Laravel won't route on production server - laravel

Just getting started with laravel and have run into some trouble.
Before committing to using laravel I wanted to build a very basic web app to test the waters via homestead and then move that web app to a remote server in order to see how easy the process was.
So I've got homestead up and running and have built a very basic web app and it works perfectly locally.
However when I moved the laravel project onto the remote server the routing stopped working.
For example locally takes me through to a mock 'contact us' view. However when I try that on I'm greeted by a 403 'you do not have permission to access contact on this server'.
Am I missing something in laravel here or is this an issue with the sever setup?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Update -> This turned out to be an issue with another piece of software running on the server. Thanks for all the help.


How to enter commands in heroku?

I have been struggling to host a strapi for development use. I have deployed the app using strapi's Heroku template link= Everything worked fine it got deployed. But my issue is that i wanna stop the server and enter yarn develop because it's running in production mode and i can't build amy collection in strapi. Please tell me how to do that . This is my first deployement on heroku that's why i am asking for help .
MY link to the app is
Please tell me. And thanks
Strapi one click heroku deploy template

React native project created by expo how to enable http requests to a server on the localhost

as the title suggests I've used the react native expo quick start guide and managed to setup a basic project. Everything worked just fine until it came to making fetch requests to my local server by laravel 8. It seems both android and ios don't allow making http calls unless you change some config in your android folder which I don't have for using expo. Tried googling for my answer but I keep running into dead ends. Is there any way to enable this or should I try migrating my back-end temporarily to heroku or something similar? Thank you for reading.
Edit: Forgot to mention each time i make a call to the wrong route I immediately get Network error while hitting the right routes throws an unresolved promise

Sudden self signed certificte problem in multiple environments

I am using Laravel and am trying to send email using Mailgun and Laravel's native Mailable class. The emails are generated as a result of submitting one of several forms. I have been developing my features for a couple of days, and have successfully been receiving emails from my local machine (using homestead) throughout this time.
I have uploaded my code to a server, tested the forms, and everything is still good. Additionally, a colleague of mine has downloaded the code and tests are still successful. So in short, 2 local homestead environments and one ubuntu server are all working as expected.
Suddenly, this functionality has stopped working in all three environments. Upon submitting any form, I get the following error message:
GuzzleHttp \ Exception \ RequestException
cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in
certificate chain (see
This has started happening without any changes being made to the code, and is happening on both the local environments and the server - all at the same time.
I have absolutely no idea what could cause this. Is this mail related and something to do with Mailgun? Is this really a certificate issue and maybe something to do with a corporate certificate that allows traffic to leave the network? I am at a loss.
Is anyone able to offer any advice?
Well, after a good night's sleep, I returned this morning and found all my forms working again. I have no idea what the problem was, but it seems to be a problem with an external service, not my setup.

Protocol Error in TDS Stream on Laravel App on Azure

I'm trying to deploy a Laravel Application to Azure using the App Service.
Things are working pretty ok, I set the PHP version to 7.1, added the Composer extention, and added a web.config file in the public folder of my repo for supporting rewrites in IIS. After that I deployed through Git. I also set the correct environmental variables:
The only problem is, I can't connect to the Azure SQL Database. It gives me this strange Protocol Error, which I can't solve. Google only shows old answers... I hope someone can help me?
SQLSTATE[HY000]: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Protocol error in TDS stream (SQL: select * from [settings]) (View: D:\home\site\wwwroot\........\resources\views\login.blade.php)
Alright, it turned out to be a corrupted instance of the Azure Web App. After deleting the App, and deploying a new clean version, it started working perfectly.

Two Laravel setup issue on same server

I have setup two laravel project on same server, i.e. localhost. First one is for web interface and another for Webservices. I have created database connection on WebServices setup. I am running web interface without database. I am unable to access webservices setup via web interface, while when I setup web interface on another server, its working fine.
Please help me to fixed this issue....
Hmm, your issue could be regarding to CORS, but if you say that in different servers works fine, well, anyway, try configuring CORS in your web services by adding the following dependency:
composer require barryvdh/laravel-cors
Hope you solve!
