Connecting to Mandrill through a proxy with Laravel - laravel

I'm using Laravel (4.2) to send emails in my application. Locally this works fine however when I upload to our internal server I get
Swift_TransportException: Connection could not be established
It's running Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard and we have XAMPP v3.2.1 installed
We use a proxy but I have no idea how I can route my application through it.
Can anyone give me some suggestions please?


Can´t connect external MySQL Database with PHP via MAMP/XAMPP from MACOS

Really strange problem and i do not found working solution for hours.
My Desktop-Setup (WinPc, XAMPP, Win7) is working great.
My Laptop-Setup (MacBook, XAMPP, MacOs10.12) is not.
I try to connect to an external MySQL(i) Database from php.
I tried MAMP and XAMPP and always get the same solution.
Connecting to the local Database Server (localhost) via php is working fine.
If i try to connect to external mysql-database, webbrowser is freezing - after a while I get a TIME OUT.
Warning: mysqli::mysqli(): (HY000/2002): Operation timed out in
Fatal error: Failed to connecto to MySQLi: Operation timed out in
I guess the problem is somewhere at the mysql or the macOS, but i don't know where to search or what is blocking.
I can ping/telnet the remote host and i get answer.
The same script (same database login data) is working on the pc/windows machine.
There is no problem with the remote database server. I can connect from windows machine and also i can connect from mac with the database tool "db beaver". But I cant´t connect via php.
maybe the many installs from MAMP and XAMPP did anything to the osx. Reinstall from XAMPP and reboot did fix everything.

How to sent mails in windows server

I am having my html template with two contact form. I am bit confused how can i make the mail functions in windows server.
Currently my client running with windows server supported by IIS v8.0 and he is not ready to install php to his server .
Smtp is also turned on now .
Can any let me know how can i make mail function works in windows server.

How to connect my server to external world

I am working with database project for that I installed postgresSql, jboss and apache 2.4 in windows 7. I am able to get data from postgresql to jboss server then using apache(localhost:80) able to get data in browser within LAN. Now I want to connect this server to external world. Other people could access my server from browser. How to make my server to available for external server.
You may edit the pg_hba.conf file

Unable to access Liferay 6.2 on dedicated windows cloud server

We install liferay6.2 in windows dedicated server 2008 r2. Liferay sever is working smoothly in the server but when we are trying to access it from browser then we are unable to access it. Error: server not found. In Liferay we have one portlet for video conference and it is also working fine. We can access the server through RDP(Remote Desktop) but whenever trying to access through browser fail to find the server in web.
May be this issue can be easily handle by the network admin or may be by any Liferay developer.
Does your dedicated server have a public (routed) IP address? Also, check firewalls that might block port 8080 if you have not changed the default port. As you say Liferay is running smoothly - you just can't access it - your problem is most likely rather related to the network configuration, not to Liferay itself

Not able to connect to TFS Server from TFS Proxy

In our office we have setup TFS for project development. The TFS Server is WIN 2003 server SP2 with VSTFS 2008 and is running fine. Now we need to setup a TFS Proxy server on client site for client to access. Before going for the client setup, I wanted to build and test proxy in our office on a dummy server (will call it Proxy server hereon) by keeping it on a different domain. OS configuration of the Proxy server is the same as TFS server. I have installed and configured TFS proxy on Proxy server to connect to TFS Server. Also we have built trust between the two different domains to enable communication. Now problem is that I am not able to at all connect to TFS server. I am trying to connect from Internet Explorer of proxy server using proxy service account. It gives me error: The page cannot be displayed. HTTP 500 - Internal server error. The page I was browsing was http://tfs:8080/VersionControl/v1.0/ProxyStatistics.asmx.
I think I have done all the required steps correctly to configure proxy as described in MSDN and also TFS installation guide. Here Proxy service account is a member of ‘Team Foundation Valid Users’ group. I am able to connect to TFS Server (specifying port) using Telnet from command prompt on proxy server as suggested by few sites. The TFS server web sites have been configured to use Integration Windows Authentication. Event Logs on both the servers are also not giving any error. Overall I’m not able to get it done.
Any ideas on what might be the problem???
I think the port number for accessing the proxy server is 8081.
I also do not know why you need to install the proxy server on the the client side. You only need the VS200x on the client side I assume but check on
