Issue with joomla extensions - joomla

I'm having issues with a Joomla extension installation.
When I upload them it shows me an error:
Error Unable to find install package
I searched on google and have increased my upload limit
max_upload_size = 256M
But still have the same issue,anybody know how to resolve this thank you!
JFTP: :mkdir: Bad response.
JFTP: :chmod: Bad response.
Component Install: Failed to create folder: /home/keramin1/public_html/components/com_uniterevolution.
Uploaded the files manually via ftp* when i go to discover and it shows the plugin then i press install it loads me this error
An error has occurred.
0 Call to a member function children() on null
Return to Control Panel

Disable FTP in your Joomla configuration settings and then try again. If you still have the problem, then this is likely a permission issue. Make sure that your Joomla instance (web server) is able to write to the tmp folder.


Swagger: Failed to load API definition. Fetch errorFailed to fetch openconfig-interfaces.yaml

Below is my files:
It works fine when opening index.html
Error when clicking openconfig-interfaces
error details:
{"schemaValidationMessages":[{"level":"error","message":"Can't read from file file://tt/rest_ui/openconfig-interfaces.yaml"}]}
Actually the file openconfig-interfaces.yaml is there.
Any suggestion to solve this problem, thanks in advance
Seems to be a cross domain issue, Install the live server plugin in vscode, and then open it again

Error loading in Magento admin

When I load my Magento admin I get the error.
Fatal error: Call to a member function isLoggedIn() on a non-object
in /home/xxx/public_html/app/code/community/TM/Core/Model/Observer.php
on line 12
I think it happened when I replaced some files somewhere in app/code/...
I’m really stuck on this and need desperate help.
Error is in your extension file TM/Core/Model/Observer.php
Disable extension and check after refresh cache
This was fixed by the Full Page Cache Extension people.
I don't know what they did but it was their extension which broke my magento however they fixed it for me right away

Php Utime faile error for Joomla (purity III) template

I installed the Purity-III template for Joomla (3.3.0) on my local machine and I get error message from time to time like in the picture below. 'From time to time' because when I refresh the page with the error message the error is gone (Before installing the temmplate I never got those error messages).
Any idea why this is happening and how to prevent?
(ps: I checked that that the access rights for files and folders are set in the proper way)
It's quite possible that you do not have ownership of the file that is trying to be "touched". This is something that your server administration/hosting provider will have to sort out unless you're comfortable with SSH commands.
Also ensure that all folder are set to chmod 755 and files are 644. To ensure this is the case, you can install an Joomla extension called Admin Tools which allows you to perform a bulk permission change.

Got an error in magento connect for installing any extension

In my store have magento community edition - 7.1.
I try to install extension using magento store, but I got an error like this for all type of extensions
community/Dropifi_Dropificontactwidget: Could not resolve host:; Host not found
I placed this key for install magento
Help me to get a result for this issue.
I had the same problem ("CONNECT ERROR: Unsupported resource type") while upgrading a 1.6 magento on PHP 5.5.
The unpack function ( has changed.
In downloader/lib/Mage/Archive/Tar.php, the line
const FORMAT_PARSE_HEADER = 'a100name/a8mode/a8uid/a8gid/a12size/a12mtime/a8checksum/a1type/a100symlink/a6magic/a2version/a32uname/a32gname/a8devmajor/a8devminor/a155prefix/a12closer';
must be replaced by:
const FORMAT_PARSE_HEADER = 'Z100name/Z8mode/Z8uid/Z8gid/Z12size/Z12mtime/Z8checksum/Z1type/Z100symlink/Z6magic/Z2version/Z32uname/Z32gname/Z8devmajor/Z8devminor/Z155prefix/Z12closer';
This was not an issue specific to you. Today, the Magento Connect server experienced an outage which prevented any of the community extension keys from working.
The Connect server appears to be online now, so try again and it should work.
Helpful Note:
You can download extension packages directly by using the following tool:
Just paste in your Magento extension keys and Submit. A downloadable link will appear for you to obtain the package.
i have got this error then try following steps
first you can disable all cache
second after install extension then clear all cache and logout and login

Ck editor file uploading - getting internal server error 500

We have a web site with domain,.
To develop this website we have used Joomla framework, and we have used Ckeditor in it, for uploading files(pdf, images etc ).
Also we have installed Ckeditor in the server.
But for some reason we are getting an internal 500 server error.
Could anyone please help us to solve this issue?
I have gotten 500 errors from ckFinder. It almost always is permissions. Ensure that the internet user has read/directory browse/write permissions to the configured "user files" folder.
Try to remove the ".htaccess" file in the ckeditor root directory. This caused the error at our server.
if that's dont work, try to gave 0755 permission to the connector file in core....
when you put your files in the server automatically give 0777 permissions, and I can't execute php file, ...
try with a "hello world" en ckfinder folder and you can see the problem of permission.
sorry for my bad english.
Try to remove the ".htaccess" file in the ckeditor root directory. This caused the error at our server. by Wim Van Loon < this solves the problem
Does the filename contain non-standard characters? Does it have no extension? I've found that if either of those are true, the image will not upload, the logs show nothing, and the CKEditor image upload interface shows a 500 error.
I faced the same issue with my ck_editor app, I was getting a similar type of error.
I tried copying demo application from django-ckeditor repository ck-editor demo application
with all the settings.
I faced two types of errors:-
Not mentioning upload path in the root urls
path('upload/', ImageUploadView.as_view(), name="upload")
import ImageUploadView from the ckeditor_uploader.views
I selected ckeditor_uploader's pillowbackend
This forum was quite useful to solve this problem.
which should have been something like
Hope it solves your problem.
i get this error
after install ckeditor and add the ckuploader '
Note: don't forget before you do the upload to run this commend:
python collectstatic
you need to get this folder in your project and on it you find this ckeditor folder:
enter image description here
I do this settings and it worked for me:
enter image description here
if you don't work with you just search on youtube
how to upload images in django - ckeditor
