I am trying to set s.campaign via Adobe DTM using the google analytics parameters which would look like this:
However I can't get this to work via DTM implementation where I have the s.campaign dropdown to "query param" and have this typed:
Am I missing some syntax? Do I need that in DTM?
If you're trying to do it directly in the DTM interface, I don't believe it will let you do multiple parameters at once like that- it's expecting just something like "cid". It may be that the easiest way to accomplish what you're trying to accomplish would be to keep the getQueryParam plugin that you have and just add it to your library (s_code) or your Adobe Analytics tool Custom Code in DTM.
I tried to create a slack application using the link, its working as /botname str.
is there any way that we could invoke application in slack using #botname str instead of /botname str. tried searching various places, couldn't get on how to do, can anyone help on it.
To use #botname instead of \botname, you'll need to change approach of implementation.
You need to implement by subscribing to 'Slack Events'.
This should help you to start:
In the path below where I am doing filter on sys_class_name = Generic Application
/api/now/table/cmdb_ci?&sysparm_display_value=true&sysparm_exclude_reference_link=true&sys_class_name=Generic Application
I have multiple sys_class_name like Application, Generic Application, ServiceNow Application, Share point, IBM Websphere, Business application, business service, discovered service, web application, web service, web site.
My question is how do I combine all these Sys_Class_Names?
You actually want to use the sysparm_query URL parameter with an IN condition:
The whole URL looks something like this:
Note: this is using the actual class name (e.g. cmdb_ci_appl_generic) in place of the class _label_. If you need to look up the name based on the label, go to /sys_db_object_list.do.
One easy way to use sysparm_query is to just build the list you want in the UI using the normal filter, and then just right-click the breadcrumbs (the blue text above the filter after Running) for the filter, and click Copy Query. That can just be pasted in as the sysparm_query in the table API.
When you filter on a table you can right click on the filter text and select "copy URL".
Your URL will look something like this:
/api/now/table/cmdb_ci?&sysparm_display_value=true&sysparm_exclude_reference_link=true&sys_class_name=Generic Application&sys_class_name=ServiceNow Application
Is there support for embedded arrays in form? Like list of emails or phone numbers (these entities do not exist as standalone resource so it is impossible to use Reference* fields/inputs). SelectArrayInput looks promising, but it needs to know in advance possible options which is not the case (maybe there is an easy way to modify it to accept any option after hiting an enter button?).
Not currently, you'll have to make a custom input. If you do, please make it an addon and we'll reference it in the documentation.
Also note that someone started an addon about this: https://github.com/marmelab/admin-on-rest/pull/697
I would like to query Cases on my on-premises DynamicsCRM using a URL querystring.
Something like this:
I would like to query the field 'Case Number', please notice that it is only an example, anything that can fulfill this need is welcome (since it uses a url to make the query).
I took a look at this link with no luck: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg328483.aspx
It seems something very straight forward to have but I canĀ“t find any info on this.
Thanks in advance
Nothing like what you're looking for really exists out of the box. What you linked to kind of works if you can go directly to a view that is already filtered to what you want. Otherwise the closest thing would probably be the OData endpoint. For 2013 it would look something like the following HTTP GET:
https://<CRM SERVER URL>/xrmservices/2011/organizationdata.svc/IncidentSet?$filter=TicketNumber%20eq%20%27CAS-00033-Z3K2P7%27
You could paste that into your browser, but the result will be something like the following (depending on the browser) and not the CRM UI
You can open a record via the GUID
https://<CRM URL>/main.aspx?etn=incident&id={<Case GUID>}&newWindow=true&pagetype=entityrecord
Using Matt's answer above can fetch the GUID. (See below code with snipped from the OData endpoint
<id>https://<CRM URL>/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/IncidentSet(guid'<Your entities GUID is here>')</id>
Once you have the GUID, the URL will take the user directly into the record.
It's a few more steps than I'd personally like, but using some fancy JavaScript, you can perform the lookup, fetch the GUID and create the URL.
An amazing resource for playing with CRM is the open source Chrome plugin LevelUp for Dynamics CRM. The source code there will give you a start into
I am not the cleanest JavaScript coder, so I will not scar your eyes with my "unique style" however I hope I have given you a good starting point.
I am basically executing the following luna-send command and trying to get those parameters from applicationManager:
luna-send -n 1 palm://com.palm.power/timeout/set '{"wakeup":true, "key":"myKey",
After executing this command, my app gets launched by applicationManager, but I don't know how to get those params in my app. I am using enyo 2.0. I was trying to use onWindowsParamsChange handler, but ApplicationEvents is deprecated for 2.0. Can anyone help me with this?
Under Enyo 1.0 it was enyo.windowParams. Under Enyo 2.0 I believe this functionality is gone. These parameters may be available through Cordova, but I'm not positive right now as I don't have the source handy. In any case, this was loaded from PalmSystem.launchParams so you should be able to access that.
If you're handling relaunch then you'll have a little more work to do. I think you'll need to define a Mojo.relaunch on the window object to detect when the launch parameters change.