XGBOOST/lLightgbm over-fitting despite no indication in cross-validation test scores? - cross-validation

We aim to identify predictors that may influence the risk of a relatively rare outcome.
We are using a semi-large clinical dataset, with data on nearly 200,000 patients.
The outcome of interest is binary (i.e. yes/no), and quite rare (~ 5% of the patients).
We have a large set of nearly 1,200 mostly dichotomized possible predictors.
Our objective is not to create a prediction model, but rather to use the boosted trees algorithm as a tool for variable selection and for examining high-order interactions (i.e. to identify which variables, or combinations of variables, that may have some influence on the outcome), so we can target these predictors more specifically in subsequent studies. Given the paucity of etiological information on the outcome, it is somewhat possible that none of the possible predictors we are considering have any influence on the risk of developing the condition, so if we were aiming to develop a prediction model it would have likely been a rather bad one. For this work, we use the R implementation of XGBoost/lightgbm.
We have been having difficulties tuning the models. Specifically when running cross validation to choose the optimal number of iterations (nrounds), the CV test score continues to improve even at very high values (for example, see figure below for nrounds=600,000 from xgboost). This is observed even when increasing the learning rate (eta), or when adding some regularization parameters (e.g. max_delta_step, lamda, alpha, gamma, even at high values for these).
As expected, the CV test score is always lower than the train score, but continuous to improve without ever showing a clear sign of over fitting. This is true regardless of the evaluation metrics that is used (example below is for logloss, but the same is observed for auc/aucpr/error rate, etc.). Relatedly, the same phenomenon is also observed when using a grid search to find the optimal value of tree depth (max_depth). CV test scores continue to improve regardless of the number of iterations, even at depth values exceeding 100, without showing any sign of over fitting.
Note that owing to the rare outcome, we use a stratified CV approach. Moreover, the same is observed when a train/test split is used instead of CV.
Are there situations in which over fitting happens despite continuous improvements in the CV-test (or test split) scores? If so, why is that and how would one choose the optimal values for the hyper parameters?
Relatedly, again, the idea is not to create a prediction model (since it would be a rather bad one, owing that we don’t know much about the outcome), but to look for a signal in the data that may help identify a set of predictors for further exploration. If boosted trees is not the optimal method for this, are there others to come to mind? Again, part of the reason we chose to use boosted trees was to enable the identification of higher (i.e. more than 2) order interactions, which cannot be easily assessed using more conventional methods (including lasso/elastic net, etc.).

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In the absence of some code and representative data it is not easy to make other than general suggestions.
Your descriptive statistics step may give some pointers to a starting model.
What does existing theory (if it exists!) suggest about the cause of the medical condition?
Is there a male/female difference or old/young age difference that could help get your foot in the door?
Your medical data has similarities to the fraud detection problem where one is trying to predict rare events usually much rarer than your cases.
It may pay you to check out the use of xgboost/lightgbm in the fraud detection literature.


Gensim Word2vec model parameter tuning

I am working on Word2Vec model. Is there any way to get the ideal value for one of its parameter i.e iter. Like the way we used do in K-Means (Elbo curve plot) to get the K value.Or is there any other way for parameter tuning on this model.
There's no one ideal set of parameters for a word2vec session – it depends on your intended usage of the word-vectors.
For example, some research has suggested that using a larger window tends to position the final vectors in a way that's more sensitive to topical/domain similarity, while a smaller window value shifts the word-neighborhoods to be more syntactic/functional drop-in replacements for each other. So depending on your particular project goals, you'd want a different value here.
(Similarly, because the original word2vec paper evaluated models, & tuned model meta-parameters, based on the usefulness of the word-vectors to solve a set of English-language analogy problems, many have often tuned their models to do well on the same analogy task. But I've seen cases where the model that scores best on those analogies does worse when contributing to downstream classification tasks.)
So what you really want is a project-specific way to score a set of word-vectors, well-matched to your goals. Then, you run many alternate word2vec training sessions, and pick the parameters that do best on your score.
The case of iter/epochs is special, in that by the logic of the underlying stochastic-gradient-descent optimization method, you'd ideally want to use as many training-epochs as necessary for the per-epoch running 'loss' to stop improving. At that point, the model is plausibly as good as it can be – 'converged' – given its inherent number of free-parameters and structure. (Any further internal adjustments that improve it for some examples worsen it for others, and vice-versa.)
So potentially, you'd watch this 'loss', and choose a number of training-iterations that's just enough to show the 'loss' stagnating (jittering up-and-down in a tight window) for a few passes. However, the loss-reporting in gensim isn't yet quite optimal – see project bug #2617 – and many word2vec implementations, including gensim and going back to the original word2vec.c code released by Google researchers, just let you set a fixed count of training iterations, rather than implement any loss-sensitive stopping rules.

