Showing subset of projects on landing page - sonarqube

I just upgraded to SonarQube to version 6.2. And as I did not carefully read the Upgrade Notes (my bad), I discovered that dashboards are removed (sad move, though).
Now, is there a way of showing a subset of all projects on a separate page?

After logging in to 6.2 you land on the 'My Projects' page, which displays projects you've marked as favorites.


Sonarqube upgrade from 5.6.3 to 6.7.2 but Dashboards are missing

we upgraded Sonarqube to 6.7.2 version and this new version does not have the Dashboards and also configure widgets option with in the project custom dashboard is not available, is there a way to achieve the missing dashborads and custom widgets?
There's a reason the Upgrade docs advise you to read the release notes for each intervening version. Dashboards were dropped in SonarQube 6.2.
You'll find that in 6.7.* you have the ability to visualize your measure values in each project's Measures page, and to see measure history graphs on the project Activity page. There are also some cross-project visualizations in the Projects page. If you nonetheless still need additional features, then you have the option to write a plugin to add a page to the interface.

Why is there no dashboard in the latest Sonarqube version?

In the old version, there was a dashboard for the whole project from different views, but in the latest version there isn't. Why was this dashboard removed?
The short answer is that rather than making you figure out which measures are most important, and making you figure out how to display them, recent versions of SonarQube handle the hard work for you with a standard, non-customizable project homepage, and the new Projects space.

Does SonarQube still have demo site that shows analysis on major open source projects?

I've haven't looked at SonarQube for some time. The latest version looks quite interesting.
The last time I checked out this product, they had a site where they had pushed various popular open source libraries (like Tomcat, ActiveMQ etc) through the SonarQube process. It was a great way of seeing how the product works.
Is this facility still available for the latest versions?
Have a look at (and click on "browse").
It is not a demo site - it is a globally available SonarQube server, managed by SonarSource (the company behind SonarQube). Many huge open source projects are managed there for free, but you can also host your own, private projects for closed source.
It gets updated every couple of weeks and for public releases.
Besides that, there is , the publicly visible SonarQube server for SonarQube itself and related projects (yes: SonarQube for SonarQube).
This instance gets updated every couple of days. If you want to have a look at what features SonarQube's next version will look like: have a look there.

SonarQube upgrade to 6.4: cannot display tests results on the dahsboard

I upgraded my SonarQube from 5.4 to 5.6 LTS then to 6.3.1 then 6.4
On the version 6.4, when I click on the dashboard, I only see the projects' names but no results are displayed.
In addition I have a rotating frame of the project as if it loads.
Plus, When I click on the project, I have 0 bugs, 0 vulnerabilities .... which is wrong because when I click on issues, I can see that the project do have issues and I can display them.
It's the case with the projects analyzed with the previous versions only. I tried analyzing a project with 6.4 and the results related to Reliability, Security, Maintainability... are there.
Is there a way to fix this, ie to display on the dashboard of SonarQube 6.4 the results of projects analyzed by older versions?
Thanks in advance.
The fix is planned for SonarQube 6.5 (see the ticket).
This sounds like a corrupted ElasticSearch index. Try the following:
stop the server
delete _$SONARQUBE_HOME/data/es_
restart the server*
*The time for you server to come back up will vary based on how large the instance is
I see, thank you for your help. Just to let you know, even when I click on the project , I cannot see the results, they are only available when I click on Issues

Issues not visible in sonarQube Dashboard for users

I am getting access issues to few of my projects in SonarQube dashboard (Projects -> Issues)Page. Issues are not getting displayed for few projects even though i have all permissions to the project. It works fine when i go to project->permissions and do some irrelevant change(like adding or removing other users) and then come back to the issues page.
I am using SonarQube5.6.5 and using LDAP2.1 plugin.
Note: I updated the LDAP plugin with latest one and restarted as mentioned here
