Laravel Odoo API - laravel

I have been using Edujugon/laradoo for interfacing Laravel with Odoo. In a new project I have been using Laravel 9 and Edjugon/Laradoo does not install anymore.
Can somebody help me by updating Edjugon/Laradoo since the composer setting do not fit anymore with laravel 9. I am not enough of an expert to do that myself. The goal is a successful composer require in Laravel 9. I contacted the author but he seems to be not active anymore.

I found a different solution: tbondois/odoo-ripcord. It is not as elegant as Edjugon/laradoo but it does the work.


Dangers of Upgrading from Laravel 5.7.4 to Laravel 8

I would like to know what the possibility is that when I upgrade from Laravel 5.7.4 to Laravel 8 that something in my website will break? If so what would the best approach be to upgrade to the newest version.
Thanks in advance

Problems Viewing Voyager Tables after integrating Iseed from Github using Laravel 7

I am making a multi seller ecommerce website using Laravel 7. After integrating an Iseeder package from Github overriding my current Voyager seeders, I seem to have issues in my Voyager admin panel. I'm not sure if this is the real issue here but I can't view tables in Roles, Users and other pages. BREAD functions are still working properly. Also, when I try to edit Users i'm getting the error "ErrorException
Trying to get property 'details' of non-object (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\Laravel\itprojETONA\vendor\tcg\voyager\resources\views\users\edit-add.blade.php)"
I have no idea what seems to be the problem as I'm just starting to learn Laravel. I hope someone here can help me. Thanks a lot!
PHP 7.3.22
Laravel 7x
Composer version 1.10.13
Voyager 1.4x

Creating Laravel Forum with Chatter Package

I have followed each step from but got error during migration, as well as php artisan db:seed --class=ChatterTableSeeder command also didnt worked
I forked the original Chatter repository (it was left out) as a base and created a completely new, single-page forum using Laravel resources API, Tailwind CSS and Vue.js. It's easy to install and easier to extend.
Check it at Chatter-laravel/core and check a demo here
Laravel packages help any website in so many ways. Their implementation provides you with plenty of benefits.
To help you with the Laravel Packages, Here are Top 35+ Useful Laravel Packages to Improve Website Performance
Thank you!

How to install angular5 in laravel-5.6

I am new with laravel and angular. I want to make a laravel 5.6 project in which I use angular 5 with the help of npm. But I don't know steps to perform it. I search alot but I don't get any solution.
Below are the links that should help you:

Laravel perfect version for beginners?

As I am new with Laravel and there are already many versions out there I'm confused about which version I should start with? Which will be the perfect version to start?
Versions are: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.4.22 and upcoming 5.5
It will be my pleasure if Laravel experts give me some good advice.
Go with laravel 5.4 and start working with PHP 7. There's no point in learning the older versions at the moment. With 5.5 (LTS) set to release in July, you will be well set with learning 5.4 now.
There are already tons of resources for 5.4 and any and most codes and tutorials that uses 5.3 can be used with 5.4 without any/much change.
A good series to get started.
Go to this URL: It's version 5.4, by far the best resource you'll find for laravel. And it's free.
You can start with Laravel 5.4 because Laravel 5.4 is updated one if learn Laravel 5.3 then you definitely learn 5.4 therefore you start with Laravel 5.4
Thank you
