How to see stats for 'All Projects' in SonarQube? - sonarqube

I was looking at and saw that there is a 'Helicopter View' and along with stats for 'All Project'in the system.
I tried to look for this feature in our SonarQube 4.5.2 (community) installation, but was unable to find a way to do it?
Is this a new feature in SQ 5.0?
Is this a feature available as a plugin?
Is this a pay/commercial feature?
Thanks in advance!

This feature is provided by the commercial Portfolio Management plugin (also called Views).


Sonarqube Developer Cockpit Replacement

With Sonarqube no longer supporting Developer Cockpit I am in search of a recommended plugin to replace it with. Is there any other commercial or non commercial plugins that are intended to replace this?
I have not found any documentation or suggestions this far.
As far as I know, there's currently no replacement plugin.
From SonarSource perspective, it is planned to develop this set of developer-oriented features as part of SonarQube roadmap:

SonarQube Plugin Development in Issue View

Dear SonarQube Community,
I have a general question regarding is it possible to write a plugin that will extend the Issue View? See screenshot and its red marks.
I looked at the API for Plugin Development and didnĀ“t find a part where I can do that.
I want to develop for SonarQube 6.x
Thank you!
There is no ability to extend this part of the UI.

How to look like Sonar Online Dashboard?

I see a big difference in the look & feel between the online dashboard ( or and the one that we see by default on our local installation of sonar (v5.6.3).
I'm wondering about whether the online look & feel can in someway be easily applied to a local installation. It's just a matter of css/js or behind we have also a completely different HTML structure?
Any information about this will be much appreciated.
I think I've found the answer to my question. The nice-looking online demo is based on an Enterprise Grade deployment of sonar with the governance plugin.
Can't you update your install to the latest version? There have been UI changes in both version 6.0 and 6.1

Sonar - reporting on most actively edited files?

I'd like to create a report in Sonar for the most actively edited files. I've looked around but can't find a plugin to do this. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
If relevant, my team uses AccuRev for SCM, and Sonar v2.14
Thanks in advance
Unfortunately, there's currently no plugin that meets your need (at least none that I'm aware of).
I could have suggested you to develop your own plugin based on the metrics generated by the SCM Activity Plugin, but Accurev is not supported so you would have to start from scratch :-/

TeamCity and JIRA?

Is it possible for TeamCity to integrate to JIRA like how Bamboo integrates to JIRA? I couldnt find any documentation on JetBrains website that talks about issue-tracker integration.
FYI: I heard that TeamCity is coming out with their own tracker called Charisma. Is that true?
TeamCity 5 EAP has support for showing issues from Jira on the tabs of your build.
EAP Release Notes
you still don't have the integration in Jira itself which I would prefer
There is this plugin
TeamCity does not have extensive integration with JIRA as Bamboo does, and I am not aware of a plugin that provides it. TeamCity does however, offer a generic integration option to external sites which can be used for basic JIRA integration.
From their documentation:
TeamCity allows to map patterns in VCS change comments to arbitrary HTML pieces using regular expression search and replace patterns. One of the most common usages is to map an issue ID mentioning into a hyperlink to the issue page in the issue tracking system.
Read more here: Mapping External Links in Comments
I haven't set this up yet on our local TeamCity, so I can't testify as to how well it works.
Yes, they are comming out with their own issue tracker.
Read more in this blogpost:
first eap for jetbrains issue tracker Charisma
you can try it here Charisma
and here you can see video for some of the features
you can download the EAP version from here
Charisma EAP download
TeamCity does have a free plugin for Atlassian Confluence. Its provides a nice way to show your build status on your wiki.
You can find it in the Atlassian marketplace:
TeamCity has 3 build in Issue Tracking Systems:
And there's a way to install the custom plugin for other ITS.
I did an integration with FogBugz issue tracking system with TeamCity 9.x.
