Feature Scaling required or not - algorithm

I am working with sample data set to learn clustering. This data set contains number of occurrences for the keywords.
Since all are number of occurrences for the different keywords, will it be OK not to scale the values and use them as it is?
I read couple of articles on internet where its emphasized that scaling is important as it will adjust the relativity of the frequency. Since most of frequencies are 0 (95%+), z score scaling will change the shape of distribution, which I am feeling could be problem as I am changing the nature of data.
I am thinking of not changing values at all to avoid this. Will that affect the quality of results I get from the clustering?

As it was already noted, the answer heavily depends on an algorithm being used.
If you're using distance-based algorithms with (usually default) Euclidean distance (for example, k-Means or k-NN), it'll rely more on features with bigger range just because a "typical difference" of values of that feature is bigger.
Non-distance based models can be affected, too. Though one might think that linear models do not get into this category since scaling (and translating, if needed) is a linear transformation, so if it makes results better, then the model should learn it, right? Turns out, the answer is no. The reason is that no one uses vanilla linear models, they're always used with with some sort of a regularization which penalizes too big weights. This can prevent your linear model from learning scaling from data.
There are models that are independent of the feature scale. For example, tree-based algorithms (decision trees and random forests) are not affected. A node of a tree partitions your data into 2 sets by comparing a feature (which splits dataset best) to a threshold value. There's no regularization for the threshold (because one should keep height of the tree small), so it's not affected by different scales.
That being said, it's usually advised to standardize (subtract mean and divide by standard deviation) your data.

Probably it depends on the classification algorithm. I'm only familiar with SVM. Please see Ch. 2.2 for the explanation of scaling
The type of feature (count of words) doesn't matter. The feature ranges should be more or less similar. If the count of e.g. "dignity" is 10 and the count of "have" is 100000000 in your texts, then (at least on SVM) the results of such features would be less accurate as when you scaled both counts to similar range.
The cases, where no scaling is needed are those, where the data is scaled implicitly e.g. features are pixel-values in an image. The data is scaled already to the range 0-255.

*Distance based algorithm need scaling
*There is no need of scaling in tree based algorithms
But it is good to scale your data and train model ,if possible compare the model accuracy and other evaluations before scaling and after scaling and use the best possibility
These is as per my knowledge


Algorithm for 2D nearest-neighbour queries with dynamic points

I am trying to find a fast algorithm for finding the (approximate, if need be) nearest neighbours of a given point in a two-dimensional space where points are frequently removed from the dataset and new points are added.
(Relatedly, there are two variants of this problem that interest me: one in which points can be thought of as being added and removed randomly and another in which all the points are in constant motion.)
Some thoughts:
kd-trees offer good performance, but are only suitable for static point sets
R*-trees seem to offer good performance for a variety of dimensions, but the generality of their design (arbitrary dimensions, general content geometries) suggests the possibility that a more specific algorithm might offer performance advantages
Algorithms with existing implementations are preferable (though this is not necessary)
What's a good choice here?
I agree with (almost) everything that #gsamaras said, just to add a few things:
In my experience (using large dataset with >= 500,000 points), kNN-performance of KD-Trees is worse than pretty much any other spatial index by a factor of 10 to 100. I tested them (2 KD-trees and various other indexes) on a large OpenStreetMap dataset. In the following diagram, the KD-Trees are called KDL and KDS, the 2D dataset is called OSM-P (left diagram): The diagram is taken from this document, see bullet points below for more information.
This research describes an indexing method for moving objects, in case you keep (re-)inserting the same points in slightly different positions.
Quadtrees are not too bad either, they can be very fast in 2D, with excellent kNN performance for datasets < 1,000,000 entries.
If you are looking for Java implementations, have a look at my index library. In has implementations of quadtrees, R-star-tree, ph-tree, and others, all with a common API that also supports kNN. The library was written for the TinSpin, which is a framework for testing multidimensional indexes. Some results can be found enter link description here (it doesn't really describe the test data, but 'OSM-P' results are based on OpenStreetMap data with up to 50,000,000 2D points.
Depending on your scenario, you may also want to consider PH-Trees. They appear to be slower for kNN-queries than R-Trees in low dimensionality (though still faster than KD-Trees), but they are faster for removal and updates than RTrees. If you have a lot of removal/insertion, this may be a better choice (see the TinSpin results, Figures 2 and 46). C++ versions are available here and here.
Check the Bkd-Tree, which is:
an I/O-efficient dynamic data structure based on the kd-tree. [..] the Bkd-tree maintains its high space utilization and excellent
query and update performance regardless of the number of updates performed on it.
However this data structure is multi dimensional, and not specialized to lower dimensions (like the kd-tree).
Play with it in bkdtree.
Dynamic Quadtrees can also be a candidate, with O(logn) query time and O(Q(n)) insertion/deletion time, where Q(n) is the time
to perform a query in the data structure used. Note that this data structure is specialized for 2D. For 3D however, we have octrees, and in a similar way the structure can be generalized for higher dimensions.
An implentation is QuadTree.
R*-tree is another choice, but I agree with you on the generality. A r-star-tree implementations exists too.
A Cover tree could be considered as well, but I am not sure if it fits your description. Read more here,and check the implementation on CoverTree.
Kd-tree should still be considered, since it's performance is remarkable on 2 dimensions, and its insertion complexity is logarithic in size.
nanoflann and CGAL are jsut two implementations of it, where the first requires no install and the second does, but may be more performant.
In any case, I would try more than one approach and benchmark (since all of them have implementations and these data structures are usually affected by the nature of your data).