Evaluating a specific Information retrieval system with P#1

I am working on a information retrieval system which aims to select the first result and to link it to other database. Indeed, our system is based on a Keyword description of a video and try to interlink the video to a DBpedia entity which has the same meaning of the description. In the step of evaluation, i noticid that the majority of evaluation set the minimum of the precision cut-off to 5, whereas in our system is not suitable. I am thinking to put an interval [1,5]: (P#1,...P#5).Will it be possible? !!
Please provide your suggestions and your reference to some notes.. Thanks..
You can definitely calculate P#1 for a retrieval system, if you have truth labels. (In this case, it sounds like they would be [Video, DBPedia] matching pairs generated by humans).
People generally look at this measure for things like Question-Answering or recommendation systems. The only caveat is that you typically wouldn't use it to train a learning to rank system or any other learning system -- it's not "continuous enough" a near miss (best at rank 2) and a total miss (best at rank 4 million) get equivalent scores, so it can be hard to smoothly improve a system by tuning weights in such a case.
For those kinds of tasks, using Mean Reciprocal Rank is pretty common, if you need something tunable. Also NDCG tends to be okay, too, since it has an exponential discounting factor.
But there's nothing in the definition of precision that prevents you from calculating it at rank 1. It may be more correct to describe it as a "success#1" feature, since you're going to get 0/1 or 1/1 as your two options.

