Ignoring h2o factor in GLM - h2o

When you one-hot encode categorical variables, you usually drop one of the variables before modeling. That way, you don't have a redundant feature that is linearly dependent on the others.
Is there a way to specify a level of the categorical variable that should not be used in fitting?
From the documentation:
"We strongly recommend avoiding one-hot encoding categorical columns with any levels into many binary columns, as this is very inefficient. This is especially true for Python users who are used to expanding their categorical variables manually for other frameworks.

The short answer is "no": you leave that decision up to H2O, so it can do it efficiently. The section just after the one you linked to explains why:
When GLM performs regression (with factor columns), one category can be left out to avoid multicollinearity. If regularization is disabled (lambda = 0), then one category is left out. However, when using a the default lambda parameter, all categories are included.
The reason for the different behavior with regularization is that collinearity is not a problem with regularization. And it’s better to leave regularization to find out which level to ignore (or how to distribute the coefficients between the levels).
As an aside, it seems all the other algorithms allow control over the categorical encoding:


XGBOOST/lLightgbm over-fitting despite no indication in cross-validation test scores?

We aim to identify predictors that may influence the risk of a relatively rare outcome.
We are using a semi-large clinical dataset, with data on nearly 200,000 patients.
The outcome of interest is binary (i.e. yes/no), and quite rare (~ 5% of the patients).
We have a large set of nearly 1,200 mostly dichotomized possible predictors.
Our objective is not to create a prediction model, but rather to use the boosted trees algorithm as a tool for variable selection and for examining high-order interactions (i.e. to identify which variables, or combinations of variables, that may have some influence on the outcome), so we can target these predictors more specifically in subsequent studies. Given the paucity of etiological information on the outcome, it is somewhat possible that none of the possible predictors we are considering have any influence on the risk of developing the condition, so if we were aiming to develop a prediction model it would have likely been a rather bad one. For this work, we use the R implementation of XGBoost/lightgbm.
We have been having difficulties tuning the models. Specifically when running cross validation to choose the optimal number of iterations (nrounds), the CV test score continues to improve even at very high values (for example, see figure below for nrounds=600,000 from xgboost). This is observed even when increasing the learning rate (eta), or when adding some regularization parameters (e.g. max_delta_step, lamda, alpha, gamma, even at high values for these).
As expected, the CV test score is always lower than the train score, but continuous to improve without ever showing a clear sign of over fitting. This is true regardless of the evaluation metrics that is used (example below is for logloss, but the same is observed for auc/aucpr/error rate, etc.). Relatedly, the same phenomenon is also observed when using a grid search to find the optimal value of tree depth (max_depth). CV test scores continue to improve regardless of the number of iterations, even at depth values exceeding 100, without showing any sign of over fitting.
Note that owing to the rare outcome, we use a stratified CV approach. Moreover, the same is observed when a train/test split is used instead of CV.
Are there situations in which over fitting happens despite continuous improvements in the CV-test (or test split) scores? If so, why is that and how would one choose the optimal values for the hyper parameters?
Relatedly, again, the idea is not to create a prediction model (since it would be a rather bad one, owing that we don’t know much about the outcome), but to look for a signal in the data that may help identify a set of predictors for further exploration. If boosted trees is not the optimal method for this, are there others to come to mind? Again, part of the reason we chose to use boosted trees was to enable the identification of higher (i.e. more than 2) order interactions, which cannot be easily assessed using more conventional methods (including lasso/elastic net, etc.).
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In the absence of some code and representative data it is not easy to make other than general suggestions.
Your descriptive statistics step may give some pointers to a starting model.
What does existing theory (if it exists!) suggest about the cause of the medical condition?
Is there a male/female difference or old/young age difference that could help get your foot in the door?
Your medical data has similarities to the fraud detection problem where one is trying to predict rare events usually much rarer than your cases.
It may pay you to check out the use of xgboost/lightgbm in the fraud detection literature.

Gensim Word2vec model parameter tuning

I am working on Word2Vec model. Is there any way to get the ideal value for one of its parameter i.e iter. Like the way we used do in K-Means (Elbo curve plot) to get the K value.Or is there any other way for parameter tuning on this model.
There's no one ideal set of parameters for a word2vec session – it depends on your intended usage of the word-vectors.
For example, some research has suggested that using a larger window tends to position the final vectors in a way that's more sensitive to topical/domain similarity, while a smaller window value shifts the word-neighborhoods to be more syntactic/functional drop-in replacements for each other. So depending on your particular project goals, you'd want a different value here.
(Similarly, because the original word2vec paper evaluated models, & tuned model meta-parameters, based on the usefulness of the word-vectors to solve a set of English-language analogy problems, many have often tuned their models to do well on the same analogy task. But I've seen cases where the model that scores best on those analogies does worse when contributing to downstream classification tasks.)
So what you really want is a project-specific way to score a set of word-vectors, well-matched to your goals. Then, you run many alternate word2vec training sessions, and pick the parameters that do best on your score.
The case of iter/epochs is special, in that by the logic of the underlying stochastic-gradient-descent optimization method, you'd ideally want to use as many training-epochs as necessary for the per-epoch running 'loss' to stop improving. At that point, the model is plausibly as good as it can be – 'converged' – given its inherent number of free-parameters and structure. (Any further internal adjustments that improve it for some examples worsen it for others, and vice-versa.)
So potentially, you'd watch this 'loss', and choose a number of training-iterations that's just enough to show the 'loss' stagnating (jittering up-and-down in a tight window) for a few passes. However, the loss-reporting in gensim isn't yet quite optimal – see project bug #2617 – and many word2vec implementations, including gensim and going back to the original word2vec.c code released by Google researchers, just let you set a fixed count of training iterations, rather than implement any loss-sensitive stopping rules.

