How do I combine multiple sys_class_name while query? - https

In the path below where I am doing filter on sys_class_name = Generic Application
/api/now/table/cmdb_ci?&sysparm_display_value=true&sysparm_exclude_reference_link=true&sys_class_name=Generic Application
I have multiple sys_class_name like Application, Generic Application, ServiceNow Application, Share point, IBM Websphere, Business application, business service, discovered service, web application, web service, web site.
My question is how do I combine all these Sys_Class_Names?

You actually want to use the sysparm_query URL parameter with an IN condition:
The whole URL looks something like this:
Note: this is using the actual class name (e.g. cmdb_ci_appl_generic) in place of the class _label_. If you need to look up the name based on the label, go to /
One easy way to use sysparm_query is to just build the list you want in the UI using the normal filter, and then just right-click the breadcrumbs (the blue text above the filter after Running) for the filter, and click Copy Query. That can just be pasted in as the sysparm_query in the table API.

When you filter on a table you can right click on the filter text and select "copy URL".
Your URL will look something like this:
/api/now/table/cmdb_ci?&sysparm_display_value=true&sysparm_exclude_reference_link=true&sys_class_name=Generic Application&sys_class_name=ServiceNow Application


i want to access the transaction from web panel and directly through developer menu(

I want to access my transaction from web panel(send variables to the transaction ) and I want to access this from the developer menu screen (without variables)
How are you?.
Thats is very simple Try with some like this
put in it ONLY a GRID with a several attributes from such TRANSACTION, change the property main=true and Choice option RUN WITH THIS ONLY.
Form more details, you can write to my gmail: #gxsoft
Kind regards,

How to make UILabel "live"?

I would like to add text to my app so when ever I want to change the text in Xcode, the text will also change for the user. From my understanding so far, if I want to change a UILabel, I would have to submit it to the AppStore again and the user would have to update the app in order to see the UILabel text change.
Is it possible for me to add text on the app when ever I want and it will update for the user automatically?
First you should consider the solution, that will be connecting your app to certain API service.
In other words, the service that will bring fresh data to your app, will be an API, that your code will connect to. After connection and getting response from server, data from it will be transferred to the user interface of your application.
For example - your code will be set to make requests from your app using URL, looking like this:
For better imagination, if you would like to check, what this URL returns, you would type that URL to your browser. It would return some output - for example JSON, something like this:
{"label": "This is title"}
So your app (after some action, for example when a view is shown or a user taps a button) will establish connection to this URL, to be able to get this output and process it. So it will await some structure, that is needed to read by your program. In this case, the structure is a format of an output, that is JSON.
Then, your code will parse this output and gets result. So the result would be "This is title" and your UILabel would be updated with "This is title".
For URL connections and sessions, using swift3, the best choice to use is an Alamofire framework:
And this is very useful tutorial:
It explain, how to get an access to a service, that is capable to prepare your output (e.g. JSON), because your app will need to connect to it.
This tutorial is a solid guide, how to create a service like that.
You have to implement web services for this where your app will read data from some server, programmatically. And using this you can update your any type of data. I would suggest to read more about Objective C Basic, Web services, AFNNetworking, NSURLSession and all.

DynamicsCRM - Search cases (or any other entity) using url querystring

I would like to query Cases on my on-premises DynamicsCRM using a URL querystring.
Something like this:
I would like to query the field 'Case Number', please notice that it is only an example, anything that can fulfill this need is welcome (since it uses a url to make the query).
I took a look at this link with no luck:
It seems something very straight forward to have but I canĀ“t find any info on this.
Thanks in advance
Nothing like what you're looking for really exists out of the box. What you linked to kind of works if you can go directly to a view that is already filtered to what you want. Otherwise the closest thing would probably be the OData endpoint. For 2013 it would look something like the following HTTP GET:
https://<CRM SERVER URL>/xrmservices/2011/organizationdata.svc/IncidentSet?$filter=TicketNumber%20eq%20%27CAS-00033-Z3K2P7%27
You could paste that into your browser, but the result will be something like the following (depending on the browser) and not the CRM UI
You can open a record via the GUID
https://<CRM URL>/main.aspx?etn=incident&id={<Case GUID>}&newWindow=true&pagetype=entityrecord
Using Matt's answer above can fetch the GUID. (See below code with snipped from the OData endpoint
<id>https://<CRM URL>/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/IncidentSet(guid'<Your entities GUID is here>')</id>
Once you have the GUID, the URL will take the user directly into the record.
It's a few more steps than I'd personally like, but using some fancy JavaScript, you can perform the lookup, fetch the GUID and create the URL.
An amazing resource for playing with CRM is the open source Chrome plugin LevelUp for Dynamics CRM. The source code there will give you a start into
I am not the cleanest JavaScript coder, so I will not scar your eyes with my "unique style" however I hope I have given you a good starting point.

Right way to consume a Web Service in WP7

I have a Web Service like ServiceA.asmx. What is the right way to consume it?
I have two ways to consume a service:
1)adding Service Refernce:
I have added Service Refernce of ServiceA.asmx ( Like in and i am able to call the Functions in Service like in the link i have given. If we use this way there is no need to parse the Result, Result returned in Objects(easy to use).
2)Hitting the URL and Calling asynchronously:
Here we can hit the URL, that function will call the asynchronous function that asynchronous function will return the response. But here response will be in XML here we have to parse that XML in to an Object.(not easy if any Big XML is there)
Please Guide me on this
Personally I would use the 'Add service reference' option. It's easy to use, and this option is added to Visual Studio especially for consuming web services. You can still use MVVM to build up your models/viewmodels.
I don't have the option to check it right now, but from my head the classes generated when adding the service reference also implement INotifyPropertyChanged. So you could probably use the object directly (if they are in the structure as you want to use it.) as your Model. Based on that model you can create your own ViewModel which you can bind to the UI.
To see how this works have a look at the code samples on MSDN:
Implementing the Model-View-ViewModel Pattern in a Windows Phone Application
Weather Forecast Sample

How entity edit URL from within plug-in in MS Dynamics CRM 4.0

I would like to have a workflow create a task, then email the assigned user that they have a new task and include a link to the newly created task in the body of the email. I have client side code that will correctly create the edit URL, using the entities GUID and stores it in a custom attribute. However, when the task is created from within a workflow, the client script isn't run.
So, I think a plug-in should work, but I can't figure out how to determine the URL of the CRM installation. I'm authoring this in a test environment and definitely don't want to have to change things when I move to production. I'm sure I could use a config file, but seems like the plug-in should be able to figure this out at runtime.
Anyone have any ideas how to access the URL of the crm service from within a plug-in? Any other ideas?
There is no simple way to do this. However, there is one.
The MSCRM_Config is the deployment database that handle physical deployment properties, like the URL from which users are accessing the CRM deployment. The url that you might want is the one stored in "ADWebApplicationRootDomain", in the MSCRM_CONFIG.dbo.DeploymentProperties table. You may need some permission to access this database.
Note that this doesn't work in a deployment that is an Internet Facing Deployment.
Another way could be to query the discovery service to retrieve the same information (in the case that you are on the Online edition of MSCRM4).
What do you mean by "change things"?
If you create a custom workflow assembly, you can give it a server url input. Once you register it with CRM, you can simply type in the server url when you configure the workflow. You'll have to update the url for any workflows that use the custom workflow assembly once you move to production, but you'll only have to do that once.
My apologies if this is what you meant you wanted to avoid.
Edit: Sounds like you may be able to use the CustomConfiguration attribute when you register the plugin. Here's some more info.
String Url = ((string)(Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(
).Replace("MSCRMServices", "");
