I am reading variables from a CSV datasource. My typical line is:
Problem is the tilde is making the second variable null in JMeter. If I replace with this it works:
I Need the tiled to work because its part of our MVC URL design. Is there an escape or something?
For the following data it worked for me:
view results tree:
CSV Config:
Usage in HTTP sampler:
I see some French in your JMeter GUI so it might be something connected with file encoding, the universal one is UTF-8
To verify the encoding:
Add Debug Sampler to your Test Plan and configure it to display System Properties
Add View Results Tree listener and look for file.encoding property value
To set the encoding use one of the following approaches
add the next line to system.properties file (located in JMeter's "bin" folder)
you can also do the same via -D command-line argument (see Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide for details)
jmeter -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -n -t ....
If above steps don't help it might be a problem with your CSV file (some invisible control character, missing line break, etc)
I am reading Gmail inbox using Jmeter Mail Reader Sampler. The email's subject line and body is in Japanese language.
From the email response I have extracted the Subject line and some of the Body content and Now i want to assert those by putting the content in a dummy sampler as placeholder.
The challenge is the extracted result is appearing like question mark (Subject: ????????) in the response of the Dummy Sampler, which every-time fails the response assertion with matching or contains option. Debug Sampler also shows same question mark.
I have also used the below property in the system properties, but no luck
I want to match the Subject line and other email content in Japanese language. Any suggestions?
Most probably your default locale setting is not suitable for Japanese characters, I would recommend sticking to UTF-8 locale as it's the most powerful one which can work with any characters from any languages, special symbols, emoji, etc.
Try launching JMeter as:
jmeter -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
and it should resolve your issue.
If it does and you need to make the change permanent just add the next line to the system.propeties file (lives in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation:
Guide to Character Encoding
Java May Use UTF-8 as its Default Charset
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide
By the way, there is no need to use the Dummy Sampler as it generates an extra SampleResult, you can apply the Response Assertion directly to the Mail Reader Sampler
I am trying to get the HTML report from my JMeter test plan. Unfortunately, below error is shown always.
File '/Users/roradhak/Cisco/GET/PPS-Proxy-Performance/Graph2_CSV.csv' does not contain the field names header, ensure the jmeter.save.saveservice.* properties are the same as when the CSV file was created or the file may be read incorrectly
In fact, I tried to do all the settings changes as explained in Jmeter 3.0 can't generate the ANT HTML report and in other links also. Can someone please put some light into this?
You need to make sure you have at least the following line in user.properties file:
The first line of your .jtl results file needs to be like:
If you have different output - kindly amend JMeter configuration to match the one, described in the Generating Report Dashboard article.
Configuring JMeter
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide
I am performing HTTP Request samples (both GET and POST) in JMeter and am trying to figure out how to include pieces of the request (right now, just the query and form parameters) in the CSV log output. It seems like I'll have to use something like BeanShell Listener to write my own log file using the JMeter API. Does that sound right?
Not necessarily. Given your parameters are in form of JMeter Variables (if not - you can convert them via User Defined Variables test element) you can use samples_variable property in order to add values to JMeter's .jtl results file
Add the next line to user.properties file (it's located under /bin folder of your JMeter installation)
where var1 and var2 are your JMeter Variables
Restart JMeter to pick the property up
Next time you run your test variable values will be added to .jtl results file
Sample Variables chapter of JMeter User Manual
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide - comprehensive information on JMeter Properties and ways of working with them
I am new to jmeter.I have a web application and I want to record all the possible Url in the application(like a web crawler). Is it possible to get all the Url and store it in a file.Please help in proving the solution.
JMeter provides HTML Link Parser which can be used as a web crawler and/or randomizer of request parameters.
If you want to save URLs along with other sampler metrics you can override jmeter.save.saveservice.url property using one of the below options:
Add jmeter.save.saveservice.url=true property to user.properties file (lives under /bin folder of your JMeter installation)
Locate #jmeter.save.saveservice.url=false in jmeter.properties file (the same location - /bin folder of your JMeter installation), uncomment it and set to true
Pass the property via -J command-line argument to JMeter startup script as
jmeter -Jjmeter.save.saveservice.url=true
Your result file will look as follows:
1424142574950,1001,HTTP Request,200,OK,Thread Group 1-1,text,true,1591,http://example.com/,1001
So URLs will be stored as penultimate column
For more information on different JMeter property types and ways of setting/overriding them check out Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide
I am using Jmeter (Run as administrator) in order to load and test a webservice method using some CSV Data Set Config.
I have the CSV file under the jmeter folder with path:
"D:\ROHINI DATA\Softwares\Jmeter\Setup\apache-jmeter-2.11\bin\examples.
On the given path the jmx and csv files are present. This is true also while the script is executing and it's displaying an error as shown in this screenshot:
Can anyone help me out?
It might be connected with the space between ROHINI and DATA
Try the following workarounds:
Double check that file D:\ROHINI DATA\Softwares\Jmeter\Setup\apache-jmeter-2.11\bin\examples\string.csv exists
If the file exists - provide full path in the "Filename" section
There is __CSVRead() function which offers similar functionality, you can try switching to it.
See Using CSV DATA SET CONFIG guide for more details on proper configuration.