Model tuning with Cross validation

I have a model tuning object that fits multiple models and tunes each one of them to find the best hyperparameter combination for each of the models. I want to perform cross-validation on the model tuning part and this is where I am facing a dilemma.
Let's assume that I am fitting just the one model- a random forest classifier and performing a 5 fold cross-validation. Currently, for the first fold that I leave out, I fit the random forest model and perform the model tuning. I am performing model tuning using the dlib package. I calculate the evaluation metric(accuracy, precision, etc) and select the best hyper-parameter combination.
Now when I am leaving out the second fold, should I be tuning the model again? Because if I do, I will get a different combination of hyperparameters than I did in the first case. If I do this across the five folds, what combination do I select?
The cross validators present in spark and sklearn use grid search so for each fold they have the same hyper-parameter combination and don't have to bother about hyper-parameter combinations changing across folds
Choosing the best hyper-parameter combination that I get when I leave out the first fold and using it for the subsequent folds doesn't sound right because then my entire model tuning is dependent on which fold got left out first. However, if I am getting different hyperparameters each time, which one do I settle on?
If you are performing let's say a derivative based model tuning along with cross-validation, your hyper-parameter combination changes as you iterate over folds. How do you select the best combination then? Generally speaking, how do you use cross-validation with derivative-based model tuning methods.
PS: Please let me know if you need more details
This is more of a comment, but it is too long for this, so I post it as an answer instead.
Cross-validation and hyperparameter tuning are two separate things. Cross Validation is done to get a sense of the out-of-sample prediction error of the model. You can do this by having a dedicated validation set, but this raises the question if you are overfitting to this particular validation data. As a consequence, we often use cross-validation where the data are split in to k folds and each fold is used once for validation while the others are used for fitting. After you have done this for each fold, you combine the prediction errors into a single metric (e.g. by averaging the error from each fold). This then tells you something about the expected performance on unseen data, for a given set of hyperparameters.
Once you have this single metric, you can change your hyperparameter, repeat, and see if you get a lower error with the new hyperparameter. This is the hpyerparameter tuning part. The CV part is just about getting a good estimate of the model performance for the given set of hyperparameters, i.e. you do not change hyperparameters 'between' folds.
I think one source of confusion might be the distinction between hyperparameters and parameters (sometimes also referred to as 'weights', 'feature importances', 'coefficients', etc). If you use a gradient-based optimization approach, these change between iterations until convergence or a stopping rule is reached. This is however different from hyperparameter search (e.g. how many trees to plant in the random forest?).
By the way, I think questions like these should better be posted to the Cross-Validated or Data Science section here on StackOverflow.

Feature Scaling required or not

I am working with sample data set to learn clustering. This data set contains number of occurrences for the keywords.
Since all are number of occurrences for the different keywords, will it be OK not to scale the values and use them as it is?
I read couple of articles on internet where its emphasized that scaling is important as it will adjust the relativity of the frequency. Since most of frequencies are 0 (95%+), z score scaling will change the shape of distribution, which I am feeling could be problem as I am changing the nature of data.
I am thinking of not changing values at all to avoid this. Will that affect the quality of results I get from the clustering?
As it was already noted, the answer heavily depends on an algorithm being used.
If you're using distance-based algorithms with (usually default) Euclidean distance (for example, k-Means or k-NN), it'll rely more on features with bigger range just because a "typical difference" of values of that feature is bigger.
Non-distance based models can be affected, too. Though one might think that linear models do not get into this category since scaling (and translating, if needed) is a linear transformation, so if it makes results better, then the model should learn it, right? Turns out, the answer is no. The reason is that no one uses vanilla linear models, they're always used with with some sort of a regularization which penalizes too big weights. This can prevent your linear model from learning scaling from data.
There are models that are independent of the feature scale. For example, tree-based algorithms (decision trees and random forests) are not affected. A node of a tree partitions your data into 2 sets by comparing a feature (which splits dataset best) to a threshold value. There's no regularization for the threshold (because one should keep height of the tree small), so it's not affected by different scales.
That being said, it's usually advised to standardize (subtract mean and divide by standard deviation) your data.
Probably it depends on the classification algorithm. I'm only familiar with SVM. Please see Ch. 2.2 for the explanation of scaling
The type of feature (count of words) doesn't matter. The feature ranges should be more or less similar. If the count of e.g. "dignity" is 10 and the count of "have" is 100000000 in your texts, then (at least on SVM) the results of such features would be less accurate as when you scaled both counts to similar range.
The cases, where no scaling is needed are those, where the data is scaled implicitly e.g. features are pixel-values in an image. The data is scaled already to the range 0-255.
*Distance based algorithm need scaling
*There is no need of scaling in tree based algorithms
But it is good to scale your data and train model ,if possible compare the model accuracy and other evaluations before scaling and after scaling and use the best possibility
These is as per my knowledge

Which data mining algorithm would you suggest for this particular scenario?