Bring Word2Vec models efficiently into Production Service

This is kind of a long shot, but I am hoping that someone has been in a similar situation as I am looking for some advice how to efficiently bring a set of large word2vec models into a production environment.
We have a range of trained w2v models with a dimensionality of 300. Due to the underlying data - huge corpus with POS tagged words; specialized vocabularies with up to 1 mio words - these models became quite large and we are currently looking into effective ways how to expose these to our users w/o paying a too high price in infrastructure.
Besides trying to better control the vocabulary size, obviously, dimensionality reduction on the feature vectors would be an option. Is anyone aware of publications around that, particularly on how this would affect model quality, and how to best measure this?
Another option is to pre-calculate the top X most similar words to each vocabulary word and to provide a lookup table. With the model size being that big, this is currently also very inefficient. Are there any heuristics known that could be used reduce the number of necessary distance calculations from n x n-1 to a lower number?
Thank you very much!
There are pre-indexing techniques for similarity-search in high-dimensional spaces which can speed nearest-neighbor discovery, but usually at a cost of absolute accuracy. (They also need more memory for the index.)
An example is the ANNOY library. The gensim project includes a demo notebook showing its use with Word2Vec.
I once did some experiments using just 16-bit (rather than 32-bit) floats in a Word2Vec model. It saved memory in the idle state, and nearest-neighbor top-N results were nearly unchanged. But, perhaps because some behind-the-scenes up-conversion to 32-bit floats was still occurring during the one-against-all distance-calculations, speed of operations was actually reduced. (And this suggests that each distance-calculation may have caused a temporary memory expansion offsetting any idle-state savings.) So it's not a quick fix, but further research here – perhaps involving finding/implementing the right routines for float16 array operations – could maybe mean 50% model-size savings and equivalent or even better speed.
For many applications, discarding the least-frequent words doesn't hurt much – or even, when done before training, can improve the quality of the remaining vectors. As many implementations, including gensim, sort the word-vector array in most-to-least-frequent order, you can discard the tail-end of the array to save memory, or limit most_similar() searches to the first-N entries to speed calculations.
Once you've minimized the vocabulary size, you want to be sure the full set is in RAM, and no swapping is triggered during the (typical) full-sweep distance-calculations. If you need multiple processes to serve answers from the same vector set, as in a web service on a multicore machine, gensim's memory-mapping operations can prevent each process from loading its own redundant copy of the vectors. You can see a discussion of this technique in this answer about speeding gensim Word2Vec loading time.
Finally, while precomputing top-N neighbors for a larger vocabulary is both time-consuming and memory-intensive, if your pattern of access is such that some tokens are checked far more than others, a cache of the N most-recently or M most-frequently requested top-N could improve perceived performance a lot – making only less-frequently-requested neighbor-lists require the full distance calculations to every other token.