Uncertainty versus randomness

I would like to know the difference between uncertainty and randomness in mathematical fashion. I tried to find it but I get confused , as some people said they are the same? But can any one provide me logical reasoning behind it. If they are not same then please explain it why?
Don't get too hung up on it.
People use different words in different situations.
It's not so much that they have different meanings, as that their meanings are situation-dependent.
Randomness is just a fuzzy general term meaning something is random.
In statistics, uncertainty is used to mean that some property of a distribution, such as its mean, is itself unknown but can be given a distribution.
For example, suppose you want to know the average weight of all people.
You could find it out exactly if you could go around to all people, get their weight, add it all up, and divide by the number of people.
But that's too hard to do, so suppose you just pick 10 people at random and get their average weight, and pretend it's the same as the average of everybody.
That's called the sample mean, but you know it isn't accurate.
It has what is called a standard error, meaning it has uncertainty.
In fact, if you were to do that experiment many times over with different people, you would get a different sample mean every time, and those sample means would themselves form a bell-shaped distribution, the standard deviation of which would be called the standard error, representing its uncertainty.
In general, if you increased the number of people you look at by a factor of 100, you can reduce the standard error, the uncertainty, by a factor of 10.
I bet you can tell that people who take polls for a living care about this stuff very much.
EDIT for the downvoter: In case the downvote is because this doesn't look like a stackoverflow question or answer,
I've made a point of advocating the random pausing method of profiling.
Profiling in large part is perceived to be about measuring (statistically) the time that programming constructs are responsible for.
Often people are inhibited from using that method because they are afraid the results have too much uncertainty.
This post gets very specific about what that uncertainty actually is.
It shows that the bogey-man fear of uncertainty has the effect of preventing people from finding really substantial speedups in their code.
So naivete' about statistics is definitely a serious programming problem.
My view looks at a scenario using three different coloured balls:
I love some of the answers given here. My own view, based on my current research, is that these are two distinct terms. Uncertainty refers to not knowing in advance which ball could be selected when a person, for instance, is given a chance to select one ball from three different coloured balls.
This remains true when each ball has an equal chance of being selected i.e. equal probabilities. However, things soon get complex when each ball has it's own distinct probability. Chances are that the one with the highest probability will be selected. This seems especially true in algorithm development which would almost always select the highest probability compromising the meaning of randomness.
Having said all of this - I believe these concepts remain confusing which has just made me realise the time I need to dedicate on clearly distinguishing between the two to make sure my current research is not confusing. My own predicament is that I need to work on stochastic vs deterministic views. Based on the current view stochastic would be more uncertain than random whereas deterministic would be more probability based i.e. knowing for certain that the highest probability would be chosen; but this seems very far from the truth.
It seems as if uncertainty holds until just before a ball is selected/touched and soon looses its meaning as soon as the ball is picked which should result to its probability being revised. I personally think the terms have theoretical differences which perhaps allows them to be used interchangeably.
Uncertainty in math and science typically means there are a lack of facts, or the facts are unobtainable. Weather forecasting is a great example of uncertainty.
Randomness has many definitions. Commonly it's used in probability / statistics as a measure or quantification of uncertainty. So in my weather example, a 30% chance of rain is a measure of uncertainty. The more general definition (which also applies to math / science) is unpredictable, or lack of order.
There is definitely a fuzzy distinction between the two.
According to the Bayesian interpretation of probability, uncertainty and randomness are just two names for the same thing.
If an experiment is random, then it is uncertain to you. If something is uncertain to you, then it has the randomness property.

What are good algorithms for detecting abnormality?

Here is the problem:
A black box outputs a new number each day.
Those numbers have been recorded for a period of time.
Detect when a new number from the black box falls outside the pattern of numbers established over the time period.
The numbers are integers, and the time period is a year.
What algorithm will identify a pattern in the numbers?
The pattern might be simple, like always ascending or always descending, or the numbers might fall within a narrow range, and so forth.
I have some ideas, but am uncertain as to the best approach, or what solutions already exist:
Machine learning algorithms?
Neural network?
Classify normal and abnormal numbers?
Statistical analysis?
Cluster your data.
If you don't know how many modes your data will have, use something like a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) along with a scoring function (e.g., Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC)) so you can automatically detect the likely number of clusters in your data. I recommend this instead of k-means if you have no idea what value k is likely to be. Once you've constructed a GMM for you data for the past year, given a new datapoint x, you can calculate the probability that it was generated by any one of the clusters (modeled by a Gaussian in the GMM). If your new data point has low probability of being generated by any one of your clusters, it is very likely a true outlier.
If this sounds a little too involved, you will be happy to know that the entire GMM + BIC procedure for automatic cluster identification has been implemented for you in the excellent MCLUST package for R. I have used it several times to great success for such problems.
Not only will it allow you to identify outliers, you will have the ability to put a p-value on a point being an outlier if you need this capability (or want it) at some point.
You could try line fitting prediction using linear regression and see how it goes, it would be fairly easy to implement in your language of choice.
After you fitted a line to your data, you could calculate the mean standard deviation along the line.
If the novel point is on the trend line +- the standard deviation, it should not be regarded as an abnormality.
PCA is an other technique that comes to mind, when dealing with this type of data.
You could also look in to unsuperviced learning. This is a machine learning technique that can be used to detect differences in larger data sets.
Sounds like a fun problem! Good luck
There is little magic in all the techniques you mention. I believe you should first try to narrow the typical abnormalities you may encounter, it helps keeping things simple.
Then, you may want to compute derived quantities relevant to those features. For instance: "I want to detect numbers changing abruptly direction" => compute u_{n+1} - u_n, and expect it to have constant sign, or fall in some range. You may want to keep this flexible, and allow your code design to be extensible (Strategy pattern may be worth looking at if you do OOP)
Then, when you have some derived quantities of interest, you do statistical analysis on them. For instance, for a derived quantity A, you assume it should have some distribution P(a, b) (uniform([a, b]), or Beta(a, b), possibly more complex), you put a priori laws on a, b and you ajust them based on successive information. Then, the posterior likelihood of the info provided by the last point added should give you some insight about it being normal or not. Relative entropy between posterior and prior law at each step is a good thing to monitor too. Consult a book on Bayesian methods for more info.
I see little point in complex traditional machine learning stuff (perceptron layers or SVM to cite only them) if you want to detect outliers. These methods work great when classifying data which is known to be reasonably clean.

