JMeter leaving protocol in HTTP request sampler empty - jmeter

I'm using JMeter v3.2 and I put up a really simple test plan for testing something. I have a csv file where I save all URLs acquired by a crawler. The URLs are just normal (
After reading those in from the CSV Config and writing them into my HTTP request sampler I get the following issue. The problem comes with the default protocol of JMeter which turns my request URL into this:
GET http://[]/.
Is there a way to turn that off?

Never put anything but ip address or hostname into Server Name or IP input of the HTTP Request sampler.
If you are getting the whole URL from CSV file - use Path input instead like:
Demo (as per View Results Tree listener)
See Using CSV DATA SET CONFIG guide to learn more about parameterisation of your JMeter test with CSV files.


How can i use the Result of an HTTP request (zip file) in the body of another http request?

I have two HTTP requests (Export and Import).
The result of the "Export" request is a zip file and i want to use that downloaded file in the body of the "Import" request.
Does anyone have an idea ?
Thanks in advance.
Normally you should be storing the file to your drive via Save Responses to a file listener added as a child of the Export request and then specifying the path to the stored file in the "Files Upload" section of the HTTP Request sampler for the Import request
Example test plan structure:
More information: Performance Testing: Upload and Download Scenarios with Apache JMeter
However if your scenario is different and you need to do this in memory, you can read the zip file contents into a JMeter Variable using Regular Expression Extractor and the following regular expression:
once done you will be able to use the associated JMeter Variable where required.

Jmeter Issue: # is getting replaced by %40 when trying to read data from CSV

I have a scenario where I want to read the data from CSV file and use the same in a POST request. The email data contains '#' symbol.
So, when I try to hit the API using Jmeter '#' is getting replaced by '%40'. I tried below solutions but it didn't worked out:
Uncheck 'URL Encode' checkbox
Used __urldecode function -> ${__urldecode(}
I don't think JMeter converts anything, it should send POST request parameters as they are, what you see in the View Results Tree listener is the textual representation. You can use a sniffer tool like Wireshark to see what exactly JMeter sends:
If you switch to HTTP tab you should see that the username is sent with # symbol
If you have troubles building your HTTP requests manually consider recording just recording the request(s) using either HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder or JMeter Chrome Extension, both should produce syntactically correct HTTP Request samplers.

How to extract data from AMQP request in JMeter

I have used AMQP Publisher to publish the message in RabbitMQ then I use AMQP Consumer as listener. In the View Results Tree the messages from the queue in shown in the request tab of AMQP Consumer. My question is how to extract data from that request. I tried following the Bean Shell Post Processor but it seems it will only work on Http request. I tried to use JSR223 Post Processor and XPath extractor but it doesn't work as well. Any help?
I wanted to extract the documentId from the request. Here is the Request pattern.
I have already tried following links:
Extracting value from jmeter post request
how to extract value from request in Jmeter
How to extract the values from request input xml in jmeter
The statement that you tried something without sharing the code doesn't make sense
Posting JSON data or code as image is not the best idea
Any reason to extract data from the request? Normally people know everything about the request hence don't require to extract anything from it. Even if they do - they should normally able to store the request data into a JMeter Variable and apply the relevant Post-Processor to it.
Whatever, just in case here is the solution:
Add JSR223 PostProcessor (if you really want to do this using the Post-Processor) as a child of the request
Put the following code into "Script" area:
That's it, you should be able to access the extracted value as ${foo} where required.
JsonPath: Getting Started
Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It

JMeter zip file download from server

I have a requirement to download zip file from server through JMeter to test the peroformance but for me the downloaded files are shown in x-filler, i need to have the zip file downladed.
Please help me here
Thanks in Advance
Simulating file download event using JMeter is as simple as sending HTTP GET request using HTTP Request sampler.
If you need to save the response somewhere for later reuse or analysis add Save Response to a file listener as a child of the request which performs the download. Check out Performance Testing: Upload and Download Scenarios with Apache JMeter article for comprehensive explanation.
Be aware that storing responses will cause huge disk IO overhead during the load test so I would recommend ticking Save response as MD5 hash box under "Advanced" tab of the HTTP Request sampler and use MD5Hex Assertion to compare the MD5 checksum of the response with some reference value.
To download any file, you need to extract it using Regular Expression Extractor.
Add the Regular Express Extractor to the request where you want to download and configure the fields as shown below. Use (?s)(^.*) as the expression to extract everything.
Add the Save Responses to a File sampler and configure the fields as shown below.
Execute the test plan. In the JMETER_HOME\bin\, you can see the zip file. Extract the zip file and validate.
The easiest way is to use your own code to download the file. The options are BeanShell Postprocessor or JSR223 Postprocesor.
I extracted file name from response header Content-Disposition, save it to varible, and the use variable for filename. Additional variable was defined on Test level, holding folder name where to save files.

How to read a text file and verify its context in jmeter

My scenario is load test a functionality which will generate a text file at last, i need to verify the content of that file.
Please guide me step by step to achieve this functionality in jmeter from very beginning to last.
Given you already have your file downloaded to your local hard drive:
Add HTTP Request Sampler to your Test Plan
Configure it as follows:
Protocol: file
Path: /path/to/your/text/file.txt
Add Response Assertion as a child of the HTTP Request
Configure it to test whether the file contains expected data.
See How to Extract Data From Files With JMeter for detailed instructions.
If the file lives in the web, take the same approach, but use http or https protocols to retrieve the file. To save it locally you can use Save Responses to a File listener
