Creating Laravel Forum with Chatter Package - laravel-5.8

I have followed each step from but got error during migration, as well as php artisan db:seed --class=ChatterTableSeeder command also didnt worked

I forked the original Chatter repository (it was left out) as a base and created a completely new, single-page forum using Laravel resources API, Tailwind CSS and Vue.js. It's easy to install and easier to extend.
Check it at Chatter-laravel/core and check a demo here

Laravel packages help any website in so many ways. Their implementation provides you with plenty of benefits.
To help you with the Laravel Packages, Here are Top 35+ Useful Laravel Packages to Improve Website Performance
Thank you!


Laravel Odoo API

I have been using Edujugon/laradoo for interfacing Laravel with Odoo. In a new project I have been using Laravel 9 and Edjugon/Laradoo does not install anymore.
Can somebody help me by updating Edjugon/Laradoo since the composer setting do not fit anymore with laravel 9. I am not enough of an expert to do that myself. The goal is a successful composer require in Laravel 9. I contacted the author but he seems to be not active anymore.
I found a different solution: tbondois/odoo-ripcord. It is not as elegant as Edjugon/laradoo but it does the work.

Could you share source code or package of Simple Forum section that uses Auth of Laravel

I have existed project in Laravel 5.8 with Auth builded, If you have ready source code or package of Simple Forum section, please share, because I really don't have time to make it by my own. I just needed functions as make discussion, show number of replies, like so.

Route not defined using Laravel MVC PHP Storm

enter image description here
I get this error in PHP storm. I am learning Laravel and can someone please help me with this error. The route is not defined.
Please see the attached screenshot.
No worries. Php-storm doesn't see some of the laravel facades static classes. (e.g. 'Route::', 'Auth::'). Your code will still run fine (provided there aren't any real problems).
PS - If you haven't done it yet, install the phpstorm laravel plugin. It will help eliminate some of these issues (but not all).
Have fun!

How to use Swagger For Laravel 5.4?

I have a web service on Laravel 5.,4 but I need a documentation about it. I was looking options, and it seems like Swagger is one of the best options for this (if you have any other recommendation please let me know). However, I can see a lot of versions of it, I was looking into the official page but I donĀ“t sure what I need to implement.
I will appreciate if you can give some suggestions or examples about it.
Install darkaonline/l5-swagger:
composer require "darkaonline/l5-swagger:~5.0"
Write correct phpdoc annotations for swagger (example:
Then run:
php artisan l5-swagger:publish will show you swagger-ui

Laravel 4.2 view:publish from custom location

I'm currently developing a package in L4.2 but I'm not using the workbench I have a complete custom structure.
But now I'm facing the problem that when I execute the artisan command view:publish I get the following error:
Views not found.
It seems like I have to give Laravel the location of my views but I can't find how to do this, so I hope anybody could help me.
My views are located at: vendor/package/src/views
My service provider at: vendor/package/src/serviceprovider.php
I also tried to use php artisan view:publish vendor/package --path="src/views" but no luck so far.
I hope somebody can help me,
php artisan view:publish td/longstack --path="packages/vendorname/packagename/src/views/"
Never mind I forgot to specify the folder where alle my packages are located. It works now.