Initial Genetic Programming Parameters

I did a little GP (note:very little) work in college and have been playing around with it recently. My question is in regards to the intial run settings (population size, number of generations, min/max depth of trees, min/max depth of initial trees, percentages to use for different reproduction operations, etc.). What is the normal practice for setting these parameters? What papers/sites do people use as a good guide?
You'll find that this depends very much on your problem domain - in particular the nature of the fitness function, your implementation DSL etc.
Some personal experience:
Large population sizes seem to work
better when you have a noisy fitness
function, I think this is because the growth
of sub-groups in the population over successive generations acts
to give more sampling of
the fitness function. I typically use
100 for less noisy/deterministic functions, 1000+
for noisy.
For number of generations it is best to measure improvements in the
fitness function and stop when it
meets your target criteria. I normally run a few hundred generations and see what kind of answers are coming out, if it is showing no improvement then you probably have an issue elsewhere.
Tree depth requirements are really dependent on your DSL. I sometimes try to do an
implementation without explicit
limits but penalise or eliminate
programs that run too long (which is probably
what you really care about....). I've also found total node counts of ~1000 to be quite useful hard limits.
Percentages for different mutation / recombination operators don't seem
to matter all that much. As long as
you have a comprehensive set of mutations, any reasonably balanced
distribution will usually work. I think the reason for this is that you are basically doing a search for favourable improvements so the main objective is just to make sure the trial improvements are reasonably well distributed across all the possibilities.
Why don't you try using a genetic algorithm to optimise these parameters for you? :)
Any problem in computer science can be
solved with another layer of
indirection (except for too many
layers of indirection.)
-David J. Wheeler
When I started looking into Genetic Algorithms I had the same question.
I wanted to collect data variating parameters on a very simple problem and link given operators and parameters values (such as mutation rates, etc) to given results in function of population size etc.
Once I started getting into GA a bit more I then realized that given the enormous number of variables this is a huge task, and generalization is extremely difficult.
talking from my (limited) experience, if you decide to simplify the problem and use a fixed way to implement crossover, selection, and just play with population size and mutation rate (implemented in a given way) trying to come up with general results you'll soon realize that too many variables are still into play because at the end of the day the number of generations after which statistically you will get a decent result (whatever way you wanna define decent) still obviously depend primarily on the problem you're solving and consequently on the genome size (representing the same problem in different ways will obviously lead to different results in terms of effect of given GA parameters!).
It is certainly possible to draft a set of guidelines - as the (rare but good) literature proves - but you will be able to generalize the results effectively in statistical terms only when the problem at hand can be encoded in the exact same way and the fitness is evaluated in a somehow an equivalent way (which more often than not means you're ealing with a very similar problem).
Take a look at Koza's voluminous tomes on these matters.
There are very different schools of thought even within the GP community -
Some regard populations in the (low) thousands as sufficient whereas Koza and others often don't deem if worthy to start a GP run with less than a million individuals in the GP population ;-)
As mentioned before it depends on your personal taste and experiences, resources and probably the GP system used!
