Sonarqube upgrade from 5.6.3 to 6.7.2 but Dashboards are missing - sonarqube

we upgraded Sonarqube to 6.7.2 version and this new version does not have the Dashboards and also configure widgets option with in the project custom dashboard is not available, is there a way to achieve the missing dashborads and custom widgets?

There's a reason the Upgrade docs advise you to read the release notes for each intervening version. Dashboards were dropped in SonarQube 6.2.
You'll find that in 6.7.* you have the ability to visualize your measure values in each project's Measures page, and to see measure history graphs on the project Activity page. There are also some cross-project visualizations in the Projects page. If you nonetheless still need additional features, then you have the option to write a plugin to add a page to the interface.


Why is there no dashboard in the latest Sonarqube version?

In the old version, there was a dashboard for the whole project from different views, but in the latest version there isn't. Why was this dashboard removed?
The short answer is that rather than making you figure out which measures are most important, and making you figure out how to display them, recent versions of SonarQube handle the hard work for you with a standard, non-customizable project homepage, and the new Projects space.

Showing subset of projects on landing page

I just upgraded to SonarQube to version 6.2. And as I did not carefully read the Upgrade Notes (my bad), I discovered that dashboards are removed (sad move, though).
Now, is there a way of showing a subset of all projects on a separate page?
After logging in to 6.2 you land on the 'My Projects' page, which displays projects you've marked as favorites.

How to add history widgets in SonarQube 6.2?

I was used to manage a project's history on sonarqube 5.2 by using a dashboard like this under "Dashboards -> Timeline". I can't find a way to replicate this on SonarQube 6.2. What is the correct way of adding history widgets under sonar 6.2 ?
Dashboards and widgets have been dropped in 6.2. You simply won't be able to do that.
The widgets build-in SonarQube 6.2+ show a tend chart in the "background" behind the measures (see "Leak Period: since previous version"). This is not an equivalent replacement of timeline but at least something.
See screenshot here:

SonarQube 5.4 SCM Stats plugin?

I am trying to get commit and author details for a project in sonarqube.
I see scm stats plugin does it for prior versions.
I am using the latest version sonarqube 5.4.
Is there any way we can use scm stats plugin for sonarqube 5.4 or any alternative that i can use?.
Please help.
You can use new SCM functionality offered by SonarQube and no need for SCM plugins.
Go to Administration -- > on left hand side you will see "SCM" option.
For my team , we were looking for SCM report but unfortunately its not available ,so we are using web API to generate it by own.

How to see stats for 'All Projects' in SonarQube?

I was looking at and saw that there is a 'Helicopter View' and along with stats for 'All Project'in the system.
I tried to look for this feature in our SonarQube 4.5.2 (community) installation, but was unable to find a way to do it?
Is this a new feature in SQ 5.0?
Is this a feature available as a plugin?
Is this a pay/commercial feature?
Thanks in advance!
This feature is provided by the commercial Portfolio Management plugin (also called Views).
