Tutorials on Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 - visual-studio

I downloaded Visual Studio installer from Microsoft site and I have use the downloadball, then install feature to installed the ASP.NET features.
My question is that, where did the setup files stores to? I just want to know if possible I format my PC in order to install it without re downloading the files again.

It depends what you choose during the installation.
Usually, the packages are put in drive_letter:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages.
That is true, only if you check during the installation 'Keep download cache', see the image below.
See more on Use command-line parameters to install Visual Studio
and Select the installation locations in Visual Studio


VSTO can not installed with Visual Studio 2022 Installer

I rent absolutely free
Edition Windows 10 Pro
Version 20H2
Installed on ‎2/‎7/‎2023
OS build 19042.1706
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4170.0
With Excel installed and Activated by hosting provider
Microsoft Office LTSC Professional Plus 2021
Version 2108 (build 14332.20447 Click-to-Run)
Than I try to install to this new machine VS 2022 community from official site
Unfortunately VSTO tools is impossible to install, I see a lot of times the same error
VSTO installation Error
What I need to do? I need VSTO.
I receive advice to download firstly and install after full download. In this case I have this error.
Something going wrong
What going wrong I don't understand. This VM placed to datacenter in Germany with good connection and preinstalled and activated legal copy Windows 10 and Excel.
Most probably you are dealing with a connection problem. You may try to repair your VS installation at a later point of time.
You may consider downloading a local installation package, select the Download all, then install option in the dropdown at the bottom of the Workloads tab of the Visual Studio Installer. The purpose of this feature is to frontload the downloading of the Visual Studio packages onto the same computer that you plan on eventually installing Visual Studio on. By downloading the packages locally first, you can then safely disconnect from the internet before you install Visual Studio.
Also you can download the installer locally by using a command line. And only then you can launch the installer for the Visual Studio, so you will not face with such problems. Read more about that in the Create an offline installation package of Visual Studio for local installation article.

Visual Studio Installer 2019 Community 16.9 crash

During update Visual Studio 2019 to latest version (16.9), setup failed. Stupidly I closed installer window without read the error.
When I retryed the update, the Installer crashes few seconds after start.
I have uninstalled wholly Visual Studio, but Installer still crash.
I think something is left dirty after first update fail, I tried to search in log files recoverd by collect.exe tools, but I can't found usefull information in that bilions of messages.
Reinstalling Windows must be the last choice, there is a way to take crash error for undertand the problem and search for a solution?
Also InstallCleanup.exe don't solve the problem
Visual Studio Installer version 2.9.3349 has problems with culture "it-IT". If that's your case (as it is mine), there is a workaround here:
The workaround is to force a working locale: ./vs_installer.exe --locale en-US
If you think your install and/or installer is corrupted, run the installation cleaner tool available at the URL below and then re-download the latest installer, from which you can get 16.9.
Additionally there is a step you can try in Troubleshooting Installation Issues, specifically Step 4 (The advice above the break is actually Step 6 in this process)
Step 4 - Delete the Visual Studio Installer directory to fix upgrade problems
The Visual Studio Installer bootstrapper is a minimal light-weight executable that installs the rest of the Visual Studio Installer. Deleting Visual Studio Installer files and then rerunning the bootstrapper might solve some update failures.
Performing the following actions reinstalls the Visual Studio Installer files and resets the installation metadata.
Close the Visual Studio Installer.
Delete the Visual Studio Installer directory. Typically, the directory is C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer.
Run the Visual Studio Installer bootstrapper. You might find the bootstrapper in your Downloads folder with a file name that follows a vs_[Visual Studio edition]__*.exe pattern. If you don't find that application, you can download the bootstrapper by going to the Visual Studio downloads page and clicking Download for your edition of Visual Studio. Then, run the executable to reset your installation metadata.
Try to install or update Visual Studio again. If the Installer continues to fail, go to the next step.
You have to download the installer again for the offline installation eg.vs_enterprise.exe then run vs_enterprise.exe --layout "folder where you have the offline installation". The new installer needs to download a different new configuration file vs_installer.version.json

Can I use Visual Studio Community 2015 for development with TypeScript?

I would like to work on a project in TypeScript using Visual Studio. I'm working on the project for personal reasons, so I am planning on using the free Visual Studio Community flavor. However, as I went through the installation options, there weren't any options to install TypeScript support.
Here is the list of language support options that I saw as I went through the installation:
VS is a >10GB install, so I would like to make sure I can use it for my projects before I finish installing it.
If I install Visual Studio Community 2015, will I be able to work on TypeScript projects? If so, are there any specific options I need to be sure to select during installation or any post-installation steps I need to follow?
Yes, TypeScript is supported in Community. It is not displayed in that list of components because it is included by default. You do not need to install third party extensions for it to work with VS 2015.
You can but you have to install a 3rd party extension for it https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/3e5ba71c-abea-4d00-b81b-a62de3ad3d53
This is still in beta so not sure how functional it will be.
On a clean install of community (after uninstalling a trial of 2015 Professional) I got the following when trying to go to the 'Typescript build' tab.
In additional nothing was highlighting in any TS files.
An error occurred trying to load the page. d4683cae-88c4-4b85-863d-ac8014f3ba36
So I just closed Visual Studio, went to the Typescript install page and installed the latest version. That fixed everything. The typescript install for VS2015 on this page includes any extensions needed.
For future updates open the Extensions and Updates control panel and look for Typescript for Microsoft Visual Studio.

Azure project templates not visible in visual studio

I'm trying to the install the latest version of the Windows Azure SDK on Windows 7 using the Web Platform Installer. The installation succeeds but I'm not able to see Windows Azure project templates in Visual Studio 2010. Any ideas are appreciated.
In a vanilla install of Visual Studio 2010 (SP1) they should be there automatically in the folder "Cloud". There you can download the Azure Tools to actually use them.
see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/ff687127.aspx
I would like to know whether you can see the “Cloud” folder on the left side of the new project dialog. If not, please try to run the following command:
Devenv /resetsettings
When you first run Visual Studio, a dialog may be prompted for you to choose a setting. Please make sure to choose general developer settings. If you choose other settings, certain project templates may be hidden.
Best Regards,
Ming Xu.
Please check if you have the following folder on your machine:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\ProjectTemplates\CSharp\Cloud
You can use “Program Files” instead of “Program Files (x86)” if you’re on a 32 bit machine. If Windows Azure is installed, you can see project templates under this folder.
Best Regards,
Ming Xu.
Try installing Windows Azure SDK manually by downloading individual msi's from here (depending on your machine arch) http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=28045
and see if you are running into an error for any one of them.
(WindowsAzureTools.VS100.exe should install the project templates)
Hope this helps.
Finally got it working.
Uninstalled Visual Studio 2010 Express
Repaired and did a complete install of Visual Studio 2010
Installed the Azure tools and SDK manually
Not sure why it worked but it did. Thanks for all the answers!
Also see http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/windowsazuredevelopment/thread/aa8cdf32-fca0-4a81-bf47-659345696047
Are you using a version of Visual Studio where you can create Web projects and things like that? Maybe it is a problem with the version. Can you create MVC projects?

gitscc installing offline

I'm using GitSCC with VS 2100 and it works really nice. Although I prefer offline installations that didn't bother me until now. Now I have to install it on the computer which cannot have a network connection (I mean it can have, but it doesn't) so I need the part which is installed from within VS 2010 (GitScc plugin) in the form of offline installer.
Anyone knows where it can be found?
Google it! First link that I found Visual Studio 2010 version is only available with extension manager.
Visual Studio 2008 is still available as an offline install.
You can download the VSIX from the gallery site, then double-click the file to install it.
