[BFTask isFaulted]: unrecognized selector sent to instance error - parse-platform

Updated to Parse SDK 1.7.1 with Bolts 1.1.4 and using the new and latest Facebook SDK. Every time I login the user I get the following error:
[BFTask isFaulted]: unrecognized selector sent to instance error.
I'm able to login the user, the user's info is store in parse, but not sure how to resolve this exception.
Anyone else having this problem?

Had this problem also.
I copied the Parse Bolts framework to the project directory. Referencing didn't do it. Same for Parse FacebookutilsV4.

I had solved this problem just a minute ago.
You need update the latest FacebookSDK to avoid this error.
You can just download the latest SDK from facebook website.
However if you just drag the parse and facebook framework together into the project, maybe a 'duplicate' error will be reported.
So I recommend you to use CocoaPods to manage your thirdparty framework.


Quickblox.sdk GetBaseSession() method throws "nonce is required" error

I have used quickblox chat sdk in my old xamarin.forms project. I know that quickblox is not supporting xamarin now, but old sdk was working fine till now, but from last week I am getting this error.
var baseSesionResult = await Provider.QbProvider.GetBaseSession();
When I am calling QbProvider.GetBaseSession() it throws below error:
CONTENT: {"errors":{"base":["nonce is required"]}}
I have tried different methods available in sdk but none is working. Any one know how to fix this error?
This is Nikolay from QuickBlox support.
Please add "" symbols around nonce and timestamp values and check if the issue is resolved.
The same information is mentioned in our documentation: https://docs.quickblox.com/reference/authentication#create-session
We released a patch for authentication that improves validation according to our documentation.
Hence, the issue is caused by incorrect implementation in the application that is why the server has started showing errors for submitted requests.

Unable to publish Bot Composer in azure

I built my bot using Bot Framework Composer 2.1 and everything looked nice in the design process, however, when I was about to publish it I got the following message:
Provision failure
{"name":"CREATE_APP_REGISTRATION","message":"App create failed! Please file an issue on Github.","stack":"Error\n at new CustomizeError (\\resources\\app.asar.unpacked\\extensions\\azurePublish\\dist\\extension.js:269071:25)\n at createCustomizeError (\\resources\\app.asar.unpacked\\extensions\\azurePublish\\dist\\extension.js:269076:10)\n at BotProjectProvision.createApp (\\resources\\app.asar.unpacked\\extensions\\azurePublish\\dist\\extension.js:270566:17)"}. See provision.botazure.log in your bot folder
Anyone happens to know how to sort this issue out?
This is a bug and is being tracked here.

Getting error : An invalid API version was specified in the request, this request needs to specify a ZUMO-API-VERSION of 2.0.0 in xamarin

I am using Azure services in xamaring forms. When i use useclient.SyncContext.PushAsync() i get above error.
Does anyone know? Help me
Problem solved after upgrading Windows Azure package.

Update deviceToken on Existing Parse iOS Installation

I'm using Parse.com REST API to suscribe users for Push Notifications.
Sometimes DeviceToken changes, so I need to Update Parse Installation Object in order to update the DeviceToken.
According to the docs, it can be accomplished by doing a PUT Request:
When executing the PUT request I have the following error result:
{"code":136,"error":"deviceToken may not be changed in this operation"}
Anyone else having the same Issue?
I've had the same issue. It looks like the problem is caused by another installation object having the same deviceToken. This happened to me when I switched between developer and production APNs certificates.
To fix this, go to Parse and search Core for your deviceToken and delete it.
There was another issue I encountered where Parse did not have the deviceToken I was searching for but still would not let me update. In that case I had to delete the entire installation and re-create a new one.

parse.com cloud code set version?

I am new to parse and I am trying to figure out how to handle the version number.
I have been deploying some cloud code a bunch of times. So when I last deployed it gave me this message:
Uploading source files
Finished uploading files
New release is named v18 (using Parse JavaScript SDK v1.2.19)
So I thought I could go and hit:
So there I tried to use version 18 because of what I saw after deploying. That does not work and it returns a 404.
So, then I tried to hit:
this works and return the JSON I wanted.
So, what am I missing here?
I thought that every time I deploy the version would match. Do I need to specifically go in and change the current version somehow?
Can somebody help understand how to think about this correctly?
Thank you
If you ran a "parse deploy" it put v18 up there for you the URL stays the same.
The version in cloud can be verified in the terminal by typing: "parse releases"
