentation, posts, discussions and all that, but have not been able to find out what the value=key combination is.
Has anyone seen what this is or if we can even accomplish that? Is it a setting stored in the database? I'm kind of at a loss on this one.
In SonarQube 7.x you can find the public/private setting when you browse to Administration - Projects - Management. This only works for new projects. For existing projects you can use the "Edit the permissions" option on the same page and switch between public and private.
You can also use the web_api to achieve the same results. You can find the documentation when you add "/web_api/api/projects" after the sonarqube URL:
Example of the POST request body: project=MyProject&visibility=private

classic asp create text file on webserver: error 800a0034 Bad_file_name_or_number

I have a classic asp page in VBS and I am trying to create a file on the web server with the following code.
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set file1 = fso.CreateTextFile("\\localhost\inetpub\wwwroot\cs\batch\123456dirs.bat", true)
This returns the following error:
Line 666 is the CreateTextFile line.
According to the Microsoft docs, this means that I'm trying to create a file with an invalid filename. Then it explains the rules for filenames and mine appears to be perfectly valid.
Any suggestions or ideas on how I can further troubleshoot this?
first thing to check to make sure your users have access to the folder. Assuming you're not using windows authentication, make sure IUSR account has write access to the folder.
second, unless inetpub is set up as a share to folder, you're syntax won't work. if the root of your website is located in the CS folder, you can do something like:
Set file1 = fso.CreateTextFile(Server.MapPath( "/cs/batch/123456dirs.bat" ), true)
The createtextfile() function runs on the web server but in the context of the local server itself. Simply put, any path you give it must resolve as if you were logged on to a windows desktop on the server and tried to CD to that path.
The format \localhost... is a UNC path. See this question for a discussion about UNC paths and windows. Unless you know for sure that there is a UNC path mapped for \localhost then that is probably your issue. You may be making the assumption the \localhost will be a reasonable path to use, but as I said unless you know for sure it is available then this is an invalid choice.
Lastly, if you decide to set up a share for \localhost, you will be getting in to some interesting territory around the user context that the web server operates in. You see you will have to set up the share for the IIS user that is configured as the run-as identity for IIS, so you will need to know that and create the required config to give that user the share.
If it were me, I would switch to using a standard windows path, although even then you need to appreciate the run-as user context and security config, etc.

VS - how to set a general setting to all app's instances?

I'm trying to set a general password to my app, which means every user will have the same password to enter.
I've tried using the Project's settings - [Application.Current.Setting.Default.settingName] for the password - but then each user [in his own installed app on his PC] would have his own password, and that's not what I'm looking for.
Is there a way to set a 'general' setting to all app's instances? My project uses VSTS as well, if there's an option from there.
(I see there's a service called 'Web settings', is that it? If so, would you give me an usage example?)
The good way is that you can store password (can be encrypted) in the configuration file, such as app.config, web.config, then read it from configuration file before use it.
You may replace the password before deploy your app through Replace Token step (VSTS build/release)

Editing velocity template of Liferay changes not showing or takes a while

I'm currently editing my portal_normal.vm (server/tomcat/webapps/mytheme-theme/templates) testing if I can write on the file and see it on my browser. I tried putting a test comment "<!-- test -->" just to see if I can really write on the file. So I refreshed the file and hope I can see the comment I've added, but there we're none. So I continued refreshing (ctrl+r),\ and viewing the source code for almost an twenty minutes. After a while when I tried viewing it again it reflected in my source code. So I thought it was cached by either Liferay or my browser.
So I tried tweaking the comment adding version on it ("<!-- test v2 -->"), hoping to see changes. I checked it on another browser and the comment didn't update or include my added version. So I think Liferay is responsible for the issue.
this is what my portal-ext.properties contain:
# Database settings
#For removing captch
#Delete cookies while deleting session
#redirecting null problem.
admin.email.from.name=Market.Travel Team
# Added because of the Error - No Hibernate Session bound to thread, and configuration does not allow creation of non-transactional one here
and my portal-developer.properties
Addition: When I tried editing the css files I can see the changes fast. Just one reload the the changes appear. I think it is just in my velocity template that take some time or there's something wrong.
Liferay version: Liferay Portal Community Edition 6.0.6 CE
Thank You!
There is really no need to define your own portal-developer.properties. By adding -Dexternal-properties=portal-developer.properties to your JAVA_OPTS in tomcat/bin/setenv.(sh|bat) Liferay will use it's default developer settings, which are almost identical to what you have provided. However, I do not believe this is contributes to (or could resolve) your problem. More details here.
The developer properties do allow you to make live changes to the templates provided you are changing the right file. Due to the default context.xml Liferay provides to the deployed webapps, the webapps are copied/cached in tomcat/temp/{id}-webapp-name. This means if you change the template in webapp/mytheme then it may take tomcat a while to pick up on the change, if it notices the change at all (this will depend on the tomcat configuration). On the other hand, if you make a change in temp/1-mytheme it will show up immediately. Editing the files in the temp folder is probably not ideal, so...
How to fix this: (no specific order)
Prevent Tomcat from using the temp directory for your theme. Create a context.xml file for your theme.
<Context cachingAllowed="false"/>
This file should be placed in the META-INF folder of your
theme. If you are using the Liferay auto-deploy feature the
context.xml file may be clobbered, here, and here. If this
is the case you will need to find a work around that best suits your
needs, such as modifying the context.xml after the theme is deployed.
If you are using the Liferay Plugin-SDK the you can follow the fast plugin development guide for setting up your development environment.

Make a file Readonly from code, and also doesnt allow to change it from the Properties

I would like to change a file to read only from my application.
For that i have used,
SetFileAttributes(szFile, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY);
And worked.
But the readonly property could be changed from the file properties on right clicking the file.
But I would like to block that too...
Is it possible to disable the Read-Only check-box in the file-properties, after making the file readonly.
if possible how it could be done..?
please help me...
Thanks in advance....
You need to set Read Permissions to everyone. See for example SetNamedSecurityInfo function. Or Cacls utility.
You can't do this. If the user account has sufficient privileges, then whatever your program can do, other programs (like Windows Explorer and its file properties) can do as well. However if the user is restricted to a limited user account, you can set the security descriptor on the file to prevent the user from modifying the attributes.
