Laravel 4.2 view:publish from custom location - laravel

I'm currently developing a package in L4.2 but I'm not using the workbench I have a complete custom structure.
But now I'm facing the problem that when I execute the artisan command view:publish I get the following error:
Views not found.
It seems like I have to give Laravel the location of my views but I can't find how to do this, so I hope anybody could help me.
My views are located at: vendor/package/src/views
My service provider at: vendor/package/src/serviceprovider.php
I also tried to use php artisan view:publish vendor/package --path="src/views" but no luck so far.
I hope somebody can help me,

php artisan view:publish td/longstack --path="packages/vendorname/packagename/src/views/"
Never mind I forgot to specify the folder where alle my packages are located. It works now.


Laravel 5.1 - Some pages are not found on production serveur - "Page you are looking for could not be found"

I have a problem with some "routes" in my old Laravel 5.1.46 project.
When I try to access to some routes, like admin/exercices/creer or admin/exercices/1928, I have this: "Sorry, the page you are looking for could not be found.".
I can access to thoses pages when I work on the test or local serveur. But not on the production serveur.
Other routes like admin/missions/creer are working properly.
I tried php artisan route:list to compare the routes on each serveur: it's the same everywhere.
I also tried php artisan route:cache and php artisan route:clear. Nothing changed.
I can remember we changed the routes path (for example: "admin/modules/creer" became "admin/exercices/creer"). I think we did it manually, directly in the routes.php file. But it waas a long time ago and since then, it already worked properly. So I don't think it comes from that, but Idk.
I'm also not good at sysadmin, so maybe it's more about the config of the server than code and laravel... In this case, any idea here does it come from? I have no clue, and I might need help.
Thanks a lot for reading! And let me know if you have even a tiny idea!

Laravel's ui:auth command generating incompatible Controllers

I have a Laravel installation on v7.29.3 (our server won't support v8 yet)
I am having an issue with the ui:auth command. It is generating Controllers that reference classes in the Illuminate namespace that don't exist.
For example, the Auth\VerificationController class it gives me, uses Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\VerifiesEmails but I can't see a corresponding file in the /vendor/laravel/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Auth directory.
What's more, when I search for "VerifiesEmails" in the Laravel API doc for v7.x there is no such file. This file does exist however when I search for it in v6.x
So my guess is that I've got a mismatch somewhere and I'm getting v6 controllers for a v7 installation.
However, composer is showing that I have laravel/ui 2.5 which is supposed to be for Laravel 7.
I've tried deleting my composer.lock and vendor directories and reinstalling from composer in the hope that would clear up the issue, but no dice.
Any ideas what could be going on?
Those classes aren't in vendor/laravel/framework/src/.... They are not part of the framework. They come from the laravel/ui package, vendor/laravel/ui/auth-backend/....

Can someone explain this error when trying to create a custom tool?

I am trying to create a new tool following the steps in the nova documentation.
I try php artisan nova:tool Tree and i get the error An option named "no-interaction" already exists.
Google doesnt find anything. What might be the problem?
It's a bug in Laravel Nova 3.7

Creating Laravel Forum with Chatter Package

I have followed each step from but got error during migration, as well as php artisan db:seed --class=ChatterTableSeeder command also didnt worked
I forked the original Chatter repository (it was left out) as a base and created a completely new, single-page forum using Laravel resources API, Tailwind CSS and Vue.js. It's easy to install and easier to extend.
Check it at Chatter-laravel/core and check a demo here
Laravel packages help any website in so many ways. Their implementation provides you with plenty of benefits.
To help you with the Laravel Packages, Here are Top 35+ Useful Laravel Packages to Improve Website Performance
Thank you!

Laravel 5.2 reCaptcha fails after succeeds

So, I have placed the reCaptcha in my login form. I click on "im not a robot" and click on the right images and it says it succeeded, but when I submit the form it returns me the message of "The Captcha field is not correct." and it also thrown and exception saying:
'Illuminate\Foundation\Validation\ValidationException' with message
'The given data failed to pass validation.'
I am using "greggilbert/recaptcha" in my Laravel 5.2 project. I have set my keys and everything is working great in production and in other localhost's but not in mine.
My team and I work in the same git repository and it works for everyone but not for me.
I have re-installed the plugin, also the whole composer (by deleting vendor and then composer install).
I have cleared the configuration with php artisan config:clear and I've done the composer dump-autoload and have re-publish the ServiceProvider with php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Greggilbert\Recaptcha\RecaptchaServiceProvider"
Does somebody have any idea on how to fix this? Please!
Thank you a lot for reading this! Happy coding!