Machine learning: optimal parameter values in reasonable time

Sorry if this is a duplicate.
I have a two-class prediction model; it has n configurable (numeric) parameters. The model can work pretty well if you tune those parameters properly, but the specific values for those parameters are hard to find. I used grid search for that (providing, say, m values for each parameter). This yields m ^ n times to learn, and it is very time-consuming even when run in parallel on a machine with 24 cores.
I tried fixing all parameters but one and changing this only one parameter (which yields m × n times), but it's not obvious for me what to do with the results I got. This is a sample plot of precision (triangles) and recall (dots) for negative (red) and positive (blue) samples:
Simply taking the "winner" values for each parameter obtained this way and combining them doesn't lead to best (or even good) prediction results. I thought about building regression on parameter sets with precision/recall as dependent variable, but I don't think that regression with more than 5 independent variables will be much faster than grid search scenario.
What would you propose to find good parameter values, but with reasonable estimation time? Sorry if this has some obvious (or well-documented) answer.
I would use a randomized grid search (pick random values for each of your parameters in a given range that you deem reasonable and evaluate each such randomly chosen configuration), which you can run for as long as you can afford to. This paper runs some experiments that show this is at least as good as a grid search:
Grid search and manual search are the most widely used strategies for hyper-parameter optimization.
This paper shows empirically and theoretically that randomly chosen trials are more efficient
for hyper-parameter optimization than trials on a grid. Empirical evidence comes from a comparison
with a large previous study that used grid search and manual search to configure neural networks
and deep belief networks. Compared with neural networks configured by a pure grid search,
we find that random search over the same domain is able to find models that are as good or better
within a small fraction of the computation time.
For what it's worth, I have used scikit-learn's random grid search for a problem that required optimizing about 10 hyper-parameters for a text classification task, with very good results in only around 1000 iterations.
I'd suggest the Simplex Algorithm with Simulated Annealing:
Very simple to use. Simply give it n + 1 points, and let it run up to some configurable value (either number of iterations, or convergence).
Implemented in every possible language.
Doesn't require derivatives.
More resilient to local optimum than the method you're currently using.

Appropriate clustering method for 1 or 2 dimensional data

I have a set of data I have generated that consists of extracted mass (well, m/z but that not so important) values and a time. I extract the data from the file, however, it is possible to get repeat measurements and this results in a large amount of redundancy within the dataset. I am looking for a method to cluster these in order to group those that are related based on either similarity in mass alone, or similarity in mass and time.
An example of data that should be group together is:
m/z time
337.65 1524.6
337.65 1524.6
337.65 1604.3
However, I have no way to determine how many clusters I will have. Does anyone know of an efficient way to accomplish this, possibly using a simple distance metric? I am not familiar with clustering algorithms sadly.
Read the section about hierarchical clustering and also look into DBSCAN if you really don't want to specify how many clusters in advance. You will need to define a distance metric and in that step is where you would determine which of the features or combination of features you will be clustering on.
Why don't you just set a threshold?
If successive values (by time) do not differ by at least +-0.1 (by m/s) they a grouped together. Alternatively, use a relative threshold: differ by less than +- .1%. Set these thresholds according to your domain knowledge.
That sounds like the straightforward way of preprocessing this data to me.
Using a "clustering" algorithm here seems total overkill to me. Clustering algorithms will try to discover much more complex structures than what you are trying to find here. The result will likely be surprising and hard to control. The straightforward change-threshold approach (which I would not call clustering!) is very simple to explain, understand and control.
For the simple one dimension K-means clustering (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-means_clustering#Standard_algorithm) is appropriate and can be used directly. The only issue is selecting appropriate K. The best way to select a good K is to either plot K vs residual variance and select the K that "dramatically" reduces variance. Another strategy is to use some information criteria (eg. Bayesian Information Criteria).
You can extend K-Means to multi-dimensional data easily. But you should be beware of scaling the individual dimensions. Eg. Among items (1KG, 1KM) (2KG, 2KM) the nearest point to (1.7KG, 1.4KM) is (2KG, 2KM) with these scales. But once you start expression second item in meters, probably the alternative is true.

Bimodal distribution characterization algorithm?

What algorithms can be used to characterize an expected clearly bimodal distribution, say a mixture of 2 normal distributions with well separated peaks, in an array of samples? Something that spits out 2 means, 2 standard deviations, and some sort of robustness estimate, would be the desired result.
I am interested in an algorithm that can be implemented in any programming language (for an embedded controller), not an existing C or Python library or stat package.
Would it be easier if I knew that the two modal means differ by a ratio of approximately 3:1 +- 50%, the standard deviations are "small" relative to the peak separation, but the pair of peaks could be anywhere in a 100:1 range?
There are two separate possibilities here. One is that you have a single distribution that is bimodal. The other is that you are observing data from two different distributions. The usual way to estimate the later is in something called, unsurprisingly, a mixture model.
Your approaches for estimating are to use a maximum likelihood approach or use Markov chain Monte Carlo methods if you want to take a Bayesian view of the problem. If you state your assumptions in a bit more detail I'd be willing to help try and figure out what objective function you'd want to try and maximize.
These type of models can be computationally intensive, so I am not sure you'd want to try and do the whole statistical approach in an embedded controller. A hack might be a better fit. If the peaks are in fact well separated, I think it would be easier to try and identify the two peaks and split your data between them and do the estimation of the mean and standard deviation for each distribution independently.
