im using Simple Table Server in jMeter 5.0 for reading data from csv
I have this line in sampleresult.default.encoding=UTF-8
In HTTP request i have set Content Encodig to UTF-8
Input csv file has set encoding UTF-8
But in Response Data in View Result Tree i get for example this kind of characters "HornĂ˝ HriÄŤov" instead of "Horný Hričov"
In jMeter 4.0 this setting works i only upgrade to 5.0 and use my existing Test Plan
Thanks for any help.
I am reading Gmail inbox using Jmeter Mail Reader Sampler. The email's subject line and body is in Japanese language.
From the email response I have extracted the Subject line and some of the Body content and Now i want to assert those by putting the content in a dummy sampler as placeholder.
The challenge is the extracted result is appearing like question mark (Subject: ????????) in the response of the Dummy Sampler, which every-time fails the response assertion with matching or contains option. Debug Sampler also shows same question mark.
I have also used the below property in the system properties, but no luck
I want to match the Subject line and other email content in Japanese language. Any suggestions?
Most probably your default locale setting is not suitable for Japanese characters, I would recommend sticking to UTF-8 locale as it's the most powerful one which can work with any characters from any languages, special symbols, emoji, etc.
Try launching JMeter as:
jmeter -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
and it should resolve your issue.
If it does and you need to make the change permanent just add the next line to the system.propeties file (lives in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation:
Guide to Character Encoding
Java May Use UTF-8 as its Default Charset
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide
By the way, there is no need to use the Dummy Sampler as it generates an extra SampleResult, you can apply the Response Assertion directly to the Mail Reader Sampler
I'm using JMeter v3.2 and I put up a really simple test plan for testing something. I have a csv file where I save all URLs acquired by a crawler. The URLs are just normal (
After reading those in from the CSV Config and writing them into my HTTP request sampler I get the following issue. The problem comes with the default protocol of JMeter which turns my request URL into this:
GET http://[]/.
Is there a way to turn that off?
Never put anything but ip address or hostname into Server Name or IP input of the HTTP Request sampler.
If you are getting the whole URL from CSV file - use Path input instead like:
Demo (as per View Results Tree listener)
See Using CSV DATA SET CONFIG guide to learn more about parameterisation of your JMeter test with CSV files.
I am reading variables from a CSV datasource. My typical line is:
Problem is the tilde is making the second variable null in JMeter. If I replace with this it works:
I Need the tiled to work because its part of our MVC URL design. Is there an escape or something?
For the following data it worked for me:
view results tree:
CSV Config:
Usage in HTTP sampler:
I see some French in your JMeter GUI so it might be something connected with file encoding, the universal one is UTF-8
To verify the encoding:
Add Debug Sampler to your Test Plan and configure it to display System Properties
Add View Results Tree listener and look for file.encoding property value
To set the encoding use one of the following approaches
add the next line to file (located in JMeter's "bin" folder)
you can also do the same via -D command-line argument (see Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide for details)
jmeter -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -n -t ....
If above steps don't help it might be a problem with your CSV file (some invisible control character, missing line break, etc)
I've recently setup Oracle Rest Data Services (ORDS) and managed to successfully create several endpoints returning both JSON and CSV data. However, is there was a way to change the delimiter (such as to a tab or pipe) on csv/query services? Since the ORDS packages are encrypted, there's no way to do modifications on that front, and none of the documentation I've read suggests there's a built in option to make this change.
I'm considering creating an plugin into ORDS that would basically call the CSV path and then convert it to the new delimiter before returning the data, but before that I wanted to make sure there wasn't any easier way of accomplishing this.
Take a look at Developing Oracle Rest Data Applications
Pattern: POST http://< HOST>:< PORT >/ords/< SchemaAlias>/< ObjectAlias>/batchload?< Parameters>
One parameter is: delimiter
"Sets the field delimiter for the fields in the file. The default is the comma (,)."
I have a Talend job which has an input CSV file which needs to be converted to a JSON format and then using a tRESTclient/tREST , make a HTTP call request and post data.
In the current job, I have an Elasticsearch server installed on my local machine and provided that URL.
I was able to convert the files to JSON format and also verified with a tlogrow component but unable to post data.
(P.S: I was able to post data using a bulk Java code, loading jar files and making HTTP call and sending parameters using a tJAVArow component. So no issue with my localhost and posting data.)
After converting the data from input file to JSON format, set the context variable with your JSON data and then make the rest call. You can add the context variable in the HHTP Body. example : context.json_post without double quotes.