Can't connect to freshly installed MongoDB - windows

I'm rather new to MongoDB and installed it recently using the MongoDB community server (On my Windows clinet). I set the environment variable and started the database using mongod. Everything seemed fine and I can connect to the database using the GUI of Robo3T.
But if I try to connect to the DB using the mongo command in the Terminal I get the following Error:
Failed global initialization: InvalidSSLConfiguration CertCreateCertificateChainEngine failed: Falscher Parameter.
Seems like some SSL configuration failed, but I never touched anything in the configuration file of Mongo. What can I do to connect to my database in the terminal?
It turnes out, that I get that error no matter if I try to connect to the local DB or some other IP on another Server. So I'm pretty sure the error is not caused by my local mongodb server.
Thank you for your help

I completely stopped the mongo service, removed every single file I was able to find containing mongo information. Reboot my system and install mongo anew. That was the only way I was able to fix it, since just uninstalling and reinstalling didn't do the trick.


Oracle Cloud Instance Linux 8.5 -- Unable to Fix Corrupted SSH Key

I have Oracle Linux 8.5 in Oracle Cloud, and have been using the host for several months.
But today I was trying to setup vscode remote ssh and looks like I messed up the ssh key that I use to login to the host. Now I cannot!
I tried to follow this documentation and this thread to fix some commands.
However, that did not help! And in fact now the host having difficulty stopping quickly; rebooting looks fine.
Any ideas on how to correct this issue?! (Was having a lot of fun until this struck :) )
In the OCI console, go to the instance, and click on the "console connection", this will show you 2 options, one is create local connection, which will allow you to upload a new ssh key file. Or you can create a console connection and then update the authorized_keys file with your new contents
Console connection did NOT work for me. That's why I went by attaching the volume to another instance. The documentation I followed suggests to mount /dev/sdb3. However that did not work for me. Instead, I mounted /dev/ocivolume/root, and modified the ssh key there, and now works!

Psql gives "SSLv3 alert handshake error" when trying to connect to Postgresql database

Using Windows 10 cmd.exe
I was using psql 7.4.6 which looks like the most recent version, but it no longer works.
I'm still waiting on IT to tell me which version of Posgresql we have. I cannot do it myself. I normally use psql to do that but psql no longer works.
I'm trying to use psql to get the current date from a Postgresql server but I get this error: "SSL Error: SSLv3 alert handshake error"
We have upgraded Postgresql at least once since psql has worked with it. Could it be psql (which hasn't been updated since 2013) no longer works without our newer Postgresql?
Is there a free Windows front end I could use to browse raw data in our Postgresql DB?
I only need read access to the DB, I do not need write access. I will not have admin access to it. The DB sites on a black box from a vendor so we cannot configure Postgresql.
The software should not require me to install any other packages like Apache, PHP, Java, etc.
Thank you!

The underlying provider failed on Open. Remote Debbuging with Azure to VS2019

I am remotely debugging my application with azure and VS2019 and it works fine until I have to connect to the database.
Then I get the following error. "The underlying provider failed on Open."
On the other hand, if I debug locally everything works correctly.
Do you have to activate any permission in Azure or in the project config so that the database can be accessed remotely?
Right after the connection string I have put the following.
_context.Database.Connection.Open ();
So it returns the following error to me:
"Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts".
All this locally does not happen to me. Only when trying to debug remotely.
According to your description, we can ensure that the remote debug function of vs2019 is normal. An error is reported in this _context.Database.Connection.Open (); code. Obviously, the program cannot connect to the mysql database server.
First make sure that your mysql database server can be accessed using tools (such as Mysql Workbench).
Using tools to ensure that the database is accessible is to ensure that the firewall of your database server is open (mysql in azure or other server).
Check the connectionstring of mysql in the released program. According to your error message, it is likely that the connection string is used incorrectly.

Can´t connect external MySQL Database with PHP via MAMP/XAMPP from MACOS

Really strange problem and i do not found working solution for hours.
My Desktop-Setup (WinPc, XAMPP, Win7) is working great.
My Laptop-Setup (MacBook, XAMPP, MacOs10.12) is not.
I try to connect to an external MySQL(i) Database from php.
I tried MAMP and XAMPP and always get the same solution.
Connecting to the local Database Server (localhost) via php is working fine.
If i try to connect to external mysql-database, webbrowser is freezing - after a while I get a TIME OUT.
Warning: mysqli::mysqli(): (HY000/2002): Operation timed out in
Fatal error: Failed to connecto to MySQLi: Operation timed out in
I guess the problem is somewhere at the mysql or the macOS, but i don't know where to search or what is blocking.
I can ping/telnet the remote host and i get answer.
The same script (same database login data) is working on the pc/windows machine.
There is no problem with the remote database server. I can connect from windows machine and also i can connect from mac with the database tool "db beaver". But I cant´t connect via php.
maybe the many installs from MAMP and XAMPP did anything to the osx. Reinstall from XAMPP and reboot did fix everything.

PostgreSQL cannot connect: service definition not found

In Windows 10 Pro 64-bit & new installation of PostgreSQL 9.4, attempting to connect to the server in pgAdmin III results in
The service is running and the service name is correct, as seen here
I am brand new to PostgreSQL, but fwiw, I've configured a working Symfony 2.7 application to use PostgreSQL and have successfully (according to the Symfony console) created a database and its schema.
What is required to get pgAdmin to connect properly?
It turns out that the error message is grossly misleading. There is no issue with the service definition. Instead, I learned that when logged in as a user other than the user that created the PostgreSQL installation (e.g., postgres) one needs to do this at the command prompt:
runas /user:postgres "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.4\bin\pgAdmin3.exe"
There may be a more elegant solution than making the above a cmd file. I'd like to know what that is!
