Netbeans: Customize Toolbars in Mac Sierra 10.12.4 Not Working - macos

I am trying to customize my toolbar in Netbeans on a MacBook Pro running Sierra 10.12.4.
I can 'add a custom toolbar' and name it, but when I try to drag and drop the desired icons into the bar, they don't get added, don't even register as hovering behavior when attempting it.
Works fine on my PC but not on my Mac.
Is this a bug or am I missing a step, or it just doesn't work on Mac?


iPhone (iOS 12) Keyboard disappeared automatically when click on input tag when build app using Xcode 10.1

I am developing a Hybrid Application using Cordova with MFP.
Recently we upgraded the Xcode version from 9.4.1 to 10.1 after that facing an issue is when key in on input tag then the keyboard is appearing from the bottom and suddenly disappeared but this is working normal below IOS 12 version even build app using Xcode 10.1.
I am using native keyboard instead of Cordova plugin keyboard and UIWebView.
After removing the viewport-fit=cover as mentioned in "" the keyboard is appearing from the bottom as normal but the keyboard is overlaid on the input tag so could not see what we are typing in the input.
And also tried with "" but not working.
We expecting the result is while key in on input the keyboard should appear from the bottom and need to be disappear once key in finished.

OS installed fonts are not available in Storyboard dropdown

I am using xcode 10.1, recently I have updated mac os from 10.13.6 to 10.14.2 and after that the installed fonts are not available from storyboard; When I change the type to attributed text, installed fonts is showing in font box but in plain text only the system fonts are showing;
Is any way to fix this issue?
Install the fonts on your system first by double clicking it, or opening your FontBook app (double clicking should open the FontBook app)
Add font(s) to application bundle
Restart Xcode
:) hope this helps

NSToolbar items hidden using xibs migrated on Xcode 7

We are using xib files to show a window + toolbar.
Compiling a Mac OS app with the latest Xcode (7 or 7.1) makes our toolbars items to be hidden for Yosemite 10.10.5, but it works fine on El Capitan.
If I click the area, the actions are taken, so only the labels and images are hidden.
I have recreated the xib file from scratch with Xcode 7.1 but the issue is still there.
FYI: going back in our code history, before Xcode 7 was launched, and compiling the app without migrating xibs to Xcode 7 the issue is not reproducible.
It seems that the issue was generated by a missing font which seems that broke the whole CoreText and that's generated the missing toolbar items. Really strange issue.

Xcode Doesn't Recognize My Device After OS Upgrade

This has to be a simple configuration issue, but I don't know my way around the build settings very well.
I upgraded my iPad from 4.3 to 5.0. I am using Xcode 4.2. When I plug my device in, it is not showing up on run button, and I have a message that it can't run using the selected device.
What do I have to do?
Open Xcode, go to Window -> Organizer and find your device. Click the "Use for Development" button to get Xcode to recognise it again.
go to your iphone device, settings->Reset->Reset All Settings. Close Xcode, restart XCode, device should be in the list now.
Restarting USB process worked for me.
Run sudo pkill usbmuxd on terminal
Open Activity Monitor and select Disk by tapping from segment control and search usbmuxd, select the same and force quite/quite.
Note: before doing above stuff, remove device and quite Xcode.

Missing QMenuBar in Qt4 apps on OSX

My Qt4 apps with a QMenuBar show up fine under Linux and Windows, but will not display under OSX. I have a Xeon 64bit Mac Pro with OSX 10.5.7. I'm using Qt 4.5.2. I've tried building my apps with qmake -spec macx-g++ and using an xcode project. Neither seem to work. Any help is much appreciated.
Your menu should be displayed in the top-level Mac menu. A full desktop screenshot and a code sample would help.
QMenuBar on Mac OS X
QMenuBar on Mac OS X is a wrapper for using the system-wide menu bar. If you have multiple menu bars in one dialog the outermost menu bar (normally inside a widget with widget flag Qt::Window) will be used for the system-wide menu bar.
QMenuBar documentation
