Why is there no dashboard in the latest Sonarqube version? - sonarqube

In the old version, there was a dashboard for the whole project from different views, but in the latest version there isn't. Why was this dashboard removed?

The short answer is that rather than making you figure out which measures are most important, and making you figure out how to display them, recent versions of SonarQube handle the hard work for you with a standard, non-customizable project homepage, and the new Projects space.


How I could upgrade Grails 2.2.4 version to latest or most current version?

I'm working with a Grails application version 2.2.4 and I need a procedure for upgrade to latest version (I hope it can be possible). I have thought as a first step to follow the indications of the official site, but that let me to upgrade to version 3.
I'd like to know if anyone already did it or have experience about that. How long take it?, the process and the main problems.
Many thanks in advance.
I think you need to follow both upgrade instructions. the one for 3.x and the 4.x.
start with the 3.x and them move to the 4.x changes.
Another approach I think may be better is to start an empty 4.x application and then start moving you code there. also check first that all the plugins that you are you sing have 3+ version.
The effort required to upgrade can change massively depending on multiple factors, including the size of the project, the quality of the original code, were plugins used and if so have they been updated or will the functionality need replacing, were deprecated taglibs used, e.g remoteFunction etc. etc.
There is not a great deal of difference between 3.x and 4.x so it makes sense to upgrade to 4.x.
Tackle it in stages from the basis of a new project, attempting to rebuild the project between stages.
Reestablish configuration, you don't have to use application.yaml (the default in 4.x) so can create an application.groovy with the same parameters as per your old project.
Move over domain objects but use a new database URL, compare the schema's between the old db and new db to ensure the database is the same. Unless you don't rely on GORM to recreate/update the schema.
Move over any other source and command objects ensuring the project will build. You may need to modify buildconfig at this stage to bring in dependencies and plugins.
Move over services, ensure all compiles and make sure transactions are behaving as intending.
Move over controllers ensuring any tests run successfully.
Move over the views.
Hopefully if the project is still building at this stage, you can run it!

Sonarqube upgrade from 5.6.3 to 6.7.2 but Dashboards are missing

we upgraded Sonarqube to 6.7.2 version and this new version does not have the Dashboards and also configure widgets option with in the project custom dashboard is not available, is there a way to achieve the missing dashborads and custom widgets?
There's a reason the Upgrade docs advise you to read the release notes for each intervening version. Dashboards were dropped in SonarQube 6.2.
You'll find that in 6.7.* you have the ability to visualize your measure values in each project's Measures page, and to see measure history graphs on the project Activity page. There are also some cross-project visualizations in the Projects page. If you nonetheless still need additional features, then you have the option to write a plugin to add a page to the interface.

Does SonarQube still have demo site that shows analysis on major open source projects?

I've haven't looked at SonarQube for some time. The latest version looks quite interesting.
The last time I checked out this product, they had a site where they had pushed various popular open source libraries (like Tomcat, ActiveMQ etc) through the SonarQube process. It was a great way of seeing how the product works.
Is this facility still available for the latest versions?
Have a look at http://sonarcloud.io (and click on "browse").
It is not a demo site - it is a globally available SonarQube server, managed by SonarSource (the company behind SonarQube). Many huge open source projects are managed there for free, but you can also host your own, private projects for closed source.
It gets updated every couple of weeks and for public releases.
Besides that, there is http://next.sonarqube.com , the publicly visible SonarQube server for SonarQube itself and related projects (yes: SonarQube for SonarQube).
This instance gets updated every couple of days. If you want to have a look at what features SonarQube's next version will look like: have a look there.

Showing subset of projects on landing page

I just upgraded to SonarQube to version 6.2. And as I did not carefully read the Upgrade Notes (my bad), I discovered that dashboards are removed (sad move, though).
Now, is there a way of showing a subset of all projects on a separate page?
After logging in to 6.2 you land on the 'My Projects' page, which displays projects you've marked as favorites.

Why the dashboard of the SonarQube 4.3 does not display the languages?

My company uses SonarQube to analyze code, and the new version 4.3 of the sonar does not show the languages ​​of each project in the dashboard. Could someone tell me the way to fix this problem?
I would greatly appreciate it!
Since SonarQube 4.2, projects are analyzed using a multi-language strategy, so it does not really make sense anymore to display a project's (single) language, since one project can contain several analyzed file types (think e.g Java, XML, HTML, CSS and JavaScript for a Web application with a Java backend).
Note that in the upcoming SonarQube 4.4, the Project Size widget has been revamped to display distribution of lines of code by language.
