MySql Connectivity issue on wamp - joomla

I am USing Wamp server to make joomla project . I have completed the project and it was working fine but after a day i checked it so it wasnt opening and showing following error
.Error: Failed to start application: Could not connect to MySQL server.

It might have corrupted due to some reason. You can try once restarting the mysql service through wamp using stop and start.


Can't connect to freshly installed MongoDB

I'm rather new to MongoDB and installed it recently using the MongoDB community server (On my Windows clinet). I set the environment variable and started the database using mongod. Everything seemed fine and I can connect to the database using the GUI of Robo3T.
But if I try to connect to the DB using the mongo command in the Terminal I get the following Error:
Failed global initialization: InvalidSSLConfiguration CertCreateCertificateChainEngine failed: Falscher Parameter.
Seems like some SSL configuration failed, but I never touched anything in the configuration file of Mongo. What can I do to connect to my database in the terminal?
It turnes out, that I get that error no matter if I try to connect to the local DB or some other IP on another Server. So I'm pretty sure the error is not caused by my local mongodb server.
Thank you for your help
I completely stopped the mongo service, removed every single file I was able to find containing mongo information. Reboot my system and install mongo anew. That was the only way I was able to fix it, since just uninstalling and reinstalling didn't do the trick.

Informatica Admin console home page can't be reached

Iam able to open the admin web page just after installing informatica 9.6.1 on windows 10, but when i restart my machine (or when laptop went to sleep mode) again when checked the admin page says
"This site can’t be reached <hostname> refused to connect."
URL is <my machine hostname>:6008/administrator/
Is there something going wrong with the 6008 port after installation?
I used this URL for installation
I searched a lot on the internet but could not fix this issue.
Tried start/stop Informatica services, dint work.
please help
I had same problem while working on windows system with Informatica 9.6.1.
I believe any of the 3 processes: pmrepagent, pmserver and tomcat/JAVA services
is/are not running. In simple words Informatica is not up and running.
This helped me out.
open Command prompt in Admin mode
cd C:\Informatica\9.6.1\tomcat\bin
infaservice.bat startup
for more details refer this KB article
If you have also faced such problem while connecting to Informatica post installation then i recommend to check if you are well connected to the database which you opted while installing informatica (For eg. Oracle,sql server etc) with the same user and password which was seperately created to link the database with informatica.
If still you cannot open the Administrator homepage then you can cross check if the Informatica services are already started.You can restart the service if it is stopped and then the homepage will get open.
Seems like the service is not started. Please check the services and make sure Informatica is set to start automatically and that it's able to connect to DBMS where repository DB has been created.
When i installed Informatica that time i was able to login to admin console. But after restart i got - "site refused to connect " error. My informatica service & oracle db serv are running. But still i could not able to login to admin console. What is did was - i login to the schema what i used while installing informatica server through dbeaver tool. On my astonishment, after that im now able to connect admin console.
I found another error that caused this kind of issue.
Check in your system where information is installed and search for "Catalina.out"
See the error:
org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase clearReferencesThreads SEVERE: [localhost-startStop-2] The web application [/csm] appears to have started a thread named [phoneHomeScheduler] but has failed to stop it.
This is very likely to create a memory leak.
You need to restart the system and re-process the services.

Can´t connect external MySQL Database with PHP via MAMP/XAMPP from MACOS

Really strange problem and i do not found working solution for hours.
My Desktop-Setup (WinPc, XAMPP, Win7) is working great.
My Laptop-Setup (MacBook, XAMPP, MacOs10.12) is not.
I try to connect to an external MySQL(i) Database from php.
I tried MAMP and XAMPP and always get the same solution.
Connecting to the local Database Server (localhost) via php is working fine.
If i try to connect to external mysql-database, webbrowser is freezing - after a while I get a TIME OUT.
Warning: mysqli::mysqli(): (HY000/2002): Operation timed out in
Fatal error: Failed to connecto to MySQLi: Operation timed out in
I guess the problem is somewhere at the mysql or the macOS, but i don't know where to search or what is blocking.
I can ping/telnet the remote host and i get answer.
The same script (same database login data) is working on the pc/windows machine.
There is no problem with the remote database server. I can connect from windows machine and also i can connect from mac with the database tool "db beaver". But I cant´t connect via php.
maybe the many installs from MAMP and XAMPP did anything to the osx. Reinstall from XAMPP and reboot did fix everything.

Laravel won't route on production server

Just getting started with laravel and have run into some trouble.
Before committing to using laravel I wanted to build a very basic web app to test the waters via homestead and then move that web app to a remote server in order to see how easy the process was.
So I've got homestead up and running and have built a very basic web app and it works perfectly locally.
However when I moved the laravel project onto the remote server the routing stopped working.
For example locally takes me through to a mock 'contact us' view. However when I try that on I'm greeted by a 403 'you do not have permission to access contact on this server'.
Am I missing something in laravel here or is this an issue with the sever setup?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Update -> This turned out to be an issue with another piece of software running on the server. Thanks for all the help.

Connecting to Mandrill through a proxy with Laravel

I'm using Laravel (4.2) to send emails in my application. Locally this works fine however when I upload to our internal server I get
Swift_TransportException: Connection could not be established
It's running Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard and we have XAMPP v3.2.1 installed
We use a proxy but I have no idea how I can route my application through it.
Can anyone give me some suggestions please?
