"simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 1: parser error : StartTag: invalid element name" Error thrown on editing a module data in laravel - laravel

I have a "SOURCE" module in laravel project. The edit functionality was working fine before I changed the DB. I added a column in DB table "source". After adding it, whenever I try to edit the source data from admin panel, the data gets modified but shows the error: simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 1: parser error : StartTag: invalid element name
I am using API's in my project where I have used the function simplexml_load_string(). But this was working fine before I added a column to the DB. What could be a possible reason and solution for it?

I figured out the issue. The issue was with my apache server version. To resolve the issue with the CURL extension of PHP, I installed Apache AddOn (Version - 2.4.28) to support PHP (>7.2) extensions. I downloaded the same from here - https://wampserver.aviatechno.net/ and install it at my end. Restart the Wamp Services and choose the updated version of Apache web server. And it was resolved.


Sulu, strange hash related error when trying to save page / post?

Until recently everything was working well. Now, when I try to save (create or update) any page or post I get error message at top of the form "Error - There was an error when trying to save the form".
In error log I see this error:
“Uncaught PHP Exception Sulu\Component\Rest\Exception\InvalidHashException: “The given hash for the entity of type “Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Document\ArticleDocument” with the id “9e0720a7-5565-4a6f-a735-8a186b8fef9b” does not match the current hash. The entity has probably been edited in the mean time.” at /var/www/html/vendor/sulu/sulu/src/Sulu/Component/Hash/RequestHashChecker.php line 53"
Tried clearing symfony cache, website cache from admin, restarting docker containers.
I'm totally unaware that I did something to cause this error. Please help.
Update: strange thing I just noticed. When I try to save some article and I get that error and go back to overview page (where i.e. all articles of that type are listed) then I see unchanged article title. But when I click to edit it I see changed title?!? Like title on overview page and title on edit page are not used from the same place? How is that possible?
Now even I setup once more project from scratch saving articles causes that error. Some more info:
In stack trace last command executed is:
in vendor/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/src/Elasticsearch/ConnectionPool/StaticNoPingConnectionPool.php (line 64)
an it shoots out “No alive nodes found in your cluster”.
And while I'm setting up the project when executing:
php bin/console ongr:es:index:create
I get error:
":"index [su_articles/sWs5F1uzSFO8bFiZqF1Egw] already exists","index_uuid":
xists_exception","reason":"index [su_articles/sWs5F1uzSFO8bFiZqF1Egw] alrea
dy exists","index_uuid":"sWs5F1uzSFO8bFiZqF1Egw","index":"su_articles"},"st
And when I run:
php bin/console ongr:es:index:create --manager=live
I get similar:
In Connection.php line 675:
{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"resource_already_exists_exception","reason":"index [su_articles_live/Pissm9ycRj-o79K4wrrD
AA] already exists","index_uuid":"Pissm9ycRj-o79K4wrrDAA","index":"su_articles_live"}],"type":"resource_already_exists_exc
eption","reason":"index [su_articles_live/Pissm9ycRj-o79K4wrrDAA] already exists","index_uuid":"Pissm9ycRj-o79K4wrrDAA","i
Also to mention that now saving pages works, but saving articles doesn't.
This solved the issue on ElasticSearch index creation for me:
php bin/console ongr:es:index:drop --force
The error can happen in the following cases.
Expected Case somebody else did edit the same article like you and did save it
Unexpected Case your phpcr cache is not in sync
Unexpected Case you have a multi server setup but your cache.app is not configured to use a central cache
So if its one of the unexpected cases first you should clear your cache.pools with:
bin/console cache:pool:prune
If you have a multi server setup make sure you configure a central cache. Most use in this case a redis-server which you configure in your cache.yaml e.g.:
# config/packages/prod/cache.yaml
default_redis_provider: "%env(resolve:REDIS_DSN)%"
app: cache.adapter.redis
Also make sure that you use the latest version and maybe update your phpcr cache configuration based on the sulu/skeleton: https://github.com/sulu/skeleton/blob/2.x/config/packages/prod/sulu_document_manager.yaml, there you could when performance doesn't matter in your case disable the phpcr cache, I would not recommend that.

