The last request was denied because it contained an invalid security token - joomla

When uploading a large file, I'm getting this error message in Joomla:
The last request was denied because it contained an invalid security token. Please refresh the page and try again.

This error message occurs if you use a PHP version higher than the original script. Solution could be to update the component responsible for uploading the file (if an update is available) or downgrading the PHP version used - But if you use Joomla 3.8 you cannot downgrade as you will need the 7 version.


"simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 1: parser error : StartTag: invalid element name" Error thrown on editing a module data in laravel

I have a "SOURCE" module in laravel project. The edit functionality was working fine before I changed the DB. I added a column in DB table "source". After adding it, whenever I try to edit the source data from admin panel, the data gets modified but shows the error: simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 1: parser error : StartTag: invalid element name
I am using API's in my project where I have used the function simplexml_load_string(). But this was working fine before I added a column to the DB. What could be a possible reason and solution for it?
I figured out the issue. The issue was with my apache server version. To resolve the issue with the CURL extension of PHP, I installed Apache AddOn (Version - 2.4.28) to support PHP (>7.2) extensions. I downloaded the same from here - and install it at my end. Restart the Wamp Services and choose the updated version of Apache web server. And it was resolved.

Issue with joomla extensions

I'm having issues with a Joomla extension installation.
When I upload them it shows me an error:
Error Unable to find install package
I searched on google and have increased my upload limit
max_upload_size = 256M
But still have the same issue,anybody know how to resolve this thank you!
JFTP: :mkdir: Bad response.
JFTP: :chmod: Bad response.
Component Install: Failed to create folder: /home/keramin1/public_html/components/com_uniterevolution.
Uploaded the files manually via ftp* when i go to discover and it shows the plugin then i press install it loads me this error
An error has occurred.
0 Call to a member function children() on null
Return to Control Panel
Disable FTP in your Joomla configuration settings and then try again. If you still have the problem, then this is likely a permission issue. Make sure that your Joomla instance (web server) is able to write to the tmp folder.

Laravel Spark installation issue - dont download spark forbidden access

I have a Laravel Spark Account with a token registred.
I have install laravel spark installer but failed to create a new project.
When i launch the command spark new myproject
I have this :
> Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postAutoloadDump
Application ready! Build something amazing.
Downloading Spark...
In RequestException.php line 113:
Client error: GET wcTNH6VqxrXWf17t resulted in a 403 Forbidden response:
"message": ""
new [--braintree] [--team-billing] [--] <name>
The token referenced has been checked.
Why doesn't it allow me to download Laravel Spark?
First things first, generate a new token. I'm pretty sure you've pasted your real token (hopefully not) which could be used by anyone reading this...
Go here and delete/recreate a fresh token as soon as possible
If that error doesn't actually contain your real token, you can check what token you are using by doing:
$ spark token
This should spit out your current token. In the error you pasted, the token looks like it has a lot of space in it, which won't work. See if $ spark token shows the same spaces. It shouldn't... If it does, set your token again (with no spaces!)
$ spark register your-token-here
If this still doesn't work, remember that spark is a paid service. Utilize the support they offer and hopefully you'll get a response back quickly

Magento 2.2.1 Checkout 500 (Internal Server Error)

Using Magento 2.2.1 freshly installed
I use php 7.1.1
I am using Adyen payment gateway
the extension developer says its not due to their extension. I have enabled every php extension on server side thats needed. So now it comes to magento 2
Tried to checkout as guest and then I see
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
When I try to use COD or Check the checkout process is smooth. Haven't tried with paypal or others
**Can you please help ??
If you need me to perform any steps in either server side or magento 2 please tell me the steps on what to do I will post the output here**
I have solved the issue
Solution : I used a third party extension and installed it through magento 2 admin directly which resulted the extension was not installed properly. I have used composer to install the extension and it solved the issue
I work for Adyen.
It is indeed required to install the Adyen plugin on Magento through Composer. This will include all the dependencies and prevent the issue that is shown here.
For further references you could visit our Github page:
Hope that it helps!
For the unexpected error (e.g 500), we should enable error reporting on the bootstrap:
ini_set('display_errors', -1) // enable this line remove # from start.
you will get the real issue on screen

[BFTask isFaulted]: unrecognized selector sent to instance error

Updated to Parse SDK 1.7.1 with Bolts 1.1.4 and using the new and latest Facebook SDK. Every time I login the user I get the following error:
[BFTask isFaulted]: unrecognized selector sent to instance error.
I'm able to login the user, the user's info is store in parse, but not sure how to resolve this exception.
Anyone else having this problem?
Had this problem also.
I copied the Parse Bolts framework to the project directory. Referencing didn't do it. Same for Parse FacebookutilsV4.
I had solved this problem just a minute ago.
You need update the latest FacebookSDK to avoid this error.
You can just download the latest SDK from facebook website.
However if you just drag the parse and facebook framework together into the project, maybe a 'duplicate' error will be reported.
So I recommend you to use CocoaPods to manage your thirdparty framework.
