I am reading Gmail inbox using Jmeter Mail Reader Sampler. The email's subject line and body is in Japanese language.
From the email response I have extracted the Subject line and some of the Body content and Now i want to assert those by putting the content in a dummy sampler as placeholder.
The challenge is the extracted result is appearing like question mark (Subject: ????????) in the response of the Dummy Sampler, which every-time fails the response assertion with matching or contains option. Debug Sampler also shows same question mark.
I have also used the below property in the system properties, but no luck
I want to match the Subject line and other email content in Japanese language. Any suggestions?
Most probably your default locale setting is not suitable for Japanese characters, I would recommend sticking to UTF-8 locale as it's the most powerful one which can work with any characters from any languages, special symbols, emoji, etc.
Try launching JMeter as:
jmeter -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
and it should resolve your issue.
If it does and you need to make the change permanent just add the next line to the system.propeties file (lives in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation:
Guide to Character Encoding
Java May Use UTF-8 as its Default Charset
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide
By the way, there is no need to use the Dummy Sampler as it generates an extra SampleResult, you can apply the Response Assertion directly to the Mail Reader Sampler
i want to encode a string using UTF 8 and pass the encoded value as part of payload in a post request.
As per the Guide to Character Encoding in Java if encoding is not specified explicitly it falls back to the platform default encoding.
So the easiest would be just setting file.encoding Java system property to UTF-8, it can be done in system.properties file (lives in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation)
JMeter restart will be required to pick up the properly. More information: Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide
Additionally you can specify the request encoding in the HTTP Request sampler (or HTTP Request Defaults)
(this is a dummy example with SWAPI)
I'm trying to set my body based on what is in a file and it fails saying the JSON is invalid. But when I set the request body manually the same content the request works.
In the results tree view I can see that the only difference is that the manual request is "encoded", it has /n instead of visual newlines.
Here's the request that fails (body coming from file):
Here's the request that works (body manually set):
does anyone know a way to force this "encoding" when retrieving the query string from a file?
It looks like a limitation or bug of the GraphQL HTTP Request sampler, you might want to raise it via JMeter Bugzilla
In the meantime you can consider manually changing line breaks to \n using __strReplace() function, something like:
should do the trick for you.
You can install __strReplace() funciton as a part of Custom JMeter Functions bundle using JMeter Plugins Manager
More information: How to Use the Custom JMeter Functions Plugin
I've opened a bug for Apache and they acknowledged this behavior but it doesn't seem like something they'll fix soon.
I came up with a solutions that is close to what #Dmitri T suggested but without using any Plugins
I've created a JSR223 PreProcessor (Language: Groovy) that will replace the special characters that might break the request's JSON. So far the things that I've seen in GraphQL that might break it are new lines and double quotes.
def content = new File(vars.get('fileName')).text;
vars.put('queryContent', content.replaceAll(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/, /\\n/).replaceAll(/"/, /\\"/))
I have been trying to record session and I got some "bizarre" characters in the POST Option in the HTTP Request component. I need some MAGIC Advice with this(picture).
Stranges Characters Appear in the POST Option in the HTTP Request component
That's it, as you can see, Jmeter in the recorded session, put me Characters that I don't understand. I seen 1000000 videos and in all of those videos the tool always show the information with no problems.
I alreade try to put utf-8 in the "Content Encoding" also change the jmeter.properties file enabling the "sampleresult.default.encoding=utf-8" option, In FACT, I try to edit the proyect modifying the ApacheJMeter_http.jar file (I found in the file that still using encoding=ISO-8859-1). I dig in almost all sites looking for a solution and I found NOTHING that can help me to fix this and I have to buils a report for my jobs next week. Please any help will be appreciated.
my Best
Switching to "Parameters" tab of the HTTP Request sampler will not work given you have something in the "Body Data" tab no matter which "encoding" is being used
I don't think your goal is to test https://ocsp.digicert.com/, my expectation is that you need to exclude this domain from your testing scope
Just in case you don't need to recompile or reverse engineer anything, the "encoding" of JMeter HTTP Request samplers can be controlled either using the relevant field:
or by manipulating the relevant JMeter Properties
I have a scenario where I want to read the data from CSV file and use the same in a POST request. The email data contains '#' symbol.
So, when I try to hit the API using Jmeter '#' is getting replaced by '%40'. I tried below solutions but it didn't worked out:
Uncheck 'URL Encode' checkbox
Used __urldecode function -> ${__urldecode(abc#xyz.com)}
I don't think JMeter converts anything, it should send POST request parameters as they are, what you see in the View Results Tree listener is the textual representation. You can use a sniffer tool like Wireshark to see what exactly JMeter sends:
If you switch to HTTP tab you should see that the username is sent with # symbol
If you have troubles building your HTTP requests manually consider recording just recording the request(s) using either HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder or JMeter Chrome Extension, both should produce syntactically correct HTTP Request samplers.
I would like to use SMTP Sampler in my Jmter script but i am getting error 500 saying that a file location is access denied. I performed workaround by adding attachment but in my case, I do not need to attach any files for my SMTP sampler. Are there any workaround for this?
Double check that there is no whitespaces in the "Attach file(s)" input (the whitespaces are not visible but given you provide something there JMeter will try to load the file)
You can open your .jmx script with a text/XML editor of your choice (JMeter .jmx scripts are basically XML files)
If you don't want to send any attachments there should be the following line in the script:
<stringProp name="SMTPSampler.attachFile"></stringProp>
if there are any characters between attachFile"> and </stringProp> - remove them and your request should start working (assuming that other configuration parameters are correct)
An example of incorrect setup (with 3 whitespaces) will look like:
Check out Load Testing Your Email Server: How to Send and Receive E-mails with JMeter article where you can see example configuration which you can re-use for building your own request.
You can check Send plain body and put your message text inside the file,
Send plain body (i.e. not multipart/mixed) If selected, then send the body as a plain message, i.e. not multipart/mixed, if possible. If the message body is empty and there is a single file, then send the file contents as the message body.
Email will send file content as email body