Could you share source code or package of Simple Forum section that uses Auth of Laravel - laravel-5.8

I have existed project in Laravel 5.8 with Auth builded, If you have ready source code or package of Simple Forum section, please share, because I really don't have time to make it by my own. I just needed functions as make discussion, show number of replies, like so.


how to use Stripe in laravel without using composer?

my project has been done with laravel 7 and its on a real host with cpanel as server software.
I want to online payment to website and I think Stripe is the best option but I cant figure it out how to use it without composer.
in every tutorial people used composer commands for doing this automatically, but in my case I have to put files one by one and update files.
I asked host provider about giving me composer ability on apache, but they said they cant so I have to do every thing manually.
I would be very glad if you could help me in this.
You do not need the Composer in your Hosting-Environment, If you have it in your Local-Environment then you will have the files already installed on your server. You could try Homestead what is already a pre-configured local-development environment for Laravel.
Composer is only a dependency-management-system, what makes you really easier to use open-source-code from other third party providers like the STRIPE-SDK.
But you can also use Stripes RAW REST-API's without the SDK, but it would be much more work - you can for example extract the needed parameters from the curl-example of stripe, but also if you use this direct way It would be easier to use a Curl-Wrapper-Library like Guzzle.
You should really have a deeper look into the composer, because if you want to use & contribute with some community-projects you need composer.
BTW: when you install laravel from scratch, then you still use the composer, as you see here.
While Composer is the recommended option, Stripe supports manual installation by downloading a specific version of their library and including it directly. It's also covered directly on their readme page here:
You install the library locally by downloading the latest release and unzipping it, you add this to your own code and then you include the library like this:

How do i set up laravel as an backend api for nuxtjs

I've starterd working on a project based of a template i found on github. This template includes laravel, nuxtjs and vuetify. In this template laravel serves as a backend api for my nuxtjs project; Which is what i need.
The github repo:
But what i dont like about this template is that the package.json file is filled with dependencies of which i dont know what they do or even if i need them.
I want to make my own project with laravel and nuxt but i don't know how to make laravel an api or how to send data to this api.
If anyone could help me understand or provide me a source that would really be appreciated.
This course teaches that beautifully if you are willing to pay for a month (It's totally worth it!). Laravel Api/NUXT Frontend Course
Otherwise, you would build the laravel app as normal but don't use blade views. Then in NUXT send data using ajax requests. If you have any other questions let me know! I hope that helps!

Creating Laravel Forum with Chatter Package

I have followed each step from but got error during migration, as well as php artisan db:seed --class=ChatterTableSeeder command also didnt worked
I forked the original Chatter repository (it was left out) as a base and created a completely new, single-page forum using Laravel resources API, Tailwind CSS and Vue.js. It's easy to install and easier to extend.
Check it at Chatter-laravel/core and check a demo here
Laravel packages help any website in so many ways. Their implementation provides you with plenty of benefits.
To help you with the Laravel Packages, Here are Top 35+ Useful Laravel Packages to Improve Website Performance
Thank you!

laravel 5.4, where to put controllers, models, views and routes?

Having gone through numerous laravel tutorials and examples, i have seen source code with controllers, models and views in very different directories.
The question is, where should they go, and how does the system (which presumably requires convention) work if they are put in a different place?
E.g. the official laravel quick-start project puts them in:
Cant find where it has put the models.
However, the simple laravel crud master tutorial puts them here:
If you look in the 5.4 documentation here it says controllers should go in app/Http/Controllers.
If this is the case, how did the latter example work (as the controller files are in the "wrong" dir, and I assume that laravel, like grails, relies on convention over configuration)?
The latter example directories seem much more logical than the official place, as a controller has nothing to do with Http - its part of the app logic.
The official documentation mentions that "models typically live in the app directory". This implies they can be put put in app/models, which is good.
Unfortunately, the official documentation says they have to go in resources/views. Again, this would be far more logical to have views, controllers and models all being together as sub directories of app, as per the second example above. Is it possible, and advisable, to use this logical, but unofficial structure? as a beginner, I have difficulty in finding the models, views and controllers as they are put in 3 different directory paths with no obvious logic.
The official documentation says that routes should go in routes/web.php. I have not found an example project using this convention - I have seen them in app/routes.php, and app/http/routes.php. Assuming its ok to put them in random places under app, how does one configure where the routes definition files go?
For Laravel version ^5.4
Controllers should be in this directory
Models should be in this directory
Views should be in this directory
Routes should be in this directory
routes/web.php // for web routes
routes/api.php // for api routes
These are all recommended places to put controllers, models, views and routes. You are free to modify everything of course!
Older versions of Laravel have different places for Controllers, Models, Views and Routes. Check the documentation where they should be.
The thing is that you must recognize the Laravel version because Laravel went through many changes between years 2011 and 2016...
That link in your question for example is from year 2013 which is very old.
And I strongly recommend you to follow the Laracasts tutorials at

Joomla extension for people posts with categories

Are there any type of extensions that let people post what they want with categories. So they need to sign-up and sign-in, and then create a new post, then select the relative category that the post will be shown in to other people.
I may need to show posts by geo-localisation restriction, for example, posts appears in just US or UK.
I'm a PHP developer. I can achieve this system, but I wondered if it does already exist some CMS like Joomla doing what I need, to save time. I may also be able to develop such Joomla modules if it's allowed. Please need a push around these requirements since I don't have too much experience with Joomla.
I would recommend you use the article section of joomla which is a built in one. I think the things available in joomla package will suit your category, post and signin and signup requirements.
For geo-localisation restrictions I think your php knowledge is more than enough to change or modify few parts of the code in the joomla. I think this way will help you save some time. I have done these before.They have worked fine for me. Hope this helps you.