This is not a directly programming related question, but it's about selecting the right data mining algorithm.
I want to infer the age of people from their first names, from the region they live, and if they have an internet product or not. The idea behind it is that:
there are names that are old-fashioned or popular in a particular decade (celebrities, politicians etc.) (this may not hold in the USA, but in the country of interest that's true),
young people tend to live in highly populated regions whereas old people prefer countrysides, and
Internet is used more by young people than by old people.
I am not sure if those assumptions hold, but I want to test that. So what I have is 100K observations from our customer database with
approx. 500 different names (nominal input variable with too many classes)
20 different regions (nominal input variable)
Internet Yes/No (binary input variable)
91 distinct birthyears (numerical target variable with range: 1910-1992)
Because I have so many nominal inputs, I don't think regression is a good candidate. Because the target is numerical, I don't think decision tree is a good option either. Can anyone suggest me a method that is applicable for such a scenario?
I think you could design discrete variables that reflect the split you are trying to determine. It doesn't seem like you need a regression on their exact age.
One possibility is to cluster the ages, and then treat the clusters as discrete variables. Should this not be appropriate, another possibility is to divide the ages into bins of equal distribution.
One technique that could work very well for your purposes is, instead of clustering or partitioning the ages directly, cluster or partition the average age per name. That is to say, generate a list of all of the average ages, and work with this instead. (There may be some statistical problems in the classifier if you the discrete categories here are too fine-grained, though).
However, the best case is if you have a clear notion of what age range you consider appropriate for 'young' and 'old'. Then, use these directly.
New answer
I would try using regression, but in the manner that I specify. I would try binarizing each variable (if this is the correct term). The Internet variable is binary, but I would make it into two separate binary values. I will illustrate with an example because I feel it will be more illuminating. For my example, I will just use three names (Gertrude, Jennifer, and Mary) and the internet variable.
I have 4 women. Here are their data:
Gertrude, Internet, 57
Jennifer, Internet, 23
Gertrude, No Internet, 60
Mary, No Internet, 35
I would generate a matrix, A, like this (each row represents a respective woman in my list):
The first three columns represent the names and the latter two Internet/No Internet. Thus, the columns represent
[Gertrude, Jennifer, Mary, Internet, No Internet]
You can keep doing this with more names (500 columns for the names), and for the regions (20 columns for those). Then you will just be solving the standard linear algebra problem A*x=b where b for the above example is
You may be worried that A will now be a huge matrix, but it is a huge, extremely sparse matrix and thus can be stored very efficiently in a sparse matrix form. Each row has 3 1's in it and the rest are 0. You can then just solve this with a sparse matrix solver. You will want to do some sort of correlation test on the resulting predicting ages to see how effective it is.
You might check out the babynamewizard. It shows the changes in name frequency over time and should help convert your names to a numeric input. Also, you should be able to use population density from census.gov data to get a numeric value associated with your regions. I would suggest an additional flag regarding the availability of DSL access - many rural areas don't have DSL coverage. No coverage = less demand for internet services.
My first inclination would be to divide your response into two groups, those very likely to have used computers in school or work and those much less likely. The exposure to computer use at an age early in their career or schooling probably has some effect on their likelihood to use a computer later in their life. Then you might consider regressions on the groups separately. This should eliminate some of the natural correlation of your inputs.
I would use a classification algorithm that accepts nominal attributes and numeric class, like M5 (for trees or rules). Perhaps I would combine it with the bagging meta classifier to reduce variance. The original algorithm M5 was invented by R. Quinlan and Yong Wang made improvements.
The algorithm is implemented in R (library RWeka)
It also can be found in the open source machine learning software Weka
For more information see:
Ross J. Quinlan: Learning with Continuous Classes. In: 5th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Singapore, 343-348, 1992.
Y. Wang, I. H. Witten: Induction of model trees for predicting continuous classes. In: Poster papers of the 9th European Conference on Machine Learning, 1997.
I think slightly different from you, I believe that trees are excellent algorithms to deal with nominal data because they can help you build a model that you can easily interpret and identify the influence of each one of these nominal variables and it's different values.
You can also use regression with dummy variables in order to represent the nominal attributes, this is also a good solution.
But you can also use other algorithms such as SVM(smo), with the previous transformation of the nominal variables to binary dummy ones, same as in regression.
