Azure project templates not visible in visual studio - visual-studio-2010

I'm trying to the install the latest version of the Windows Azure SDK on Windows 7 using the Web Platform Installer. The installation succeeds but I'm not able to see Windows Azure project templates in Visual Studio 2010. Any ideas are appreciated.

In a vanilla install of Visual Studio 2010 (SP1) they should be there automatically in the folder "Cloud". There you can download the Azure Tools to actually use them.

I would like to know whether you can see the “Cloud” folder on the left side of the new project dialog. If not, please try to run the following command:
Devenv /resetsettings
When you first run Visual Studio, a dialog may be prompted for you to choose a setting. Please make sure to choose general developer settings. If you choose other settings, certain project templates may be hidden.
Best Regards,
Ming Xu.

Please check if you have the following folder on your machine:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\ProjectTemplates\CSharp\Cloud
You can use “Program Files” instead of “Program Files (x86)” if you’re on a 32 bit machine. If Windows Azure is installed, you can see project templates under this folder.
Best Regards,
Ming Xu.

Try installing Windows Azure SDK manually by downloading individual msi's from here (depending on your machine arch)
and see if you are running into an error for any one of them.
(WindowsAzureTools.VS100.exe should install the project templates)
Hope this helps.

Finally got it working.
Uninstalled Visual Studio 2010 Express
Repaired and did a complete install of Visual Studio 2010
Installed the Azure tools and SDK manually
Not sure why it worked but it did. Thanks for all the answers!
Also see

Are you using a version of Visual Studio where you can create Web projects and things like that? Maybe it is a problem with the version. Can you create MVC projects?


Tutorials on Microsoft Visual Studio 2019

I downloaded Visual Studio installer from Microsoft site and I have use the downloadball, then install feature to installed the ASP.NET features.
My question is that, where did the setup files stores to? I just want to know if possible I format my PC in order to install it without re downloading the files again.
It depends what you choose during the installation.
Usually, the packages are put in drive_letter:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages.
That is true, only if you check during the installation 'Keep download cache', see the image below.
See more on Use command-line parameters to install Visual Studio
and Select the installation locations in Visual Studio

Unity Could not find any supported Visual Studio installations

Problem picture
Windows10 Professional Visual Studio 2017 Unity 2017.4.12f1
I changed the default installation path of Visual Studio 2017 and installed it successfully.
The install path as follows:
However, in the Build setting of Unity, it still can't find my Visual Studio 2017.
How can I solve the problem? Thanks~
Go to Edit > Preferences, and select your Visual Studio to be the preferred external editor. Use Browse if Visual Studio is not listed. More info here.
You need to install windows 10 SDK
Here's a third answer. I just bumped in to this, and checked that yes VS was the preferred editor, so I went to open up VS to try uninstalling and reinstalling the GameDevWithUnity workflow, but VS popped up a dialog saying I needed to reboot my computer before installation could complete. So it seems like VS was stuck in the middle of an upgrade, which makes it reasonable that Unity couldn't find an appropriate version. I rebooted and everyone is happy.

The error "This project is incompatible with the current version of visual studio" displayed

I installed Vs 2010 Express in my PC, and created a poject named myproject with .net 4.0, it works well in Vs 2010 Express.
Now I installed Vs 2012 Express in my PC, and open the project myproject and upgrade it to .net 4.5, it wells well in Vs 2012 Express too.
I delete the project myproject all files, then restore it from my old backup file, when I try to open the project from Vs 2010 Express, I get the following information.
"This project is incompatible with the current version of visual studio", why?
How can I open the project in Vs 2010 Express? I guess the Vs 2012 Express maybe mark the project as .net 4.5 and stored the information in the somewhere of hard drive. Although I restore the project myproject from old backup file, Vs 2010 Express still think it is a project of .net 4.5.
If the message "This project is incompatible with the current version of Visual Studio" is due to an attempt to open a project targeting .Net 4.5 with Visual Studio 2010, then the "solution" or workaround is to edit the .csproj file and change the TargetFrameworkVersion from "v4.5" to "v4.0". That at least allows the project to be loaded, although it may result in compiler errors if the program is dependent on 4.5 features.
I know this is a little old, but just in case the above solutions don't work: don't be an idiot like me and try to open an MVC project using "VS for Desktop" instead of "VS for Web" (or vice-versa), since it will give you the incompatible message.
I use TFS at my job and I tried to open a MVC project via the TFS Solution Explorer. I wasn't paying attention to which Visual Studio version I had open and since both IDE's look alike, I was confused at what was going on - a common mistake, I'm sure =P
If you are getting the same error for a project which is actually an extension (.vsix), please install Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 SDK
Installing KB2781514 - Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 solved the problem for me.
Check the directory that contains the solution file for an UpgradeLog.htm file. It will probably show what's wrong. In my case I tried to open an ASP.NET project, but the Web Developer Tools were not installed.
The Web Developer Tools can be installed afterwards by going to the Control Panel and to modify your existing Visual Studio installation. After adding Web Developer Tools the project opened without issues.
In my case the problem was the Component Model Cache (Visual Studio for C++).
in VS2013 it is located in
in VS2015 in
Rename this folder and restart visual studio.
I received this error because during the BizTalk install I did not check the Developer Tools and SDK checkbox. I went back and modified my installation and that error went away for me now.
Trying to load a BizTalk Project in VS2012 without BizTalk installed on your developer machine, will result in this error and the projects will load. This should be the first thing you check.
Make sure that all your extensions are same as in previous version. For me, when I upgraded from old PC to New PC, I didn't downloaded correct extensions hence resulting in above issue.
I faced out with this problem, the solution was:
Open VS2017
Go to Tools
Go to Extensions and updates
Search for Reporting Services Project and then "Enable"; close your VS.
Open again your project/solution.

Visual Studio 2005: Project file can not be opened

I have a big solution file and few projects can not be loaded. I do have all the files in the proper directories. But when I right click and try to load the project, I get the following error:
The project file "C:\myapp.proj" can not be opened. The project type is not supported by this installation.
By the way, these projects are related to Windows Workflow.
Please help.
I am using Visual Studio 2005 on Win7 machine.
It might be a modeling project, test project, silverlight/wpf project etc. It's definetely something that's not supported by your version of Visual Studio, you should use a newer version or a different one (i.e. professional instead of express).
Update: I did not see that it was Windows Workflow Foundation. Check out this link, it's a toolkit for using Workflows in VS2005.

gitscc installing offline

I'm using GitSCC with VS 2100 and it works really nice. Although I prefer offline installations that didn't bother me until now. Now I have to install it on the computer which cannot have a network connection (I mean it can have, but it doesn't) so I need the part which is installed from within VS 2010 (GitScc plugin) in the form of offline installer.
Anyone knows where it can be found?
Google it! First link that I found Visual Studio 2010 version is only available with extension manager.
Visual Studio 2008 is still available as an offline install.
You can download the VSIX from the gallery site, then double-click the file to install it.