"~" symbol created automatically after running project with service worker

My project is a simple login page. I am using asp.net core with MVC.
Everything was working well and I wanted to add service worker to my project. I followed the known steps. Add a manifest.json file in wwwroot, fill it correctly and add this function services.AddProgressiveWebApp(); after services.AddMvc().SetCompatibilityVersion(CompatibilityVersion.Version_2_1);.
When others do these steps, service worker works properly. When I run it (IIS Express), service worker produces an error: "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to register a ServiceWorker: A bad HTTP response code (404) was received when fetching the script."
Then I realized this thing: https://localhost:44331/~/serviceworker.
The ~ symbol is created automatically and I am not knowing how to remove it.
The following https://localhost:44331/serviceworker works.
It is solved.
I updated the version from v1.0.42 to v.1.0.33 and it worked.
v1.0.42 has a bug.

Database error while submitting the form in CodeIgniter

I have a problem in CodeIgniter. Previously when I have submitted a form which was uploaded in the server it run properly. But now I uploaded the same form in the server and while running it is giving 1048 error number.
The same form is running fine in the local host. But error is coming when I uploading the same in Server saying fields are NULL. But code is ok.
There must be miss configuration or MySQLi version issue. In latest version it asks to define default value of each column.
It can be handled, if you have WHMCS access.

Got an error in magento connect for installing any extension

In my store have magento community edition - 7.1.
I try to install extension using magento store, but I got an error like this for all type of extensions
community/Dropifi_Dropificontactwidget: Could not resolve host: connect20.magentocommerce.com; Host not found
I placed this key for install magento
Help me to get a result for this issue.
I had the same problem ("CONNECT ERROR: Unsupported resource type") while upgrading a 1.6 magento on PHP 5.5.
The unpack function (http://php.net/manual/en/function.unpack.php) has changed.
In downloader/lib/Mage/Archive/Tar.php, the line
const FORMAT_PARSE_HEADER = 'a100name/a8mode/a8uid/a8gid/a12size/a12mtime/a8checksum/a1type/a100symlink/a6magic/a2version/a32uname/a32gname/a8devmajor/a8devminor/a155prefix/a12closer';
must be replaced by:
const FORMAT_PARSE_HEADER = 'Z100name/Z8mode/Z8uid/Z8gid/Z12size/Z12mtime/Z8checksum/Z1type/Z100symlink/Z6magic/Z2version/Z32uname/Z32gname/Z8devmajor/Z8devminor/Z155prefix/Z12closer';
This was not an issue specific to you. Today, the Magento Connect server experienced an outage which prevented any of the community extension keys from working.
The Connect server appears to be online now, so try again and it should work.
Source: https://twitter.com/magento/status/384805097315659776
Helpful Note:
You can download extension packages directly by using the following tool:
Just paste in your Magento extension keys and Submit. A downloadable link will appear for you to obtain the package.
i have got this error then try following steps
first you can disable all cache
second after install extension then clear all cache and logout and login

My website is throwing "PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method CI_Lang::lang()"

I created a website using CodeIgniter Framework 2.1.0 that was originally working well. Yesterday, I integrated this i18n code into the site for multi-language support.
Now, when I upload my site to cpanel and open it, I get this error in my log file:
[21-Nov-2011 10:19:04] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method CI_Lang::lang() in XXXX
However, the website is working well on my localhost server (xampp for Windows). What's wrong?
See the thread attached to the library: http://web.archive.org/web/20120112092127/http://codeigniter.com/forums/viewthread/179036. In the first post is attached a modified library that claims to alleviate the buggyness of the original.
There is also a post on the first page there referencing an error similar to yours:
After copying the files as described in the article I get the
following error: Fatal error: Call to undefined method
CI_Lang::CI_Lang() in
/www/websites/audio-machinery/application/core/MY_Lang.php on line 32
Though he seems to be calling CI_Lang, not Lang. His solution appears to have been to use the code attached to the forum thread.
Also, cpanel is a control panel for hosting, not a hosting provider. But your hosting provider may be causing issues (e.g. if using older versions of PHP which do not work with newer version of CI. Often hosting providers will give you the ability to choose which version of PHP you are using--usually found in cPanel).
have you uploaded ALL the new files to your live server? that error implies that the code is not found or available to the script.
I came accross the same problem.... it was working fine on localhost but when loaded on live server it gives me undefined error... the problem appears becuase I created file with name My_Lang.php and My_Config.php as on live server it is case sensitive.... so I changed it to MY_Config.php and MY_Lang.php .... it works fine now.... Hope it will work for you too
